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Digest #3580
SEMINAR TERBUKA Dep Fisika UI: Prof. Sven Tougaard, Selasa 8 April 2 by "Muhammad Aziz Majidi" aziz_majidi
Wed Apr 2, 2014 9:05 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Muhammad Aziz Majidi" aziz_majidi
Departemen Fisika UI mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri kolokium dengan
pembicara *Prof. Dr. Sven Tougaard*, professor at University of Southern
Tempat: Ruang Seminar Utama Departemen Fisika FMIPA UI, Depok
Waktu: Selasa, 8 April 2014, jam 13.00-15.00 WIB
Talk Title: *Characterization of nano-structures by XPS*
* (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy)*
Sort Biography of Prof. Sven Tougaard
Dr. Sven Tougaard got the MS (1975) at the Technical University in Denmark,
and the PhD (1978) and dr. scient (1987) degrees in theoretical and
experimental surface physics at Odense University in Denmark. He was post.
doc. in USA and Germany (1978-84) and professor at University of Southern
Denmark since 1984. He founded the software company QUASES-Tougaard Inc.
(1994) which develops and sells software for characterization of the
composition and electronic properties of surface nanostructures by X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and reflection electron energy loss
spectroscopy (REELS). Prof. Tougaard got the Fyns Stitstidendes Research
Prize in 1987, the Rivière Prize awarded by the UK Surface Analysis Forum
in 2007, "for work which has been judged outstanding in its continuing and
lasting contribution to surface analysis", and the Albert Nerken Award by
the American Vacuum Society in 2012 "for contributions to the development
of improved methods to characterize thin-film nanostructures by X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy". His current research focuses on experimental
and theoretical studies of phenomena induced by the electron-solid
interaction at surfaces and in nano-structures and development of theory
for practical experimental methods to determine the chemical composition
and electronic properties of nano-structures by electron spectroscopy. He
has conducted and participated in several EU supported international
projects on these subjects, published more than 200 scientific papers which
are cited more than 5000 times with an H-index = 35 and presented more than
50 invited talks at international conferences and workshops. He has a
long-standing active scientific collaboration with several research
institutes in Europe, USA, Korea and Japan. He is on the Steering Committee
for ECASIA (European Conf. for Surface and Interface Analysis) (since 2002)
and has served on the program committees and advisory boards for more than
20 international conferences and workshops. He serves on the editorial
board for the journals: J. Electron Spectroscopy, Surface and Interface
Anal., J. of Surface Analysis, and Surface Science Spectra.
*M. Aziz Majidi, Ph.D.*
Theoretical/Computational Condensed Matter Physics Group
Department of Physics
FMIPA University of Indonesia
Depok 16424, INDONESIA
Phone: (021) 7872610 (main office), (021) 36747571 (mobile)
Fax: (021) 7863441
Email: aziz.majidi@sci.ui.ac.id, aziz.majidi@gmail.com
Departemen Fisika UI mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri kolokium dengan
pembicara *Prof. Dr. Sven Tougaard*, professor at University of Southern
Tempat: Ruang Seminar Utama Departemen Fisika FMIPA UI, Depok
Waktu: Selasa, 8 April 2014, jam 13.00-15.00 WIB
Talk Title: *Characterization of nano-structures by XPS*
* (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy)*
Sort Biography of Prof. Sven Tougaard
Dr. Sven Tougaard got the MS (1975) at the Technical University in Denmark,
and the PhD (1978) and dr. scient (1987) degrees in theoretical and
experimental surface physics at Odense University in Denmark. He was post.
doc. in USA and Germany (1978-84) and professor at University of Southern
Denmark since 1984. He founded the software company QUASES-Tougaard Inc.
(1994) which develops and sells software for characterization of the
composition and electronic properties of surface nanostructures by X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and reflection electron energy loss
spectroscopy (REELS). Prof. Tougaard got the Fyns Stitstidendes Research
Prize in 1987, the Rivière Prize awarded by the UK Surface Analysis Forum
in 2007, "for work which has been judged outstanding in its continuing and
lasting contribution to surface analysis", and the Albert Nerken Award by
the American Vacuum Society in 2012 "for contributions to the development
of improved methods to characterize thin-film nanostructures by X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy". His current research focuses on experimental
and theoretical studies of phenomena induced by the electron-solid
interaction at surfaces and in nano-structures and development of theory
for practical experimental methods to determine the chemical composition
and electronic properties of nano-structures by electron spectroscopy. He
has conducted and participated in several EU supported international
projects on these subjects, published more than 200 scientific papers which
are cited more than 5000 times with an H-index = 35 and presented more than
50 invited talks at international conferences and workshops. He has a
long-standing active scientific collaboration with several research
institutes in Europe, USA, Korea and Japan. He is on the Steering Committee
for ECASIA (European Conf. for Surface and Interface Analysis) (since 2002)
and has served on the program committees and advisory boards for more than
20 international conferences and workshops. He serves on the editorial
board for the journals: J. Electron Spectroscopy, Surface and Interface
Anal., J. of Surface Analysis, and Surface Science Spectra.
*M. Aziz Majidi, Ph.D.*
Theoretical/Computational Condensed Matter Physics Group
Department of Physics
FMIPA University of Indonesia
Depok 16424, INDONESIA
Phone: (021) 7872610 (main office), (021) 36747571 (mobile)
Fax: (021) 7863441
Email: aziz.majidi@sci.ui.ac.id, aziz.majidi@gmail.com
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