Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

[sekolah-kehidupan] Digest Number 3172

Messages In This Digest (17 Messages)



Re: Database Member Milis SK

Posted by: "Pelangi Kehidupan" rah_ma18@yahoo.co.id   rah_ma18

Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:00 am (PDT)

Salam sahabat :)
Heee..... maap, semoga tak terlamabat, mbak Mimin dan kawan2 Rahma dah isi biodatanya (itu beneran ada departemen jodoh??? wekekek... :D ngarep.com)

Oke dah sukses selalu.... :)

--- In sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com, Mimin <minehaway@...> wrote:
> Dearest ESKA'ers,
> Mohon kerjasamanya untuk mengisi data diri anda selengkap-lengkapnya.
> Data yang sudah masuk dijamin kerahasiaanya. Jadi jangan khawatir data anda
> akan terpublish. Karena sifatnya *private only*.
> Kelak dari data yang masuk akan jadi bahan pertimbangan untuk membuka cabang
> SK baru.
> Baik cabang dalam maupun luar negeri. Sehingga jaringan SK semakin besar.
> Berikut link form database nya http://bit.ly/cGaomq
> Terimakasih atas kerjasamanya.
> PS. April, Fauziah bantu woro-woro ya..bisa seminggu atau sebulan sekali.
> Salam,
> Departemen SDM
> --
> http://minehaway.com
> http://minesweet.blogspot.com


Re: Database Member Milis SK

Posted by: "Mimin" minehaway@gmail.com   mine_haway

Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:02 pm (PDT)

2010/8/26 Pelangi Kehidupan <rah_ma18@yahoo.co.id>

> Salam sahabat :)
> Heee..... maap, semoga tak terlamabat, mbak Mimin dan kawan2 Rahma dah isi
> biodatanya (itu beneran ada departemen jodoh??? wekekek... :D ngarep.com)
> Oke dah sukses selalu.... :)
Iya, ditunggu aja departemen jodoh launching hehe...
Nanti kita saingan sama take him out :D

Re: Database Member Milis SK

Posted by: "evawani suryani" eva_wani@yahoo.com   eva_wani

Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:26 pm (PDT)

maaf d terima, xixii gpp kok saya juga jarang buka email, ni alamatku:
Eva / Bunda Azka
Jl mede NO 47 A

On Wed Aug 25th, 2010 1:08 PM EDT Sugeanti Madyoningrum wrote:

>Mbak Eva,
>maap untuk kaosnya. bukan maksud ngegantung tapi saya kesulitan menghubungi
>untung... muncul :)
>mohon maap sekali. sungguh mohon maap sebesar-besarnya.
>kaosnya masih saya pegang ini.
>bis aminta tolong japri alamat mbak? insyaAllah besok pagi saya kirim
>2010/8/25 evawani suryani <eva_wani@yahoo.com>
>> aku dah isi lengkap database-nya, tapi kaya'nya ga berharap dapet mug,
>> pesenan kaos milad sk aja ga ada kabarnya , he..he..he..:D
>> Pada Sen, 23 Agt 2010 01:17 EDT Mimin menulis:
>> >Dearest ESKA'ers,
>> >
>> >
>> >Mohon kerjasamanya untuk mengisi data diri anda selengkap-lengkapnya.
>> >Data yang sudah masuk dijamin kerahasiaanya. Jadi jangan khawatir data
>> anda
>> >akan terpublish. Karena sifatnya *private only*.
>> >
>> >Kelak dari data yang masuk akan jadi bahan pertimbangan untuk membuka
>> cabang
>> >SK baru.
>> >Baik cabang dalam maupun luar negeri. Sehingga jaringan SK semakin besar.
>> >
>> >Berikut link form database nya http://bit.ly/cGaomq
>> >
>> >Terimakasih atas kerjasamanya.
>> >
>> >
>> >PS. April, Fauziah bantu woro-woro ya..bisa seminggu atau sebulan sekali.
>> >
>> >
>> >Salam,
>> >Departemen SDM
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >http://minehaway.com
>> >http://minesweet.blogspot.com
>Ugik Madyo


Happines Begins In The Haert

Posted by: "Juwita Guan" kosong_jw@yahoo.com   kosong_jw

Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:51 am (PDT)

Teman-teman meskipun kita jarang bertemu, semoga sharing dari aku membawa

kehangatan di hati kita semua. Meskipun kita secara fisik jauh tapi kita

tidak akan jauh kalau kita saling sharing.

Ini sharing aku dapatkan dari buku Happiness begins in the heart

Oleh Sathira-Dhammasthan

In a beutiful garden, the gentle sunshine is playing with the bliss of the

wind, ligting the flower to receive the sun. A girl, sitting in

gorgeous and green garden, feels something going on in her haert.

"Huh! I feel lonely. I feel really lonely. Is there anyone in this word who is as lonely as i am ?"

"Sweet girl, don't be lonely."

"Who is that ?"

"Please step out of the loneliness in your haert, sweet girl."

"What is this feeling of loneliness in my haert?"

"Loneliness happens whenever you forget the happiness in your


"Happiness! How can I be happy?"

"You just need to learn to share your love and help others to be happy. Then, the happiness will happen in your own haert."

"Let me tell you a story."

"I am soaking wet."

In the big city that never sleep where people everywhere walk fast and

don't care about each other, there is a girl standing alone. She is wet

from the rain. A kind-looking man hands her his umbrella to cover body.

"Can you think about how the man is different from everyone else?"

"Yes he was generous, sharing his umbrella with the girl."

"Thank you,"

"That is righ. Now who do you think is happier?"

"The girl, of course beacuse she doesn't have to get wet the rain anymore."

"That is righ, sweety. However the happiness doesn't always necessary happen

with the receiver. A person who gives and who help others to be happy

will receive a more sustainable


"Oh...do you mean to be a giver and share happiness, brings happiness to our haert?"

"That's clever, sweety."

"How do I mean then share my happiness with others?"

"It is easy, sweety. You first begin the ones around you."

"For example, the grandmother and her grandson."

"Taking care of his grandmother means the grandson will be happy."

"The grandmother is also happy because she is seeing her grandson happy, isn't she?"

"Yes, sweety. A little happiness from giving will make us forget about our own selfishness."

Craving and competition to find happiness creates "war" which brings lots of

loss and lots of suffering. The victims of suffering are women and

children. Therefore, we should not make anybody suffer by our action

since there is no one in the word hating.

When there is no one worth hating, there will be no war since there will be no winner in the

war. If you love to create happiness in your haert, then the flowers will bloom. If

everyone love to give, no matter who anyone is, happiness can occur in

everyone's haert.

"Just sharing and giving happiness to each other."

"For example, when we give a loving touch and our happy energy to the person in front us, then they will feel happy too."

When we have reveiver in front of us, it allows us to give. So, we should't

ask them to be grateful but instead we should feel thanksful for them

giving the opportuniy to be valuable and to feel happy."

"Thank you."

"Terima kasih."



"Xie Xie"

I feel little happiness of my haert... of my haert... of my haert..I feel

little happiness of my haert..of my haert..of my haert. When happiness

blossom in everyone's haert, the energy of giving can change this word

to be peaceful and beautiful.

"The happiness that is given to someone is the art of healing

this word so it can become more beutiful."

"I now understand."

"From now on, i will cherish the happiness in my haert so that I can share itu with others."

Facebook Juwita Guan



Re: Happines Begins In The Haert

Posted by: "Alifah" clickalifah@yahoo.co.id   clickalifah

Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:38 am (PDT)

Salam kenal Mbak Wita, terimakasih banyak krn tulisannya inspiring sekali. Saya mau tidur jd sedikit bikin rencana utk weekend bsk spy lbh positif. Biasanya kalo mau tidurnya happy, bangun tidur jg sumringah. Hehe. Sering2 ya sharing tulisan inspiratif seperti ini.

Ngomong-ngomong, kapan biasanya SK mengadakan acara kumpul2 gitu ya SK-ers? Entah gathering maupun sosial jika diperlukan "tenaga bantuan" (dan memungkinkan) saya insyaAllah siap :)

Salam hangat dari penghuni baru,


-----Original Message-----
From: Juwita Guan <kosong_jw@yahoo.com>
Sender: sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 00:38:20
To: penuliskehidupan<sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [sekolah-kehidupan] Happines Begins In The Haert

Teman-teman meskipun kita jarang bertemu, semoga sharing dari aku membawa

kehangatan di hati kita semua. Meskipun kita secara fisik jauh tapi kita

tidak akan jauh kalau kita saling sharing.

Ini sharing aku dapatkan dari buku Happiness begins in the heart

Oleh Sathira-Dhammasthan

In a beutiful garden, the gentle sunshine is playing with the bliss of the

wind, ligting the flower to receive the sun. A girl, sitting in

gorgeous and green garden, feels something going on in her haert.

"Huh! I feel lonely. I feel really lonely. Is there anyone in this word who is as lonely as i am ?"

"Sweet girl, don't be lonely."

"Who is that ?"

"Please step out of the loneliness in your haert, sweet girl."

"What is this feeling of loneliness in my haert?"

"Loneliness happens whenever you forget the happiness in your


"Happiness! How can I be happy?"

"You just need to learn to share your love and help others to be happy. Then, the happiness will happen in your own haert."

"Let me tell you a story."

"I am soaking wet."

In the big city that never sleep where people everywhere walk fast and

don't care about each other, there is a girl standing alone. She is wet

from the rain. A kind-looking man hands her his umbrella to cover body.

"Can you think about how the man is different from everyone else?"

"Yes he was generous, sharing his umbrella with the girl."

"Thank you,"

"That is righ. Now who do you think is happier?"

"The girl, of course beacuse she doesn't have to get wet the rain anymore."

"That is righ, sweety. However the happiness doesn't always necessary happen

with the receiver. A person who gives and who help others to be happy

will receive a more sustainable


"Oh...do you mean to be a giver and share happiness, brings happiness to our haert?"

"That's clever, sweety."

"How do I mean then share my happiness with others?"

"It is easy, sweety. You first begin the ones around you."

"For example, the grandmother and her grandson."

"Taking care of his grandmother means the grandson will be happy."

"The grandmother is also happy because she is seeing her grandson happy, isn't she?"

"Yes, sweety. A little happiness from giving will make us forget about our own selfishness."

Craving and competition to find happiness creates "war" which brings lots of

loss and lots of suffering. The victims of suffering are women and

children. Therefore, we should not make anybody suffer by our action

since there is no one in the word hating.

When there is no one worth hating, there will be no war since there will be no winner in the

war. If you love to create happiness in your haert, then the flowers will bloom. If

everyone love to give, no matter who anyone is, happiness can occur in

everyone's haert.

"Just sharing and giving happiness to each other."

"For example, when we give a loving touch and our happy energy to the person in front us, then they will feel happy too."

When we have reveiver in front of us, it allows us to give. So, we should't

ask them to be grateful but instead we should feel thanksful for them

giving the opportuniy to be valuable and to feel happy."

"Thank you."

"Terima kasih."



"Xie Xie"

I feel little happiness of my haert... of my haert... of my haert..I feel

little happiness of my haert..of my haert..of my haert. When happiness

blossom in everyone's haert, the energy of giving can change this word

to be peaceful and beautiful.

"The happiness that is given to someone is the art of healing

this word so it can become more beutiful."

"I now understand."

"From now on, i will cherish the happiness in my haert so that I can share itu with others."

Facebook Juwita Guan



Re: Happines Begins In The Haert

Posted by: "Nursalam AR" nursalam.ar@gmail.com

Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:12 pm (PDT)

Mbak Juwita, terima kasih telah berbagi tulisan inspirasional ini. Btw, tapi
agak terganggu nih dengan banyaknya typo (typographical error) alias salah
ketik yang berulang-ulang. "Heart"(hati) jadi "haert". Mungkin program
spelling checker-nya perlu dicek deh.

happy Friday!


Nursalam AR

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 11:38 PM, Juwita Guan <kosong_jw@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Teman-teman meskipun kita jarang bertemu, semoga sharing dari aku membawa
> kehangatan di hati kita semua. Meskipun kita secara fisik jauh tapi kita
> tidak akan jauh kalau kita saling sharing.
> Ini sharing aku dapatkan dari buku Happiness begins in the heart
> Oleh Sathira-Dhammasthan
> In a beutiful garden, the gentle sunshine is playing with the bliss of the
> wind, ligting the flower to receive the sun. A girl, sitting in
> gorgeous and green garden, feels something going on in her haert.
> "Huh! I feel lonely. I feel really lonely. Is there anyone in this word who
> is as lonely as i am ?"
> "Sweet girl, don't be lonely."
> "Who is that ?"
> "Please step out of the loneliness in your haert, sweet girl."
> "What is this feeling of loneliness in my haert?"
> "Loneliness happens whenever you forget the happiness in your
> haert."
> "Happiness! How can I be happy?"
> "You just need to learn to share your love and help others to be happy.
> Then, the happiness will happen in your own haert."
> "Let me tell you a story."
> "I am soaking wet."
> In the big city that never sleep where people everywhere walk fast and
> don't care about each other, there is a girl standing alone. She is wet
> from the rain. A kind-looking man hands her his umbrella to cover body.
> "Can you think about how the man is different from everyone else?"
> "Yes he was generous, sharing his umbrella with the girl."
> "Thank you,"
> "That is righ. Now who do you think is happier?"
> "The girl, of course beacuse she doesn't have to get wet the rain anymore."
> "That is righ, sweety. However the happiness doesn't always necessary
> happen
> with the receiver. A person who gives and who help others to be happy
> will receive a more sustainable
> happiness."
> "Oh...do you mean to be a giver and share happiness, brings happiness to
> our haert?"
> "That's clever, sweety."
> "How do I mean then share my happiness with others?"
> "It is easy, sweety. You first begin the ones around you."
> "For example, the grandmother and her grandson."
> "Taking care of his grandmother means the grandson will be happy."
> "The grandmother is also happy because she is seeing her grandson happy,
> isn't she?"
> "Yes, sweety. A little happiness from giving will make us forget about our
> own selfishness."
> Craving and competition to find happiness creates "war" which brings lots
> of
> loss and lots of suffering. The victims of suffering are women and
> children. Therefore, we should not make anybody suffer by our action
> since there is no one in the word hating.
> When there is no one worth hating, there will be no war since there will be
> no winner in the
> war. If you love to create happiness in your haert, then the flowers will
> bloom. If
> everyone love to give, no matter who anyone is, happiness can occur in
> everyone's haert.
> "Just sharing and giving happiness to each other."
> "For example, when we give a loving touch and our happy energy to the
> person in front us, then they will feel happy too."
> When we have reveiver in front of us, it allows us to give. So, we should't
> ask them to be grateful but instead we should feel thanksful for them
> giving the opportuniy to be valuable and to feel happy."
> "Thank you."
> "Terima kasih."
> "Gracias."
> "Merci."
> "Xie Xie"
> I feel little happiness of my haert... of my haert... of my haert..I feel
> little happiness of my haert..of my haert..of my haert. When happiness
> blossom in everyone's haert, the energy of giving can change this word
> to be peaceful and beautiful.
> "The happiness that is given to someone is the art of healing
> this word so it can become more beutiful."
> "I now understand."
> "From now on, i will cherish the happiness in my haert so that I can share
> itu with others."
> Facebook Juwita Guan
> http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=100000213624701

- Nursalam AR -

Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar
HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
(Mark Twain)

Re: Happines Begins In The Haert

Posted by: "Nursalam AR" nursalam.ar@gmail.com

Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:16 pm (PDT)

Pucuk dicinta ulam pun tiba:).

Mbak Alifah, Insya Allah Departemen Sosial SK akan adakan program berbagi
kasih kepada orang-orang tidak beruntung di bulan Ramadhan ini di beberapa
kota,terutama di Surabaya. Jika berminat jadi relawan atau volunteer, daftar
aja ke Mbak Sugeanti Madyoningrum alias Mbak Ugik. Biasanya beliau juga
memantau sih (moderator gitu lho!):D.


Nursalam AR

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 12:30 AM, Alifah <clickalifah@yahoo.co.id> wrote:

> Salam kenal Mbak Wita, terimakasih banyak krn tulisannya inspiring sekali.
> Saya mau tidur jd sedikit bikin rencana utk weekend bsk spy lbh positif.
> Biasanya kalo mau tidurnya happy, bangun tidur jg sumringah. Hehe. Sering2
> ya sharing tulisan inspiratif seperti ini.
> Ngomong-ngomong, kapan biasanya SK mengadakan acara kumpul2 gitu ya SK-ers?
> Entah gathering maupun sosial jika diperlukan "tenaga bantuan" (dan
> memungkinkan) saya insyaAllah siap :)
> Salam hangat dari penghuni baru,
> Alif
> ------------------------------
> *From: * Juwita Guan <kosong_jw@yahoo.com>
> *Sender: * sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com
> *Date: *Fri, 27 Aug 2010 00:38:20 +0800 (SGT)
> *To: *penuliskehidupan<sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com>
> *ReplyTo: * sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject: *[sekolah-kehidupan] Happines Begins In The Haert
> Teman-teman meskipun kita jarang bertemu, semoga sharing dari aku membawa
> kehangatan di hati kita semua. Meskipun kita secara fisik jauh tapi kita
> tidak akan jauh kalau kita saling sharing.
> Ini sharing aku dapatkan dari buku Happiness begins in the heart
> Oleh Sathira-Dhammasthan
> In a beutiful garden, the gentle sunshine is playing with the bliss of the
> wind, ligting the flower to receive the sun. A girl, sitting in
> gorgeous and green garden, feels something going on in her haert.
> "Huh! I feel lonely. I feel really lonely. Is there anyone in this word who
> is as lonely as i am ?"
> "Sweet girl, don't be lonely."
> "Who is that ?"
> "Please step out of the loneliness in your haert, sweet girl."
> "What is this feeling of loneliness in my haert?"
> "Loneliness happens whenever you forget the happiness in your
> haert."
> "Happiness! How can I be happy?"
> "You just need to learn to share your love and help others to be happy.
> Then, the happiness will happen in your own haert."
> "Let me tell you a story."
> "I am soaking wet."
> In the big city that never sleep where people everywhere walk fast and
> don't care about each other, there is a girl standing alone. She is wet
> from the rain. A kind-looking man hands her his umbrella to cover body.
> "Can you think about how the man is different from everyone else?"
> "Yes he was generous, sharing his umbrella with the girl."
> "Thank you,"
> "That is righ. Now who do you think is happier?"
> "The girl, of course beacuse she doesn't have to get wet the rain anymore."
> "That is righ, sweety. However the happiness doesn't always necessary
> happen
> with the receiver. A person who gives and who help others to be happy
> will receive a more sustainable
> happiness."
> "Oh...do you mean to be a giver and share happiness, brings happiness to
> our haert?"
> "That's clever, sweety."
> "How do I mean then share my happiness with others?"
> "It is easy, sweety. You first begin the ones around you."
> "For example, the grandmother and her grandson."
> "Taking care of his grandmother means the grandson will be happy."
> "The grandmother is also happy because she is seeing her grandson happy,
> isn't she?"
> "Yes, sweety. A little happiness from giving will make us forget about our
> own selfishness."
> Craving and competition to find happiness creates "war" which brings lots
> of
> loss and lots of suffering. The victims of suffering are women and
> children. Therefore, we should not make anybody suffer by our action
> since there is no one in the word hating.
> When there is no one worth hating, there will be no war since there will be
> no winner in the
> war. If you love to create happiness in your haert, then the flowers will
> bloom. If
> everyone love to give, no matter who anyone is, happiness can occur in
> everyone's haert.
> "Just sharing and giving happiness to each other."
> "For example, when we give a loving touch and our happy energy to the
> person in front us, then they will feel happy too."
> When we have reveiver in front of us, it allows us to give. So, we should't
> ask them to be grateful but instead we should feel thanksful for them
> giving the opportuniy to be valuable and to feel happy."
> "Thank you."
> "Terima kasih."
> "Gracias."
> "Merci."
> "Xie Xie"
> I feel little happiness of my haert... of my haert... of my haert..I feel
> little happiness of my haert..of my haert..of my haert. When happiness
> blossom in everyone's haert, the energy of giving can change this word
> to be peaceful and beautiful.
> "The happiness that is given to someone is the art of healing
> this word so it can become more beutiful."
> "I now understand."
> "From now on, i will cherish the happiness in my haert so that I can share
> itu with others."
> Facebook Juwita Guan
> http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=100000213624701

- Nursalam AR -

Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar
HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
(Mark Twain)

Re: [catatan] Melarung Duka

Posted by: "Nursalam AR" nursalam.ar@gmail.com

Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:26 pm (PDT)

Betul,Bro, itu makanya SK lewat Departemen Sosial yang dikoordinasi Mbak
Ugik Madyo bikin acara berbagi kasih selama Ramadhan untuk memfasilitasi
bentuk nyata atas keprihatinan kita tersebut. Tinggal pilih peran aja, jadi
donatur atau relawan di lapangan? Cek aja postingan-postingan di milis ini.


Nursalam AR

2010/8/26 Eko Wahyoedi <eko.wahyoedi@yahoo.com>

> @Bang Nursalam
> Tulisan Abang jadi bahan muhasabah yang sangat bagus.
> Selain mengingatkan kita untuk senantiasa menjadi orang-orang yang ikhlas,
> juga melemparkan pesan tentang saudara-saudara kita yang akrab dengan banjir
> justru di tempat yang tak jauh dari pusat kekuasaan.
> Permasalahannya, sejauh mana kita berusaha untuk membuka. Khususnya membuka
> mata hati dalam mengusahakan keikhlasan dan perasaan sepenanggungan dengan
> saudara-saudara kita yang hidup dalam kesusahan.
> terima kasih atas pencerahannya, Bang.
> Salam,
> Eko Wahyudi
> --- On *Wed, 8/25/10, Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com>* wrote:
> From: Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com>
> Subject: [sekolah-kehidupan] [catatan] Melarung Duka
> To: "sekolah kehidupan" <sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com>,
> "wordsmartcenter" <wordsmartcenter@yahoogroups.com>, "penuliz Lepaz" <
> penulislepas@yahoogroups.com>
> Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 8:01 PM
> *Melarung Duka
> Oleh Nursalam AR*
> Saat berangkat kerja hari ini melewati tegalan pohon pisang di sisi Kali
> Ciliwung menuju halte bus terdekat tampak Kali Ciliwung meluap hingga dua
> tiga kali dari permukaan normalnya. Air kecoklatan dan berarus deras
> melimpah hingga hanya sejarak lima meter dari batas jalan beton swadaya
> warga -- tempatku melintas. Sebagian pohon pisang di sempadan kali rebah,
> daun panjangnya menjuntai dicium air. Di seberang kali, di dataran yang
> lebih rendah, rumah-rumah warga terendam air sebatas pinggang. Bukan
> pinggang balita, tapi setidaknya pinggang orang dewasa setinggi 175 cm.
> Entah dari mana luapan air ini datang. Kami, penduduk sekitar Kali
> Ciliwung, biasa menyebutnya "banjir kiriman" -- yang tertuju ke limpahan air
> dari Bogor, hulu Kali Ciliwung. Apapun nama dan sebabnya, aliran deras air
> ini selalu menuju dari selatan ke utara, menuju Pintu Air Manggarai, singgah
> di Pintu Air Gambir dekat Istana Merdeka dan berakhir di laut melalui muara
> Teluk Jakarta. Selalu demikian jika telah tiba waktunya, tanpa ragu,
> bertenaga dan yakin. Karena ia hanya tunduk pada hukum alam atau *
> sunnatullah* yang digariskan penciptanya bahwa ia harus berpindah dari
> tempat yang tinggi ke tempat yang lebih rendah, dari hulu ke muara.
> Barangkali tenaga atau energi yang besar dari kali atau sungai semacam
> inilah yang menginspirasi seorang Paulo Coelho dalam novel *The Alchemist*menuliskan perkataannya yang terkenal untuk melarung segala kesedihan yang
> telah kita tumpahkan pada sebuah kertas di sungai. Sungai akan membawa
> kertas duka itu jauh, *sampai jauh, akhirnya ke laut**. Sejauh itulah,
> diharapkan, duka akan lenyap dari diri kita.
> Andai saja semudah itu cara menghilangkan duka tentu jasa psikolog atau
> psikiater takkan laku. Karena seringkali kendati kertas duka telah kita
> larungkan namun kita masih erat menyimpan salinannya di dalam hati kita.
> Kita baca ulang dengan mengingat-ingatnya. Alangkah meletihkannya, Kawan!
> "Dirampok atau hati dilukai sesungguhnya takkan berarti apa-apa, kecuali
> jika kita terus-menerus mengingatnya," pesan Eyang Konfusius, sang filsuf
> asal Tiongkok.
> Ah, andai saja kita bisa ikhlas, tentu hidup ini akan lebih mudah. Seikhlas
> para penghuni bantaran Ciliwung saat buang hajat pagi di tepi kali tercinta.
> Ikhlas, tak merasa rugi atau terbebani dengan apa yang terlepas dan
> terlarung...
> *Sudirman, 26 Agustus 2010*
> **kutipan dari syair Bengawan Solo karya mendiang Gesang*
> --
> - Nursalam AR -
> Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com
> Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar
> HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391
> "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
> difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
> (Mark Twain)

- Nursalam AR -

Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar
HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
(Mark Twain)

Re: [catatan] Melarung Duka

Posted by: "Nursalam AR" nursalam.ar@gmail.com

Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:29 pm (PDT)

Padahal maksud ane hendak melucu sedikit, tapi jadinya mengharukan ya:).
Btw, yang jelas, tetap lebih gede dan panjang Kali Ciliwung,Bro,hehe...

Makasih ya komentarnya. Kapan nulis lagi nih di milis SK? Bintang SK 2009
gitu lho masak vakum nulis! Ini juga berlaku untuk Bintang SK 2008,hehe...


Nursalam AR
- pagi-pagi jadi provokator -

2010/8/26 bujang kumbang <bujangkumbang@yahoo.co.id>

> benar-benar curhatan yang mengharukan sekali....
> kali Ciliwung hampir sama dengan kali Pesanggrahan...hehe
> sukses selalu buat Abang
> amin
> ------------------------------
> *Dari:* Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com>
> *Kepada:* sekolah kehidupan <sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com>;
> wordsmartcenter <wordsmartcenter@yahoogroups.com>; penuliz Lepaz <
> penulislepas@yahoogroups.com>
> *Terkirim:* Kam, 26 Agustus, 2010 05:01:07
> *Judul:* [sekolah-kehidupan] [catatan] Melarung Duka
> *Melarung Duka
> Oleh Nursalam AR*
> Saat berangkat kerja hari ini melewati tegalan pohon pisang di sisi Kali
> Ciliwung menuju halte bus terdekat tampak Kali Ciliwung meluap hingga dua
> tiga kali dari permukaan normalnya. Air kecoklatan dan berarus deras
> melimpah hingga hanya sejarak lima meter dari batas jalan beton swadaya
> warga -- tempatku melintas. Sebagian pohon pisang di sempadan kali rebah,
> daun panjangnya menjuntai dicium air. Di seberang kali, di dataran yang
> lebih rendah, rumah-rumah warga terendam air sebatas pinggang. Bukan
> pinggang balita, tapi setidaknya pinggang orang dewasa setinggi 175 cm.
> Entah dari mana luapan air ini datang. Kami, penduduk sekitar Kali
> Ciliwung, biasa menyebutnya "banjir kiriman" -- yang tertuju ke limpahan air
> dari Bogor, hulu Kali Ciliwung. Apapun nama dan sebabnya, aliran deras air
> ini selalu menuju dari selatan ke utara, menuju Pintu Air Manggarai, singgah
> di Pintu Air Gambir dekat Istana Merdeka dan berakhir di laut melalui muara
> Teluk Jakarta. Selalu demikian jika telah tiba waktunya, tanpa ragu,
> bertenaga dan yakin. Karena ia hanya tunduk pada hukum alam atau *
> sunnatullah* yang digariskan penciptanya bahwa ia harus berpindah dari
> tempat yang tinggi ke tempat yang lebih rendah, dari hulu ke muara.
> Barangkali tenaga atau energi yang besar dari kali atau sungai semacam
> inilah yang menginspirasi seorang Paulo Coelho dalam novel *The Alchemist*menuliskan perkataannya yang terkenal untuk melarung segala kesedihan yang
> telah kita tumpahkan pada sebuah kertas di sungai. Sungai akan membawa
> kertas duka itu jauh, *sampai jauh, akhirnya ke laut**. Sejauh itulah,
> diharapkan, duka akan lenyap dari diri kita.
> Andai saja semudah itu cara menghilangkan duka tentu jasa psikolog atau
> psikiater takkan laku. Karena seringkali kendati kertas duka telah kita
> larungkan namun kita masih erat menyimpan salinannya di dalam hati kita.
> Kita baca ulang dengan mengingat-ingatnya. Alangkah meletihkannya, Kawan!
> "Dirampok atau hati dilukai sesungguhnya takkan berarti apa-apa, kecuali
> jika kita terus-menerus mengingatnya," pesan Eyang Konfusius, sang filsuf
> asal Tiongkok.
> Ah, andai saja kita bisa ikhlas, tentu hidup ini akan lebih mudah. Seikhlas
> para penghuni bantaran Ciliwung saat buang hajat pagi di tepi kali tercinta.
> Ikhlas, tak merasa rugi atau terbebani dengan apa yang terlepas dan
> terlarung...
> *Sudirman, 26 Agustus 2010*
> **kutipan dari syair Bengawan Solo karya mendiang Gesang*
> --
> - Nursalam AR -
> Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com
> Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar
> HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391
> "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
> difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
> (Mark Twain)

- Nursalam AR -

Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar
HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
(Mark Twain)

Re: [catatan] Melarung Duka

Posted by: "Mimin" minehaway@gmail.com   mine_haway

Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:51 pm (PDT)

2010/8/27 Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com>

> Padahal maksud ane hendak melucu sedikit, tapi jadinya mengharukan ya:).
> Btw, yang jelas, tetap lebih gede dan panjang Kali Ciliwung,Bro,hehe...
Dari judulnya saja sudah mencerminkan postingan ini mengharukan, Bang.
Tapi masih ada titik yang bikin saya senyum2 kok. Suka kalimat
*...Daun panjangnya menjuntai dicium air*
Jadi melucunya berhasil dikit hehe...

> Makasih ya komentarnya. Kapan nulis lagi nih di milis SK? Bintang SK 2009
> gitu lho masak vakum nulis! Ini juga berlaku untuk Bintang SK 2008,hehe...
Nah lho...bintang SK dipanggil tuh

Re: [catatan] Melarung Duka

Posted by: "Eko Wahyoedi" eko.wahyoedi@yahoo.com   eko.wahyoedi

Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:27 pm (PDT)

Inysa Allah :-)

Japri aja deh, Bang. Nanti ngomong di belakang ama Mbak Ugik :-D

Eko Wahyudi

--- On Thu, 8/26/10, Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [sekolah-kehidupan] [catatan] Melarung Duka
To: sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 6:26 PM


Betul,Bro, itu makanya SK lewat Departemen Sosial yang dikoordinasi Mbak Ugik Madyo bikin acara berbagi kasih selama Ramadhan untuk memfasilitasi bentuk nyata atas keprihatinan kita tersebut. Tinggal pilih peran aja, jadi donatur atau relawan di lapangan? Cek aja postingan-postingan di milis ini.


Nursalam AR

2010/8/26 Eko Wahyoedi <eko.wahyoedi@yahoo.com>


@Bang Nursalam

Tulisan Abang jadi bahan muhasabah yang sangat bagus.
Selain mengingatkan kita untuk senantiasa menjadi orang-orang yang ikhlas, juga melemparkan pesan tentang saudara-saudara kita yang akrab dengan banjir justru di tempat yang tak jauh dari pusat kekuasaan.

Permasalahannya, sejauh mana kita berusaha untuk membuka. Khususnya membuka mata hati dalam mengusahakan keikhlasan dan perasaan sepenanggungan dengan saudara-saudara kita yang hidup dalam kesusahan.

terima kasih atas pencerahannya, Bang.


Eko Wahyudi

--- On Wed, 8/25/10, Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com>
Subject: [sekolah-kehidupan]
[catatan] Melarung Duka
To: "sekolah kehidupan" <sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com>, "wordsmartcenter" <wordsmartcenter@yahoogroups.com>, "penuliz Lepaz" <penulislepas@yahoogroups.com>

Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 8:01 PM


Melarung Duka

Oleh Nursalam AR

Saat berangkat kerja hari ini melewati tegalan pohon pisang di sisi Kali Ciliwung menuju halte bus terdekat tampak Kali Ciliwung meluap hingga dua tiga kali dari permukaan normalnya. Air kecoklatan dan berarus deras melimpah hingga hanya sejarak lima meter dari batas jalan beton swadaya warga -- tempatku melintas. Sebagian pohon pisang di sempadan kali rebah, daun panjangnya menjuntai dicium air. Di seberang kali, di dataran yang lebih rendah, rumah-rumah warga terendam air sebatas pinggang. Bukan pinggang balita, tapi setidaknya pinggang orang dewasa setinggi 175 cm.

Entah dari mana luapan air ini datang. Kami, penduduk sekitar Kali Ciliwung, biasa menyebutnya "banjir kiriman" -- yang tertuju ke limpahan air dari Bogor, hulu Kali Ciliwung. Apapun nama dan sebabnya, aliran deras air ini selalu menuju dari selatan ke utara, menuju Pintu Air Manggarai, singgah di Pintu Air Gambir dekat Istana Merdeka dan berakhir di laut melalui muara Teluk Jakarta. Selalu demikian jika telah tiba waktunya, tanpa ragu, bertenaga dan yakin. Karena ia hanya tunduk pada hukum alam atau sunnatullah yang digariskan penciptanya bahwa ia harus berpindah dari tempat yang tinggi ke tempat yang lebih rendah, dari hulu ke muara.

Barangkali tenaga atau energi yang besar dari kali atau sungai semacam inilah yang menginspirasi seorang Paulo Coelho dalam novel The Alchemist menuliskan perkataannya yang terkenal untuk melarung segala kesedihan yang telah kita tumpahkan pada sebuah kertas di sungai. Sungai akan membawa kertas duka itu jauh, sampai jauh, akhirnya ke laut*. Sejauh itulah, diharapkan, duka akan lenyap dari diri kita.

Andai saja semudah itu cara menghilangkan duka tentu jasa psikolog atau psikiater takkan laku. Karena seringkali kendati kertas duka telah kita larungkan namun kita masih erat menyimpan salinannya di dalam hati kita. Kita baca ulang dengan mengingat-ingatnya. Alangkah meletihkannya, Kawan!

"Dirampok atau hati dilukai sesungguhnya takkan berarti apa-apa, kecuali jika kita terus-menerus mengingatnya," pesan Eyang Konfusius, sang filsuf asal Tiongkok.

Ah, andai saja kita bisa ikhlas, tentu hidup ini akan lebih mudah. Seikhlas para penghuni bantaran Ciliwung saat buang hajat pagi di tepi kali tercinta. Ikhlas, tak merasa rugi atau terbebani dengan apa yang terlepas dan terlarung...

Sudirman, 26 Agustus 2010

*kutipan dari syair Bengawan Solo karya mendiang Gesang


- Nursalam AR -

Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar

HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."

(Mark Twain)

- Nursalam AR -

Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar

HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
(Mark Twain)


Take Him Out atau Take Me Out?

Posted by: "Nursalam AR" nursalam.ar@gmail.com

Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:13 pm (PDT)

Wah,kalo Take Him Out berarti di SK yang lebih banyak jomblo yang cowok


Nursalam AR
- bukan calon peserta Take Him Out/Take Me Out-

2010/8/27 Mimin <minehaway@gmail.com>

> 2010/8/26 Pelangi Kehidupan <rah_ma18@yahoo.co.id>
>> Salam sahabat :)
>> Heee..... maap, semoga tak terlamabat, mbak Mimin dan kawan2 Rahma dah isi
>> biodatanya (itu beneran ada departemen jodoh??? wekekek... :D ngarep.com)
>> Oke dah sukses selalu.... :)
> Thanks.
> Iya, ditunggu aja departemen jodoh launching hehe...
> Nanti kita saingan sama take him out :D
> --
> http://minehaway.com
> http://minesweet.blogspot.com

- Nursalam AR -

Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar
HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
(Mark Twain)

Re: Take Him Out atau Take Me Out?

Posted by: "Mimin" minehaway@gmail.com   mine_haway

Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:44 pm (PDT)

2010/8/27 Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com>

> Wah,kalo Take Him Out berarti di SK yang lebih banyak jomblo yang cowok
> dong?:D
> salam,
> Nursalam AR
> - bukan calon peserta Take Him Out/Take Me Out-
Hehe..kena juga
Sebelum ngetik tadi dah mikir, itu acara namanya take him out apa take me
out ya
Makhlum lupa2 ingat
Diganti aja deh take member SK out wkwkwkw...

Re: Take Him Out atau Take Me Out?

Posted by: "hadianf@gmail.com" hadianf@gmail.com   hadian.kasep

Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:48 pm (PDT)

Kalo pake nama 'out' di akhirnya akan berdampak tidak aktif di milis SK paska nikah. Bagaimana kalo namanya "Take Me Dong"? Jadi harapannya paska nikah tetap bisa aktif gitu...

Powered by Hadian_Kasep BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: Mimin <minehaway@gmail.com>
Sender: sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 10:44:33
To: <sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [sekolah-kehidupan] Take Him Out atau Take Me Out?

2010/8/27 Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com>

> Wah,kalo Take Him Out berarti di SK yang lebih banyak jomblo yang cowok
> dong?:D
> salam,
> Nursalam AR
> - bukan calon peserta Take Him Out/Take Me Out-
Hehe..kena juga
Sebelum ngetik tadi dah mikir, itu acara namanya take him out apa take me
out ya
Makhlum lupa2 ingat
Diganti aja deh take member SK out wkwkwkw...


Re: Take Him Out atau Take Me Out?

Posted by: "Nursalam AR" nursalam.ar@gmail.com

Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:05 pm (PDT)

Boleh, asal jangan 'Take Me Oom',haha...

Sorry,one-liner nih.



2010/8/27 <hadianf@gmail.com>

> Kalo pake nama 'out' di akhirnya akan berdampak tidak aktif di milis SK
> paska nikah. Bagaimana kalo namanya "Take Me Dong"? Jadi harapannya paska
> nikah tetap bisa aktif gitu...
> Powered by Hadian_Kasep BlackBerry®
> ------------------------------
> *From: * Mimin <minehaway@gmail.com>
> *Sender: * sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com
> *Date: *Fri, 27 Aug 2010 10:44:33 +0700
> *To: *<sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com>
> *ReplyTo: * sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject: *Re: [sekolah-kehidupan] Take Him Out atau Take Me Out?
> 2010/8/27 Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com>
>> Wah,kalo Take Him Out berarti di SK yang lebih banyak jomblo yang cowok
>> dong?:D
>> salam,
>> Nursalam AR
>> - bukan calon peserta Take Him Out/Take Me Out-
> Hehe..kena juga
> Sebelum ngetik tadi dah mikir, itu acara namanya take him out apa take me
> out ya
> Makhlum lupa2 ingat
> Diganti aja deh take member SK out wkwkwkw...
> --
> http://minehaway.com
> http://minesweet.blogspot.com

- Nursalam AR -

Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar
HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
(Mark Twain)

Bls: [sekolah-kehidupan] Take Him Out atau Take Me Out?

Posted by: "bujang kumbang" bujangkumbang@yahoo.co.id   bujangkumbang

Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:58 am (PDT)

termasuk sy ya Bang...
sy bukan jomblo tp ,sh perjaka...hahaha

Dari: Nursalam AR <nursalam.ar@gmail.com>
Kepada: sekolah-kehidupan@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Jum, 27 Agustus, 2010 10:13:19
Judul: [sekolah-kehidupan] Take Him Out atau Take Me Out?

Wah,kalo Take Him Out berarti di SK yang lebih banyak jomblo yang cowok dong?:D


Nursalam AR
- bukan calon peserta Take Him Out/Take Me Out-

2010/8/27 Mimin <minehaway@gmail.com>

>2010/8/26 Pelangi Kehidupan <rah_ma18@yahoo.co.id>
>>Salam sahabat :)
>>Heee..... maap, semoga tak terlamabat, mbak Mimin dan kawan2 Rahma dah isi
>>biodatanya (itu beneran ada departemen jodoh??? wekekek... :D ngarep.com)
>>Oke dah sukses selalu.... :)
Iya, ditunggu aja departemen jodoh launching hehe...
Nanti kita saingan sama take him out :D

- Nursalam AR -

Blog: www.kintaka.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nursalam.ar
HP: 0813-10040723 / 021-92727391

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
(Mark Twain)


[Essai Weekly Notes Sudahkah Merdeka] Merdeka Kok Masih Begini-Begin

Posted by: "fiyan arjun" fiyanarjun@gmail.com

Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:58 am (PDT)

*Merdeka Kok Masih Begini-Begini Saja!*

*Fiyan Arjun*

* *

Enam puluh lima tahun sudah negara Republik Indonesia ini merdeka. Namun
sayangnya diusia kemerdekaannya yang setengah abad itu negeri ini masih saja
tak ada perubahan. Masih begini-begini saja!

Ya, 65 tahun negeri tercinta ini merayakan hari kemerdekaannya yang tepat
jatuh pada hari Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010 kemarin lalu. Namun ketika melihat
keadaannya saat ini ternyata jauh sekali dari apa yang diinginkan oleh
rakyat Indonesia. Sehingga malah membuat rakyat semakin kecewa dengan
pemerintahan yang ada sekarang ini. Bahkan ada pula yang menyuarakan
suara-suara sumbang tentang kemerdekaan ini. Atau, memaknai arti merdeka
sesungguhnya. Terlebih bagi sebagian dari lapisan rakyat yang terpinggirkan.
Kaum *marjinal *yang begitu kita kenal. Hingga kaum (baca: rakyat) marjinal
ini sama sekali tak terdeteksi bahkan luput dari perhatian pemerintah. Miris
memang kedengarannya. Tapi itulah kenyataannya yang ada bila kita mau *
bumbata*. Buka mata buka telinga.

Sehingga hal ini pun mengingatkan saya pada sebuah buku yang pernah saya
baca. Secara kebetulan buku itu ditulis dan dikarang oleh seorang penulis
dari tokoh sastrawan ternama dan senior yang begitu saya kagumi.
Kuntowijoyo, begitu nama yang cukup familiar di telinga. Dalam bukunya yang
berjudul *Esai-Esai Budaya dan Politik, Selamat Tinggal Mitis Selamat
Datang Realitas*



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