Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1a.
- Over $100.00 in commissions in just one day From: Nora
- 2.1.
- Email 81 Million Targeted Prospects Monthly! From: scooby
- 3.
- Kelaparan atau Dimakan Singa? From: Ocha
- 4a.
- Learn How To Make $25 In Just 7 Minutes From: Lemon
- 5.1.
- The Science of Getting Rich! From: scooby
- 6.
- Manipulating Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days... From: Hardin
- 7.
- I found this to be really inspirational From: bob hartley
- 8a.
- BLAST YOUR AD TO 5,000 groups for only $5.95 or less! From: Derlina
- 9.1.
- The Perfect Job! From: scooby
- 10.
- Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!, 8/29/2008, 10:00 am From:
- 11.1.
- Get Paid For The Things You Used To Do For FREE! From: scooby
- 12.1.
- Email 70 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects From: Lirra
- 13.1.
- Make $3.500+ Per Month From Your Opinion! From: scooby
- 14.1.
- Home Bound Dining Guide! From: scooby
- 15a.
- Get Paid To Take Online Surveys From Home! From: scooby
- 16.1.
- Finally, Simple Web Traffic Solutions For The Rest Of Us From: scooby
- 17.
- Yang Ini Luar Biasa..!! Join GRATIS..!!Bonus s/d 10 Level Kedalaman From: Bisnis Terbaru
- 18.
- My Home alone video with my friend deshi_indian I call my Boyfrien From: cute.suhaani
- 19.
- Jobs Announced for all Career Levels!! From: business_guide2
- 20.
- sweet girl vinita talk about sexx sooo hotttttttt From: cute.suhaani
- 21.
- (no subject) From: Jessika Lim
- 22.
- Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!, 8/29/2008, 10:00 pm From:
- 23.
- Withdraw earnings from any ATM,$500/day !Generate cash on demand! From: IncomeSolutions
- 24.1.
- Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Advertising... From: Marsh
- 25.
- 1a.
Over $100.00 in commissions in just one day
Posted by: "Nora" fionayohanwana
Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:39 pm (PDT)
Over $100.00 in commissions in just one day
Learn how this simple-to-use secret tool of Super Affiliates can....
Change Your Affiliate Frustration Into Affiliate Profit Jubilation!
"In Just A Few Minutes, You Could Be Profiting From Your Very Own Money-Making Website That Is So Powerful, and Holds So Much Residual Income Potential, That It Has No Comparison!"
http://sigurd58.hithog.hop. clickbank. net
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 5,000 groups only $5.95 or less! or
--------------------- --------- ---
Unlimited TV Show Downloads! group/e_Ads/ message/327
===================== ========= ==
Post your ads to thousands of members for FREE and make some cash at the same time group/Advertiser s_Heaven group/get- money-online group/4_Internet _Marketing
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your group message delivery setting to "Web Only" or choose "Leave Group" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it, and then wait for our instructions. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please remove us from your group. We don't own or even know your e-mail address, so please let us know which group you are in when you write to us and, most importantly, DO read our reply. Thanks for your understanding.
- 2.1.
Email 81 Million Targeted Prospects Monthly!
Posted by: "scooby" bizim_marketing_011
Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:41 pm (PDT)
Simple To Use - Increase Traffic With 1 Click
100% Compliance With US & International Laws!
Click to email 81 Million Targeted Prospects Monthly!
http://creamwalls.WTRAFFIC. hop.clickbank. net/
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 3.
Kelaparan atau Dimakan Singa?
Posted by: "Ocha" malwa0474
Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:03 pm (PDT)
Kelaparan atau Dimakan Singa?
Setiap pagi, seekor rusa bangun. Ia tahu bahwa ia harus lari lebih cepat daripada singa. Kalau tidak, ia akan dimakan singa.
Setiap pagi, seekor singa bangun. Ia tahu bahwa ia harus lari lebih cepat daripada rusa. Kalau tidak, ia akan mati kelaparan.
Tidak menjadi soal apakah anda seekor singa ataukah seekor rusa. Begitu matahari terbit, sebaiknya anda berlari!
Jangan lewatkan waktu sedetik pun, cepatlah berlari menjemput impian anda! Berusaha adalah mengambil resiko. Tapi resiko harus dihadapi karena bahaya terbesar dalam hidup ini adalah tidak mengambil resiko sama sekali.
Orang yang tidak berani menghadapi resiko, tidak akan melakukan apa-apa, tidak punya apa-apa dan bukan siapa-siapa. Mereka mungkin saja menghindari penderitaan dan kesengsaraan. Tapi mereka tidak bisa belajar, merasakan, mengubah, tumbuh, mencintai atau hidup.
Dalam keadaan terikat oleh kepastian, mereka telah mengekang kebebasan mereka sendiri. Hanya orang yang berani mengambil resiko adalah orang yang bebas.
Ambil resiko SEKARANG!!
Baca juga (tanpa spasi):
- Bisnis-bisnis Prospektif di Bulan Ramadhan
http://dexton.adexindo. com/artikel- agustus4- ide-bisnis- ramadhan. html
- Sudah Tepatkah Pilihan Pekerjaan Anda?
http://dexton.adexindo. com/artikel- sudah-tepat- pekerjaan. html
- Anda Smart Worker?
http://dexton.adexindo. com/artikel- agustus3- anda-smart- worker.html
Happy Reading! Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat yaa ;)
Rosa S. Rustam
Dexton Indonesia
Majalah Online untuk Pebisnis Pemula
http://www.dexton.adexindo. com
PS: Buat rekan-rekan yang mau sharing soal bisnis atau sekedar say hello, kontak langsung aja yaa ke
********************* ***
VISI MISI Dexton Indonesia
********************* ***
Meningkatkan dan Menyebarluaskan Semangat Kewirausahaan dengan publikasi artikel motivasi berbisnis dan informasi peluang bisnis/manajemen usaha (setiap minggu) melalui newsletter, ebook, email, forum, milis, website, blog dan media komunikasi online lainnya
Sebagai Wadah Edukasi dan Networking bagi Pewirausaha Indonesia dalam Berbisnis Mandiri Menuju Kehidupan Sukses dan Sejahtera
- 4a.
Learn How To Make $25 In Just 7 Minutes
Posted by: "Lemon" fionayohanwana
Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:16 pm (PDT)
Learn How To Make $25 In Just 7 Minutes
Sitting At Home In Front Of The Computer
& Do It Over And Over Again!
Get Paid Daily for What You Think! Your Opinion Is Worth $
Get paid to take online surveys - $5 to $75 per survey!
Get paid to participate in online focus groups $50 to $150 per hour!
Get paid to try new products - keep the products and get paid too!
Get paid to preview movie trailers - $4 to $25 per hour!
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 5,000 groups only $5.95 or less! or
===================== ========= ==
Post your ads for FREE and get some cash at the same time group/Advertiser s_Heaven group/Home_ 4_ADS group/promote_ your_biz
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your group message delivery setting to "Web Only" or choose "Leave Group" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it, and then wait for our instructions. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please remove us from your group. We don't own or even know your e-mail address, so please let us know which group you are in when you write to us and, most importantly, DO read our reply. Thanks for your understanding.
- 5.1.
The Science of Getting Rich!
Posted by: "scooby" bizim_marketing_011
Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:38 pm (PDT)
I'm Going To Show You Exactly How To Take Full Advantage Of My Never Before Seen...
X-Factor Profits formula To Make Obscene Amounts Of Money 24 Hours A Day, EVERY DAY On Autopilot. "Yes... Even While You're Sleeping"
http://creamwalls.XFACTOR2. hop.clickbank. net/
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 6.
Manipulating Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days...
Posted by: "Hardin" fionayohanwana
Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:50 pm (PDT)
Manipulating Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days...
$6,513 in 24 Hours...
$109,151 in 30 Days...
$153,426 in 6 Weeks...
"Insider" Affiliate Strategy Manipulates Google To Generate $109,151 In 30 Days...
From Just ONE Clickbank Product!!
http://robert520.comblue.hop. clickbank. net/
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 5,000 groups only $5.95 or less! or
--------------------- -------
Post your ads to thousands of members for FREE and make some cash at the same time group/free_ 4_your_ads group/ad- promotion group/Home_ 4_ADS
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your group message delivery setting to "Web Only" or choose "Leave Group" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it, and then wait for our instructions. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please remove us from your group. We don't own or even know your e-mail address, so please let us know which group you are in when you write to us and, most importantly, DO read our reply. Thanks for your understanding.
- 7.
I found this to be really inspirational
Posted by: "bob hartley" melbbr3
Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:18 pm (PDT)
I found this to be really inspirational
I found this free book of quotes that is available at
http://www.dennisharting.blogspot. com.
I thought you all would enjoy it. Check it out.
- 8a.
BLAST YOUR AD TO 5,000 groups for only $5.95 or less!
Posted by: "Derlina" fionayohanwana
Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:58 pm (PDT)
BLAST YOUR AD TO 5,000 groups for only $5.95 or less!
We can get your ad blasted to 2,300,000+ opportunity seekers right away!
We Assure you, your Ads will be seen.
--------------------- --------- -
Simple Cash Generating System
===================== ==
Post your ads to thousands of members for FREE and make some cash at the same time group/Advertiser s_Heaven group/get- money-online group/4_Internet _Marketing
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your group message delivery setting to "Web Only" or choose "Leave Group" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it, and then wait for our instructions. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please remove us from your group. We don't own or even know your e-mail address, so please let us know which group you are in when you write to us and, most importantly, DO read our reply. Thanks for your understanding.
- 9.1.
The Perfect Job!
Posted by: "scooby" bizim_marketing_011
Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:20 pm (PDT)
Companies need your input in order to be successful.
They need to know what everyday people want in their products, what they prefer, and what will prompt them to buy the products and services the company offers.
This is called market research.
By providing companies with this information, you are providing them with a valuable service.
It gives them an edge on the competition and aids them in the success of their products and services.
And You Get Paid for helping Them to Succeed!
http://creamwalls.EXPRESSPAY. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 10.
Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!, 8/29/2008, 10:00 am
Posted by: ""
Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:48 pm (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!
Friday August 29, 2008
10:00 am - 11:00 am
(This event repeats every day.)
Location: putri04
Selamat Datang Ke Perigi Duit Dot Com.
Apakah Program Perigi Duit Ini??
Kami menawarkan kepada anda satu perniagaan online. Hanya bermodalkan RM50, anda akan layak untuk menjadi reseller perigi duit. Anda berhak utk menjual semula ebook kami. Ebook ini amat berfaedah sebagai bahan rujukan dalam pelbagai bidang seperti tips-tips perniagaan, membina website, online marketing, forex, keusahawanan dan pelbagai lagi. Kami akan mencuba menambah lagi ebook kami dari semasa ke semasa. Cuma tugas anda sebagai reseller untuk cuba mengembangkan lagi perniagaan anda.
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari website ini :
>>> <<<putri04
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Keunikan program ini adalah apabila anda berada di top position, pelanggan baru yang akan membuat bayaran secara bank-in terus ke dalam akaun anda.
Tiada risiko syarikat tidak membayar komisyen. Anda bebas untuk mengembangkan perniagaan anda.
"Orang kaya terus bertindak, sebaik sahaja melihat peluang sedangkan orang miskin masih berfikir dan terus berfikir tanpa sebarang tindakan. Sikap seperti ini perlu diubah untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam hidupnya. Kebanyakan mereka tidak percaya pada diri sendiri dan sering meletakan diri mereka berada di zon selesa"
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- 11.1.
Get Paid For The Things You Used To Do For FREE!
Posted by: "scooby" bizim_marketing_013
Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:56 pm (PDT)
You can now get paid for the things you used to do for FREE!
You can Get Paid To Give Your Opinion
You can Get Paid To Be Online
You can Get Paid To Be Online
You can Get Paid To Drive
You can Get Paid To Shop and Eat!
http://creamwalls.PAID4FREE. hop.clickbank. net/
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 12.1.
Email 70 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects
Posted by: "Lirra" fionayohanwana
Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:01 pm (PDT)
Email 70 MILLION Targeted - Opt-In Prospects
Every Month! That's 2.3 MILLION Every Day!
Increase Web Traffic & Sales Overnight!
You will never be accused of spamming
The system is easy to use. (one click mailing)
You can use this system once EVERY DAY to reach well over 2.3 MILLION prospects TARGETED to receive business offers like yours.
Email marketing companies regularly charge $200-$300 to reach 10,000 prospects once! Why pay for each blast?
You will be provided with detailed instructions on how to send out your ads in the most effective way without worry with our easy to follow Video Tutorial.
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 5,000 groups only $5.95 or less! or
--------------------- -
Post your ads to thousands of members for FREE and make some cash at the same time group/Advertiser s_Heaven group/get- money-online group/4_Internet _Marketing
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your group message delivery setting to "Web Only" or choose "Leave Group" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it, and then wait for our instructions. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please remove us from your group. We don't own or even know your e-mail address, so please let us know which group you are in when you write to us and, most importantly, DO read our reply. Thanks for your understanding.
- 13.1.
Make $3.500+ Per Month From Your Opinion!
Posted by: "scooby" bizim_marketing_013
Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:22 pm (PDT)
Start Making Money Today
Just For Sharing Your Opinion!
Plus HUGE Bonuses Never Before Seen!
http://creamwalls.PAIDETC.hop. clickbank. net/
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 14.1.
Home Bound Dining Guide!
Posted by: "scooby" bizim_marketing_013
Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:43 pm (PDT)
Have you ever asked yourself how your favorite restaurant makes the dish you love?
What is it that makes it so mouth watering wonderful?
"How do they do it?"
With the help of the Home Bound Dining Guide you could have the secrets that answer these questions and make that dish right in your own kitchen tonight?
Over 580 Recipes From 39 Different Restaurants
http://creamwalls.PFLEM.hop. clickbank. net/
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 15a.
Get Paid To Take Online Surveys From Home!
Posted by: "scooby" bizim_marketing_013
Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:10 pm (PDT)
You Can Make Up To $75 Per Survey And Up To $150 Per Hour Participating In Focus Groups
(It Only Takes Minutes To Take an Online Survey And You Can Do Them Anywhere!)
http://creamwalls.PSFREE.hop. clickbank. net/
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- Scroll to the bottom of this page and find the links of Yahoo Groups at the very bottom of this page.
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- Change your message delivery (Step 2) option to "Web Only" instead of "Individual Email"
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 16.1.
Finally, Simple Web Traffic Solutions For The Rest Of Us
Posted by: "scooby" bizim_marketing_013
Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:36 pm (PDT)
Revealed: 12 "Cheap & Ugly" (But Brutally Effective) Web Traffic Strategies For The Little Guy
If You've Got No Budget, No Computer Skills And No Traffic Then Here Are My "No-Brainer", "Do-It-On-The- Cheap" Instant Traffic Solutions.
http://creamwalls.RUSHWEB.hop. clickbank. net/
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- Scroll to the bottom of this page and find the links of Yahoo Groups at the very bottom of this page.
- Click "Change setting via the web" link. You will be brought to the Edit Membership Page of this Yahoo Group.
- Change your message delivery (Step 2) option to "Web Only" instead of "Individual Email"
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 17.
Yang Ini Luar Biasa..!! Join GRATIS..!!Bonus s/d 10 Level Kedalaman
Posted by: "Bisnis Terbaru" bisnis_terbaru
Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:58 pm (PDT)
Bila Anda mencari Bisnis yang PAS SEKALI buat Anda...
* Join 100% GRATIS
* Produk Pasti Terpakai (tak pernah terbuang)
* Perusahaan Induk yang Legal dan Terpercaya.
* Mudah Dijalankan di Mana Saja dan Oleh Siapa Saja
* Bonus Berulang-Ulang Setiap Terjadi Transaksi
* Target Pasar Sangat luas dan Terus Meningkat
* Support system Teruji dan Dapat Anda Buktikan
* Bisa Online dan Bisa Offline
Anda Akan Segera Menemukannya...
Mulailah sekarang dari sini :
NB: Ada Bonus Ebook-Ebook Menarik
Salam Sukses Selalu!!
- 18.
My Home alone video with my friend deshi_indian I call my Boyfrien
Posted by: "cute.suhaani" cute.suhaani
Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:42 pm (PDT)
My Home alone video with my friend
[deshi_indian] < >deshi_wallpaper. html
I call my Boyfriend
My BF firstly pressed my boobs and after then just snatch my top
download and watch the clips
< > Desi Indiandeshi_wallpaper. html
click here to get pics and video
< >deshi_wallpaper. html
- 19.
Jobs Announced for all Career Levels!!
Posted by: "business_guide2" business_guide2
Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:40 am (PDT)
New job vacancies are announced for all career levels. Whether you are
fresh or professional, you will find the best paying job opportunity
that meets your profile.
Visit for free job posting and resume posting
Best regards,
HR Manager
Jobs Hire Services
UNSUBSCRIBE: To unsubscribe please send an email to
unsubscribe@jobs-hire. with subject line as "Unsubscribe Jobs".com
- 20.
sweet girl vinita talk about sexx sooo hotttttttt
Posted by: "cute.suhaani" cute.suhaani
Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:48 am (PDT)
sweet girl vinita talk about sexx sooo hotttttttt
[Suhani] <http://blog.yugchetna. >com/
a sweet girl named vinita talk about sex in cafe
see this blog <http://blog.yugchetna. >com/
- 21.
(no subject)
Posted by: "Jessika Lim" anchi_furniture
Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:00 am (PDT)
ANCHI FURNITURE SOLUSINYA!!!Anchi Furniture menjual berbagai furniture
berkualitas dan murah (harga pabrik) jadi cocok untuk dipakai sendiri
ato dijual lagi. Jadi kunjungihttp://anchifurniture untuk info lebih lengkap dan cara pemesanan diluar jabotabek.Khusus Jakarta biaya kirim GRATISSSSSS (syarat dan ketentuan berlaku!!!!).multiply. com
Kunjungi situs kami di http://anchifurniture.multiply. com
Anchi furniture menjual furniture berkualitas dengan harga murah
email: dan
- 22.
Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!, 8/29/2008, 10:00 pm
Posted by: ""
Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:42 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!
Friday August 29, 2008
10:00 pm - 11:00 pm
(This event repeats every day.)
Location: putri04
Selamat Datang Ke Perigi Duit Dot Com.
Apakah Program Perigi Duit Ini??
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- 23.
Withdraw earnings from any ATM,$500/day !Generate cash on demand!
Posted by: "IncomeSolutions" htpwk
Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:15 am (PDT)
Withdraw earnings from any ATM,$500/day !Generate cash on demand! ?113945
- 24.1.
Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Advertising...
Posted by: "Marsh" fionayohanwana
Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:19 am (PDT)
Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Advertising...
The system that earns me $4000/week
Discover How You Can Easily Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Advertising...
Imagine a money making system that requires absolutely no selling, advertising,
recruiting or websites!
So how much does Ca$h1234 cost?
$100?, $47?... try $9.00
Nine dollars, that's all I ask. There are no hidden or monthly costs. You pay
the small fee just once and you receive instant access to the system that earns
me $4000/week - it's that simple.
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Blast your ads to 5,000 groups only $5.95 or less! or
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Post your ads to thousands of members for FREE and make some cash at the same time group/Advertiser s_Heaven group/get- money-online group/4_Internet _Marketing
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- 25.
Posted by: "Jessika Lim" anchi_furniture
Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:50 am (PDT)
Dengan skrip rahasia sedot atm saldo awal anda tak akan pernah
berkurang walau uang di ambil setiap hari, uang akan mengalir terus ke
rekening anda secara otomatis. saya dan Teman-teman sekarang
penghasilannya 5 juta - 30 juta perbulan setelah menjalankan skrip
rahasia ini, Jadi tunggu apa lagi segera kunjungi websitenya sebelum
harga dinaikkan!!!
Kunjungi situs kami di http://anchifurniture.multiply. com
Anchi furniture menjual furniture berkualitas dengan harga murah
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