Selasa, 21 September 2010

[FISIKA] Digest Number 3103

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)



Job mengajar

Posted by: "Andri Husein"   andri84

Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:09 pm (PDT)

Open Recruitment Tenaga Pengajar

Salam perjuangan !!!

Mohon diinformasikan pada rekan-rekan yaang berminat. Pengumuman ini dikeluarkan pada Selasa, 20 September 2010 [HARI INI]. Sifat informasi adalah segera direspon, posisi terbatas. Batas akhir penutupan adalah otomatis bila kuota sudah dicapai.

PT. SINOTIF INTERNASIONAL yang bergerak dalam bidang bimbingan belajar Fisika, Matematika dan Kimia membuka kesempatan berkarir

Tentang PT. Sinotif Internasional dapat dilihat di


Tenaga pengajar Matematika & Kimia SMU, Fisika SMP & SMU

Syarat-Syarat Administratif:

1. S1 Segala Jurusan (lebih di prioritaskan yang FKIP dan FMIPA)
2. Siapkan CV, Fotocopy Ijazah, Transkrip
3. Surat lamaran dapat di alamatkan pada:

HRD Manager
Jl Danau Sunter Utara Blok B1B No.3
Sunter, Jakarta Utara 14530
atau email ke:

Calon tenaga pengajar yang lulus seleksi akan menandatangani kontrak kerja selama setahun

dan mengikuti training selama sebulan materi pengajaran. Masa training sudah dianggap

bekerja pada perusahaan dan berhak mendapatkan gaji di akhir bulan.

Untuk informasi lebih lajut silakan hubungi HRD
Benny di 0856-916-20-598

Good Luck

Andri Sofyan HuseinDepartment of Physics, University of LampungJln. Prof. Soemantri Brodjonegoro 1, Bandar Lampung, INDONESIA  : +(62-721) 702673Fax. : +(62-721) 702767 


Physics Seminar: In Search for The God Particle

Posted by: "LTH"   lt.handoko

Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:02 am (PDT)

Perkenankan kami mengirimkan undangan untuk mengikuti seminar mantan mahasiswa yang sekarang menjadi peneliti di fasilitas eksperimen fisika energi tinggi di CERN.


Haryo Sumowidagdo
Waktu : 22 September · 13:00 - 17:00
Tempat : Department of Physics, University of Indonesia

In Search for The God Particle: The CMS Experiment at CERN LHC

On the 30th of March, 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland, the largest scientific experiment in history began. Around 13:00 local time, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), successfully collided high-energy protons with each other and thus recreated the moment a tiny fraction of seconds after the Big Bang. This event made... headlines in major media around the world. Yet in Indonesia, only a handful of people were aware about the event, let alone understood
the importance of this moment as history in the making.

The seminar will bring the latest information from CERN, LHC, and the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) Experiment. It will begin with an accessible introduction to experimental high energy physics. Then it will discuss about CERN, LHC, and CMS. Finally, the latest results from CMS will be presented, with the focus on the Herculean effort toward finding the Higgs boson, The God Particle, which is currently the last remaining missing piece of the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics.

Haryo Sumowidagdo is an alumni of the Department of Physics, University of Indonesia. He is a full member of the CMS Experiment and based full-time at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.

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