Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

[daarut-tauhiid] Beasiswa S2/S3 King Abdul Azis University (g perlu arabic?)



Bagi yang tertarik, semga dimudahkan oleh Allah. amiin

BatikTen Owner

--- Pada Rab, 26/1/11, syaikhul muqorrobin <dzikrulmaut_06@yahoo.com> menulis:


Klo dilihat sekilas pengungumannya sih g ada syarat arabic language.. cuma TOEFL/IELTS doang...

Good luck :)

BatikTen Owner

Admission for Graduate


King Abdul Aziz University Announces the Admission for Graduate

Studies Scholarship for Applicants from outside Saudi Arabia

For the academic year 2011/2012

Deanship of Graduate Studies at King Abdul Aziz university, at Saudi Arabia, Jeddah, announces the admission to graduate programs for master and Ph.D degrees for non-Saudis from outside the Kingdom for the year
2011/2012, and that according to following;

Disciplines available for Ph.D:

Faculty of Arts and Humanities:

History, library and information, sociology, Arabic language.

Faculty of Sciences:

Biology, chemistry, biochemistry.

Faculty of Engineering (Males Only):
Civil engineering
Faculty of Earth Sciences (Males Only):  

Engineering and environmental geology, hydrogeology, petroleum and sediments geology.

Faculty of Metrology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture (Males Only):

Arid land agriculture, environmental sciences

Disciplines available of master degree:

Faculty of Economics & Administration:

Accounting, Public Administration, Economics, Systems.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities:
English literature and linguistics, history, sociology, libraries and information, geography, Arabic language, Islamic studies, psychology.

Faculty of Sciences:
Chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, statistics, biochemistry, astronomy and space.

Faculty of Engineering:
Civil engineering, Production engineering and mechanical systems designing, thermal engineering and desalination technology, industrial engineering, electrical and computer engineering, chemical and material engineering, nuclear
engineering, aeronautic engineering, mining engineering.
Faculty of Earth Sciences (Males Only):

  Mineral and rocks wealth, engineering and environmental geology, hydrogeology, petroleum and sediments geology, structural and remote sensing geology, geophysics.

Faculty of Metrology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture (Males Only):

Metrology, Arid land agriculture, environmental sciences, water resources sciences and management.

Faculty of Marine Sciences (Males Only):

Marine biology, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine geology.

Faculty of Environmental Designs (Males Only):

Urban and regional planning, architecture
College of Computing & Information Technology:

Computer sciences.
Home Economics:
 Islamic arts, clothing and textiles, childhood studies, housing and house management,  food and nutrition, educational and home economics.

Admission conditions:
1.      Applicant age not exceed (30) years for master degree and (35) years for Ph.D.

2.      Applicant should hold approved official academic qualification of grade not less than "Very Good", if the degree offered in grade,  from his home country.

3.      Acquiring one of the following degrees in English language exams:


Exam type

Applicant for M. Degree

Applicants for Ph.D

TOEFL exam (PBT)



TOEFL exam (CBT)






4.      Applicant should be of good conductance and medically fit

5.      Applicant should submit scientific recommendations from his previously instructors.

6.      Applicant should not be dismissed from one of the educational institutions in the Kingdom.

7.      Applicants certificates should be certified from one of Saudi embassies in applicant  country.

Scholarship privileges:

Payment of a monthly award of (2400 SR) for MA students and (3400 SR) to a PhD students.

Payment of accommodation allowance (1800 SR) when scholarship student arrive.

Health care for the student and his family, if he bring his family to live with him.

Providing of housing and suitable scientific, social, cultural and training care.

Procurement of reduced meals
Not continual award of (3000 SR) for MA students, and (4000 SR) for Ph. D students as allowance of word-processing of  thesis.

Graduation award for books cargo (2700SR)
Yearly back and forth Traveling tickets for the student and his family
   Required documents:

Curriculum vitae for the applicant
Research proposal for the specialization to be enrolled.
A copy of graduation certificate (certified from Saudi Embassy)
A copy of transcript (certified from Saudi Embassy)
Two scientific recommendations from previous instructors.
Tasks and duties of scholarship student:

In addition to joining graduate study programs, scholarship student should carry out suitable academic and technical works for his specialization, so that this will not affect on his academic performance and on the educational
quality of KAU.
Application mechanism:
Apply to graduate studies program take place through access to Our Website KAU Scholarships for Graduate Studies, and reading the regulations and conditions of admission available programs and then start filling the electronic
application and attaching the required documents for those who fulfill the admission conditions within the period of admission which begin in 15/01/2011 to 4/05/2011.

Contact and inquiry:
Dr. Ahmed Hamed
International Students Unite (ISU-DGS)


Tel. + 966(2) 6951265, + 966(2) 6951195 Extension 204

Fax: +26951281
Web site:



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
Pesantren Daarut Tauhiid - Bandung - Jakarta - Batam
Menuju Ahli Dzikir, Ahli Fikir, dan Ahli Ikhtiar
       website:  http://dtjakarta.or.id/


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