Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

[FISIKA] Digest Number 3407

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

Re: tanya From: Asis Pattisahusiwa
Fwd: [symmetry New Issue] June 2012 From: Asis Pattisahusiwa



Re: tanya

Posted by: "Asis Pattisahusiwa" asisphysic04@gmail.com   aziz_physic04

Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:37 am (PDT)

belakangan ini memang milis lagi sepi, so, diramein saja.

2012/6/4 Imanda Fachruddin <imandafachruddin@yahoo.com>

> **
> saya juga, mungkin lagi pada bekerja
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Azmi <c1gnusx1@yahoo.co.id>
> *To:* fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups.com
> *Sent:* Monday, June 4, 2012 11:08 AM
> *Subject:* [FISIKA] tanya
> **
> kok saya gak dikasi lagi pertanyaan2 dan topik baru, lagi sepi atau saya
> yang gak registrasi ulang yaaa

Asis Pattisahusiwa

Learn, Try, and be a Master

Fwd: [symmetry New Issue] June 2012

Posted by: "Asis Pattisahusiwa" asisphysic04@gmail.com   aziz_physic04

Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:38 am (PDT)

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From: <symmetryupdates@symmetrymagazine.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 5:07 AM
Subject: [symmetry New Issue] June 2012
To: asisphysic04@gmail.com
Cc: symmetryupdates@symmetrymagazine.org

June 2012
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*Through a muon's eyes*<http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/cms/?pid=1000961&email>
The muon—the short-lived cousin of the electron—could be the key to
understanding relationships between other fundamental particles. And it
holds a mystery all its own. [image: spacer] [image: spacer] *Letter*
*A muon responds* <http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/cms/?pid=1000967&email>
A muon objects to being compared to a Twinkie in *symmetry*'s May
edition. [image:
spacer] [image:
spacer] *Gallery*
*Theater amongst
Beneath 1400 meters of rock, amongst huge detectors of neutrinos and dark
matter, Italian actor Marco Paolini presents his latest theatrical
work. [image:
spacer] [image:
spacer] *Accelerator App*
*Accelerator beams for early cancer
Using the ALICE accelerator, scientists are developing a promising new tool
for detecting pre-cancerous tissue years earlier than conventional
tests. [image:
spacer] [image:
spacer] *Signal to background*
*Shmoos of the Tevatron*<http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/cms/?pid=1000966&email>
Previously undiscovered particles like the top quark weren't the only new
characters to appear at the Tevatron. Have you met the Shmoos? [image:
spacer] [image:
spacer] *Explain it in 60 seconds*
*Standard candle* <http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/cms/?pid=1000965&email>
Your birthday cake isn't the only thing studded with lights. Bright lights
in space tell us about dark energy, the size of the universe, and more.
[image: spacer]*From our blog: symmetry breaking* [image: spacer] [image:
spacer]*Trending on the Web* [image: spacer] May 31, 2012
*Sanford Lab's Davis Campus
May 30 marked the official opening of the Davis Campus of the Sanford
Underground Research Facility, 4850 feet down in the former Homestake gold
mine in Lead, South Dakota. It was a trip back in time—and then abruptly
forward again. [image: spacer] May 24, 2012
*On the hunt for hidden subatomic
The Department of Energy's Office of Science named Fermilab physicist
Brendan Casey a recipient of the 2012 DOE Early Career Research Award. It
will support his research on the detector technology for the Muon g-2
experiment, which will search for hidden subatomic forces. [image:
spacer] May
17, 2012
*Scientists celebrate completion of underground physics
The latest round of construction at SNOLAB, a large particle physics
laboratory located deep within the Vale Creighton Mine in Canada, is
complete. One of only a handful of underground particle physics
laboratories in the world, SNOLAB is the only one that serves as a giant
cleanroom. [image: spacer] May 9, 2012
*New accelerator to study steps on the path to
Berkeley Lab scientists and engineers have completed a machine tailor-made
to examine "heavy-ion" fusion. The eventual goal of this approach to fusion
power is to produce electric power with particle accelerators through the
careful heating and compressing of a pellet of fuel. [image: spacer] May
7, 2012
*Fermilab scientists revise plans for construction of new accelerator
The team planning the "Project X" accelerator project that will power
Fermilab's future experiments has found ways to construct the project in
three stages to lessen the initial costs. [image: spacer] *R&D Mag*,
May 31, 2012
*Quantum computers will simulate particle
Quantum computers are still years away, but theorists already plan to use
them to study the inner workings of the universe in ways that are far
beyond current reach.
[image: spacer] *io9*, May 26, 2012
*What if Leonardo da Vinci designed the Large Hadron
Sergio Cittolin's Leonardo-da-Vinci-style illustrations of the Large Hadron
Collider hang in CERN's hallways.
[image: spacer] *Slate*, May 18, 2012
*Forget about the mythical lone inventor in the
Eric Isaacs argues that real innovations happen in big, well-funded labs.
[image: spacer] *Nature News*, May 16, 2012
*Messages from the early
As their beams of intense light shine through surrounding gas, gamma-ray
bursts pick up clues to cosmic history.
[image: spacer] *Energy.gov*, May 14, 2012
*Lab breakthroughs:
Particle accelerators are revealing insight into energy, manufacturing,
defense, nuclear power, the first microseconds of the universe and more.
[image: spacer] *Gizmodo*, May 9, 2012
*We may absorb 60 dark matter particles an
A new study suggests that weakly interacting massive particles might strike
our bodies once every minute.
[image: spacer] *Nature*, May 4, 2012
*LHC prepares for data
"Pile-up" may be one of the greatest challenges for scientists at the Large
Hadron Collider this year.
<http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/pdfs/201206/june_2012.pdf> Download
the full PDF <http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/pdfs/201206/june_2012.pdf>
© 2012 symmetry. A joint Fermilab/SLAC publication. PO Box 500 MS206,
Batavia, IL, 60510, USA
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Asis Pattisahusiwa

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