Jumat, 28 September 2012

[daarut-tauhiid] OOT: Post-doc: Computer Science - Nanyang Singapore


AsSalaamu alaikum waRahmatuLlaahi waBarakatuh.


WaSsalaamu alaikum waRahmatuLlaahi waBarakatuh

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University


From: Jie Zhang [mailto:zhangj.ntu@GMAIL.COM]

Subject: [AIB-L] Post-doc Position Available for Machine Learning and
Transfer Learning

Dear all,

A Post-doc Research Fellow position is available for 2+ years at the
School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
(http://www.ntu.edu.sg/SCE/), starting in late 2012 or early 2013. You
will be conducting research in the area of machine learning.
Specifically, you will be designing effective classification and
transfer learning methods, and applying them to real-world problems
such as detection of frauds in firms. The salary is highly

Requirements include: (1) PhD degree in CS or a related discipline;
(2) Sufficient experience in machine learning related research, and
experience in transfer learning is preferred; (3) Excellent English
writing skills.

If interested, please send a detailed CV to: zhangj AT ntu.edu.sg

Jie Zhang (Asst Prof)

School of Computer Engineering
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Recent Activity:
Pesantren Daarut Tauhiid - Bandung - Jakarta - Batam
Menuju Ahli Dzikir, Ahli Fikir, dan Ahli Ikhtiar
       website:  http://dtjakarta.or.id/


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