Senin, 07 Mei 2012

[FISIKA] Digest Number 3403

Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)

Re: Tanya Buku From: Asis Pattisahusiwa
Intrumentasi Mekanik From: DONI FIRMANTO
Re: seminar fisika From: Asis Pattisahusiwa
Fwd: [symmetry New Issue] May 2012 From: Asis Pattisahusiwa
Bingung masalah komputasi + statistik (random number) From: Asis Pattisahusiwa



Re: Tanya Buku

Posted by: "Asis Pattisahusiwa"   aziz_physic04

Sun May 6, 2012 2:24 pm (PDT)

Opini pribadi.

1. Untuk Listrik Magnet (+ Elektrodinamika), coba lihat bukunya David J.
Griffiths - Introduction to Electrodynamics.

2. Thermodinamika, Bruno Linder - Thermodynamics and Introductory
Statistical Mechanics (atau coba lihat saran referensi lainnya pada thread
yang lain di milis ini).

3. Fisika Modern, Arthur Beiser - Concepts of Modern Physics.

4. Komputasi, William H. Press et al. - Numerical Recipes The Art of
Scientific Computing; Klein and Godunov - introductory computational
physics; Bourg - Physics for game developers (sebagai dasar untuk
pemodelan); Stahler - Beginning math and physics for game programmers
(sebagai dasar untuk pemodelan juga).

5. Fismat 2, Arfken & Weber - Mathematical Methods for Physicist; Andrews
et al. - Special Function; Bell - Special functions for scientists and
engineers; BOAS - Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences; Masujima -
Applied Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Physics (Ini
referensi-referensi yang pernah saya pake untuk menyelesaikan tugas akhir

Silahkan browsing di arsip milis ini untuk referensi-referensi lainnya.

CMIIW dan Terima Kasih.

2012/4/11 fikri achdan <>

> **
> Dear Teman2 Fisika
> saya minta masukannya lagi nih :) .....
> nama2 buku yg menurt teman2 bagus isinya dan mudah untuk dipahami dari
> pelajran2 brikut:
> 1. Listrik Magnet
> 2. Thermodinamika
> 3. Elektronika LAnjut
> 4. Sistem Pengukuran
> 5. Fisika Modern
> 6. KOmputasi
> 7. Fisika Matematika 2
> Terima Kasih sblumnya
> Best Regards
> Fikri Achdan

Asis Pattisahusiwa

Learn, Try, and be a Master

Intrumentasi Mekanik

Posted by: "DONI FIRMANTO"

Sun May 6, 2012 8:51 pm (PDT)

Dear teman2
mau tanya nih materi kuliah untuk intrumentasi mekanik itu mencakup apa saja ya???
dan ada gak untuk link e-book nya.

terima kasih sebelumnya.

Doni F

Re: seminar fisika

Posted by: "Asis Pattisahusiwa"   aziz_physic04

Mon May 7, 2012 4:24 am (PDT)

Cobalah untuk sedikit spesifik ke sub bidang fisika apa? dari situ barulah
bisa difikirkan kira-kira topik apa yang akan diangkat sebagai makalah
seminar. Untuk topik-topik tersebut, anda bisa mencarinya melalui
jurnal-jurnal yang dipublikasikan melalui internet.


2012/5/3 Ferry Irawan <>

> **
> ada yang bisa kasih saya solusi mengenai makalah seminar fisika, bahas
> tentang apa dan bisa bagi jurnal nya atau sumber nya?

Asis Pattisahusiwa

Learn, Try, and be a Master

Fwd: [symmetry New Issue] May 2012

Posted by: "Asis Pattisahusiwa"   aziz_physic04

Mon May 7, 2012 4:26 am (PDT)

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Date: Wed, May 2, 2012 at 4:58 AM
Subject: [symmetry New Issue] May 2012

May 2012
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*Hunting dark matter with
Light dark photons? Dark Higgs bosons? Scientists look for signs of these
weird-sounding particles in data from BaBar—an experiment designed to
explain a completely different mystery. [image: spacer] [image:
thumbnail] <> [image:
spacer] *Explain it in 60 seconds*
*Muon* <>
Meet the Twinkie of particle physics: the muon. [image: spacer] [image:
thumbnail] <> [image:
spacer] *Profile*
*One degree of separation: the Vietnam
Physicist Jean Tran Thanh Van, creator of one of the most prestigious
particle physics conferences, is the king of connections. His humanitarian
efforts, combined with his vision of a cohesive international particle
physics community, have now led him back to his home country of
Vietnam. [image:
spacer] [image:
spacer] *Application*
*Particle physics and your
Metal products contain microscopic stresses that can grow into bigger
problems. How engineers choose to manage these stresses makes all the
difference. [image: spacer] [image:
spacer] *Signal to background*
*The electron's dance*<>
When most people think about France and particle physics, they think of the
Large Hadron Collider. But around Paris, it's a tabletop accelerator that
has locals amped up. [image: spacer]*From our blog: symmetry
breaking* [image: spacer] [image: spacer]*symmetry trending* [image:
spacer] April 30, 2012
*FACET test facility hosts first
The Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests' first
experimenters are using the facility's tightly focused electron bunches to
conduct accelerator R&D and study a potential new data storage
technique. [image:
spacer] April 27, 2012
*CMS discovers its first new
Members of the CMS collaboration at CERN have announced the experiment's
first discovery of a new particle: an excited, neutral Xi_b baryon, a
particle made up of three quarks, including one bottom quark. [image:
spacer] April 26, 2012
*Citizen scientists find new purpose:
A project that lets citizen volunteers contribute to scientists' search for
gravitational waves, theoretical ripples in the fabric of space-time, has
expanded its efforts—with impressive results. In less than two years,
Einstein@Home users have found 27 young neutron stars, called pulsars. [image:
spacer] April 11, 2012
*Two proposed linear collider programs to be joined under new
The world's two most mature proposals for a collider complementary to the
Large Hadron Collider—the Compact Linear Collider Study and the
International Linear Collider—are joining organizational forces under a
single umbrella. [image: spacer] April 9, 2012
*Tevatron experiment confirms LHC discovery of Chi-b (P3)
The DZero experiment at Fermilab's Tevatron collider has confirmed the
discovery of a new particle unearthed in an experiment at CERN's Large
Hadron Collider. [image: spacer] *Duluth News Tribune*, April 27, 2012
*$283 million project seeks tiny particles in the big woods of northern
Ribbon-cutting at the NOvA far detector marks an important milestone for
this neutrino experiment.
[image: spacer] *National Geographic*, April 24, 2012
*Dark matter hits the average human once a
Particles called WIMPs strike us more often than thought, study says. [image:
spacer] *The Atlantic*, April 19, 2012
*How big data is changing astronomy
The huge amount of data from advanced telescopes requires new methods to
search and synthesize it. [image: spacer] *Nature News Blog*, April 18,
*IceCube chills cosmic ray
A South Pole experiment contradicts a leading theory about blasts of energy
called gamma-ray bursts. [image: spacer] *New Scientist*, April 13, 2012
*Supercomputer probes famous but messy particle
Simulations of the decay of a key subatomic particle may shed light on why
there's more matter than antimatter in the universe. [image: spacer]
Post*, April 2, 2012
*Physicists hope to find the Higgs boson, key to unified field theory, this
Experiments will determine whether theorists need to go back to the drawing
board. [image: spacer]
© 2012 symmetry. A joint Fermilab/SLAC publication. PO Box 500 MS206,
Batavia, IL, 60510, USA
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Asis Pattisahusiwa

Learn, Try, and be a Master

Bingung masalah komputasi + statistik (random number)

Posted by: "Asis Pattisahusiwa"   aziz_physic04

Mon May 7, 2012 5:01 am (PDT)

Para miliser yang saya hormati.

beberapa bulan ini saya mencoba untuk melakukan penelitian sederhana
menyangkut masalah komputasi + statistik. Kebetulan saya gunakan bahasa
BASIC (saya pakai RealBasic). Masalahnya sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit,
namun saya kehabisan metode untuk memecahkannya.

Detail masalahnya seperti ini, Saya mempunyai katakanlah 10 buah kumpulan
data asli yang masing-masing terdiri dari n buah data dengan range nilai 0
- 100 yang masing-masing ingin saya acak posisi dari tiap-tiap kumpulan
data tersebut. Untuk tujuan tersebut, saya membuat 10 mesin random
generator untuk masing-masing kumpulan data. Namun, mesin tersebut bukan
hanya mengacak posisi namun bisa juga menambahkan/menyisipkan secara random
angka-angka yang lain. Masing-masing mesin katakanlah menghasilkan 10 buah
kumpulan data yang benar-benar berbeda dengan data asli. dengan demikian,
kini saya mempunyai 100 buah kumpulan data.

Ke-100 data tersebut selanjutnya akan coba saya identifikasi dan
kelompokkan berdasarkan mesin penghasilnya. Disinilah letak masalahnya,
saya sudah mencoba menerapkan algoritma Diff, namun saya terkendala dengan
posisi data tersebut yang benar-benar acak. Saya berfikir kemungkinan
masalah ini bisa "terselesaikan" dengan menerapkan ANN, namun hal itu juga
menjadi kendala karena saya berfikir ANN membutuhkan waktu dan resource
yang tidak sedikit (sedangkan saya lebih memperhatikan sisi performance).

Kira-kira adakah metode lain yang bisa saya gunakan untuk memecahkan
masalah ini?

Terima kasih sebelumnya atas perhatian para miliser sekalian. Jika ingin
lebih detail lagi, saya akan mencoba menjelaskannya dengan bantuan gambar.

Sekali lagi, terima kasih.

Asis Pattisahusiwa

Learn, Try, and be a Master
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