Sabtu, 18 September 2010

[FISIKA] Digest Number 3101[1 Attachment]

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)



Physics Seminar: "In Search for The God Particle" (Dep Fisika UI, 22

Posted by: "Muhammad Aziz Majidi"   aziz_majidi

Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:00 am (PDT)


Yth. Bapak/Ibu/Saudara(i) para dosen, mahasiswa, dan masyarakat pencinta

Departemen Fisika FMIPA Universitas Indonesia dengan ini mengundang Anda
untuk menghadiri
Seminar Fisika yang terbuka untuk umum:

*In Search for The God Particle*

R. Suharyo Sumowidagdo, Ph.D.

Profile of the speaker:
- Researcher at University of Califonia, Riverside, USA, and CMS Experiment
at CERN, Geneve, Switzerland,
- Alumnus of Physics PhD program at Florida State University, FL, USA,
- Alumnus Program S1 dan S2 Departemen Fisika FMIPA UI

Rabu, 22 September 2010
Jam: 13.00-16.00 WIB

Ruang Seminar Departemen Fisika, Gedung F, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia,
Depok 16424


*On the 30th of March, 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland, the largest scientific
experiment in history began. Around 13:00 local time, the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC) of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN),
successfully collided high-energy protons with each other and thus recreated
the moment a tiny fraction of seconds after the Big Bang. This event made
headlines in major media around the world. Yet in Indonesia, only a handful
of people were aware about the event, let alone understood the importance of
this moment as history in the making.

The seminar will bring the latest information from CERN, LHC, and the CMS
(Compact Muon Solenoid) Experiment. It will begin with an accessible
introduction to experimental high energy physics. Then it will discuss about
CERN, LHC, and CMS. Finally, the latest results from CMS will be presented,
with the focus on the Herculean effort toward finding the Higgs boson, The
God Particle, which is currently the last remaining missing piece of the
Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics.

Seminar akan menyoroti perkembangan mutakhir penelitian di dunia fisika
partikel, khususnya perburuan boson Higgs, yang dijargonkan sebagai *The God
Particle* (partikel Tuhan), karena eksistensinya (bila terbukti) akan
menjadi pelengkap Model Standar untuk Fisika Partikel Elementer. Seminar
juga akan dilengkapi dengan informasi seputar peluang studi dan karir di
bidang Fisika Partikel Elementer dan Fisika secara umum di USA dan dunia.
Untuk informasi lengkap seminar, lihat poster terlampir.

Don't miss it!

A.n. Pimpinan Departemen Fisika FMIPA UI
Dr. rer. nat. Agus Salam (Koordinator Penelitian)

UNDANGAN SEMINAR FISIKA: "In Search for The God Particle" (Dep Fisik

Posted by: "Muhammad Aziz Majidi"   aziz_majidi

Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:11 am (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from Muhammad Aziz Majidi included below]


Yth. Bapak/Ibu/Saudara(i) para dosen, mahasiswa, dan masyarakat pencinta

Departemen Fisika FMIPA Universitas Indonesia dengan ini mengundang Anda
untuk menghadiri
Seminar Fisika yang terbuka untuk umum:

*In Search for The God Particle*

R. Suharyo Sumowidagdo, Ph.D.

Profile of the speaker:
- Researcher at University of Califonia, Riverside, USA, and CMS Experiment
at CERN, Geneve, Switzerland,
- Alumnus of Physics PhD program at Florida State University, FL, USA,
- Alumnus Program S1 dan S2 Departemen Fisika FMIPA UI

Rabu, 22 September 2010
Jam: 13.00-16.00 WIB

Ruang Seminar Departemen Fisika, Gedung F, FMIPA Universitas Indonesia,
Depok 16424


*On the 30th of March, 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland, the largest scientific
experiment in history began. Around 13:00 local time, the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC) of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN),
successfully collided high-energy protons with each other and thus recreated
the moment a tiny fraction of seconds after the Big Bang. This event made
headlines in major media around the world. Yet in Indonesia, only a handful
of people were aware about the event, let alone understood the importance of
this moment as history in the making.

The seminar will bring the latest information from CERN, LHC, and the CMS
(Compact Muon Solenoid) Experiment. It will begin with an accessible
introduction to experimental high energy physics. Then it will discuss about
CERN, LHC, and CMS. Finally, the latest results from CMS will be presented,
with the focus on the Herculean effort toward finding the Higgs boson, The
God Particle, which is currently the last remaining missing piece of the
Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics.

Seminar akan menyoroti perkembangan mutakhir penelitian di dunia fisika
partikel, khususnya perburuan boson Higgs, yang dijargonkan sebagai *The God
Particle* (partikel Tuhan), karena eksistensinya (bila terbukti) akan
menjadi pelengkap Model Standar untuk Fisika Partikel Elementer. Seminar
juga akan dilengkapi dengan informasi seputar peluang studi dan karir di
bidang Fisika Partikel Elementer dan Fisika secara umum di USA dan dunia.
Untuk informasi lengkap seminar, lihat poster terlampir.

Don't miss it!

A.n. Pimpinan Departemen Fisika FMIPA UI
Dr. rer. nat. Agus Salam (Koordinator Penelitian)

Attachment(s) from Muhammad Aziz Majidi

1 of 1 File(s)

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