2 New Messages
Digest #17963
Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:13 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Hary Jay"
Coba antenna-nya diganti dengan yang lebih besar, misalnya 8dbi
(TP-Link TL-ANT2408C). Kalo mau nambah akses point, kasih aja yang
radio-nya punya power lebih besar, misal TP-Link TL-WA5110G.
Kalau mau kasih antenna omni outdoor yang 12dbi akan lebih bagus lagi.
Mudah2an membantu.
On 10/29/12, Rahmadi, Edi <Edi.Rahmadi@avrist.com > wrote:
> Dear All,
> Ane punya problem nih, koneksi Internet pake speedy. Modemnya pake TP LINK
> TL-W8951ND 150M, external wireless, modem router. untuk digunakan dirumah 2
> lantai.
> Nah itu koneksi kurang banget di lantai 2, cuma dapat 1 bar.
> Trus ane coba pake access point TP LINK TL-WA901ND digunakan sebagai
> repeater dan diletakkan dilantai 2, tapi tetap problem not solve kadang2 dpt
> 2 bar.
> Dirumah itu keterbatasannya ga bisa pake kabel RJ45, jadi cuma ngandelin
> sinyal.
> Nah mohon pencerahannya mengenai problem ane dong,
> - apakah modem dari speedy tersebut bisa diganti, kalo diganti apa
> ada setting2nya ?
> - gimana caranya access point - as repeater, agar sinyalnya bisa
> diterima dengan baik di lantai 2 tersebut.
> - Apakah jika menggunakan range extender sinyal akan lebih baik ?
> atau sama sajakah dengan repeater ?
> Atas bantuan dan pencerahannya, ane ucapin terima kasih.
> Regards,
> Eddiezzy
> ________________________________
> The information in this e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential. If you
> are not the intended recipient, you must not use or disseminate the
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> responsibility is accepted by Avrist Assurance, for any loss or damage
> arising in any way from its use.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
(TP-Link TL-ANT2408C)
radio-nya punya power lebih besar, misal TP-Link TL-WA5110G.
Kalau mau kasih antenna omni outdoor yang 12dbi akan lebih bagus lagi.
Mudah2an membantu.
On 10/29/12, Rahmadi, Edi <Edi.Rahmadi@
> Dear All,
> Ane punya problem nih, koneksi Internet pake speedy. Modemnya pake TP LINK
> TL-W8951ND 150M, external wireless, modem router. untuk digunakan dirumah 2
> lantai.
> Nah itu koneksi kurang banget di lantai 2, cuma dapat 1 bar.
> Trus ane coba pake access point TP LINK TL-WA901ND digunakan sebagai
> repeater dan diletakkan dilantai 2, tapi tetap problem not solve kadang2 dpt
> 2 bar.
> Dirumah itu keterbatasannya ga bisa pake kabel RJ45, jadi cuma ngandelin
> sinyal.
> Nah mohon pencerahannya mengenai problem ane dong,
> - apakah modem dari speedy tersebut bisa diganti, kalo diganti apa
> ada setting2nya ?
> - gimana caranya access point - as repeater, agar sinyalnya bisa
> diterima dengan baik di lantai 2 tersebut.
> - Apakah jika menggunakan range extender sinyal akan lebih baik ?
> atau sama sajakah dengan repeater ?
> Atas bantuan dan pencerahannya, ane ucapin terima kasih.
> Regards,
> Eddiezzy
> ____________
> The information in this e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential. If you
> are not the intended recipient, you must not use or disseminate the
> information. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately
> send notification by replying this e-mail and permanently delete the
> original and any copies or printouts thereof. Although this e-mail and any
> attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might
> affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the
> responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no
> responsibility is accepted by Avrist Assurance, for any loss or damage
> arising in any way from its use.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:19 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Hary Jay"
Tidak bisa. Kalau laptopnya ada slot expresscard, tinggal beli saja
Expresscard USB 3.0
Mudah-mudahan membantu.
On 10/28/12, prince ryan <princeryan482@gmail.com > wrote:
> Apakah port USB 2.0 pada laptop dapat diganti degan port USB 3.0?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Expresscard USB 3.0
Mudah-mudahan membantu.
On 10/28/12, prince ryan <princeryan482@
> Apakah port USB 2.0 pada laptop dapat diganti degan port USB 3.0?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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