Sebuah renungan yang indah dari Mawlana Syaikh Hisyam Kabbani qs setalh kunjungan yang panjang di Indonesia dan beliau menyampaikan suhbah ini dari Singapura, jangan bersedih karena setan ingin senantiasa membuat kalian bersedih dan kemudian menjadi depresi yang berat, dan manusia menjadi marah dan tidak ridha atas segala ketentuan Allah yang terjadi pada diri kita. Be happy don't be sad.
Shaytan Make People Sad
Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani qs
Singapore 4 January 2012
The busy one you must not make him busier. It has many meanings. One of the meanings which is important to us, is that the one who is busy remembering Allah swt don't make his attention go somewhere else. And don't bother him. Similarly it also goes for people who are busy with their families and trying to provide for their families, don't make them busier.
So I hope we are not keeping you busy and giving you a lecture until midnight. Kalimatan Adil, two words, means two sentences, SubhanAllah wabihamdihi, SubhanAllahil Adzim astaghfirullah, they are very light on the tongue, but they are very heavy on the scale. It's better than all lectures from beginning to end. All these lectures are not worthy of these two sentences,"SubhanAllah wa bi hamdihi subhanAllah il Adheem astaghfirullah"..
Sound system doesn't work, have to keep changing (laughing) it has jinn now. Audhu billah min ash-shaytan r-rajeem Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim, madad ya Sayyidi.
So whatever lecturer around the world making lectures saying, these two sentences are better than anything you can say. They are very light on the tongue and very heavy on the scale on Day of Judgment. Say it. If you add all your deeds even all the deeds of all Bani Adam, subhanAllah wa bi hamdi, subhanAllah il Adheem astaghfriullah is better.
So what you want better in this dunya? (squeeze forward so everyone can hear). These two sentences Allah gave for us to be happy! As we say Rabbana atina fiddunyati hasana, Allah gave you that hasana take it! If you want to be successful say these two sentences.
And Prophet (saw) said if you say 4 words, you enter paradise. They are in Holy Qur'an. SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaha illa Allah and Allahu Akbar, 4 words. Even people are not worthy of themselves of doing something. Allah gave us these 4 words. That's why a man came and said it's getting too much to keep all these rules of Islam give me something easy. He said keep your tongue moist with remembrance of Allah. Means not silent dhikr but loud one.
In Naqshbandi tariqa dhikrul khafi means you keep your tongue on your palate. But in this hadith it says make your tongue wet with dhikrulllah. How to keep it wet? You keep it moving and it makes a sound, that is dhikr al-Jahri (Loud). And Allah gave us things to do for ummat an-Nabi (Saw) that is for Prophet, not because of us.
And Allah said to Prophet Muhammad (saw) in Surat ash-Sharh why you are sad? Means people why you are sad? Allah saying to Prophet, "I don't like to see you sad. I'm giving you something to make you so happy and whole ummah". He says Am I not sad. Be happy! Don't think too much. Thinking too much makes you sad. People think too much about a problem and they become depressed. Either they blow up from anger, or go into a corner and can't talk. No enjoy. Enjoy in Allah's Mercy. Not in disco, but enjoy in Allah's Mercy.
Allah said in Holy Qur'an you must be happy. Awliya and ulama say that rahma (to be happy about) is Muhammad (saw). So whenever you have a sad moment in your life then recite 7 times Surat Alam Nasshrah and blow on water and drink it every day that depression will go. Because one tear for believer or we can say Muslim, but if you zoom it, it to go deeper specificially is the Mu'min. One tear from him for Allah and His Prophet is more valuable than dunya.
Allah swt doesn't like for believer to be sad. Prophet Ibrahim (as) was thrown in fire. And he didn't get sad. Sayidina Jibril as came and said you need help? He said I don't need your help. Who sent me here knows what's happening. So Allah made him cool for him. Not cool, cold. If it is - 70 iron breaks and becomes powder. Thick iron, put it in that tempearature, hit it it goes into powder.
So Allah swt doesn't like the heart of His believer, His lover, that the one who is praying, fasting, sadaqa, doing dhikr, to be sad in his life. Look at the life of Prophet how much sad it is?. How much Prophet (saw) was tortured?. How much they tortured him?. How much they tortured his sahaba and cannot do anything. Is it true? Cannot do anything? No he can! But Allah teaching through Prophet to be patient. Prophet was tested through everything. He was Rauf and Rahim. Gave him two from attributes. There is more but two in this verse. Forebearing and Merciful. Be happy! This life doesn't worth to make you sad.
Shaytan make People sad. Shaytan plays with them to make them sad, to make them unhappy, to make all those around them unhappy like them. Correct? Psychology, they studied that all of you take psychology course then come to tariqa. (Mawlana laughing). To learn about the nature of the self. It's not easy. Allah sent Sayidina Musa (as) to Sayidina Khidr (as), to teach him. What Allah ordered him to do is for Sayidina Musa to see and learn.
So what he did? They went into the boat. Now today, if they catch you on a boat they give you a life jacket. Sayidina Khidr is going to make Sayidina Musa without life jacket? Why he put a hole in the boat? To make it to sink. Because there was a King, takes every vessel arriving to other shore take it by force. Who is that King? Someone king taking a vessel, must be a tyrant is not? And who owns the ship? Were nine owners of the vessel they are poor, living from it. Fishing and taking people.
So what he did? He put a hole in it in order to let it sink, and tyrant sees it sinking he doesn't bother. Wisdom out of it, that ship is the nafs al-Bashariiya, nature of the self. It has been described in some tafsir not all of them, this is Mawlana's teaching. So that means the vessel is representing the ego, means you have to put a hole in it to drown. Because the tyrant is there, Shaytan is waiting. If you are not putting a hole in it then he'll get you. If he gets you you are lost. So Shaytan wants you to be sad, build you up you are sad, (eat, drink, sleep, etc) remember when this happens, Shaytan is on you. Run away. So it became safinat an-Najat
So then he killed the boy. Sayidina Musa (as) says what you are doing? You are killing a boy has no sins? He says I'm killing him now because when he grows up he's going to be a tyrant, and parents will lose their iman. Means don't let your ego grow with depression and sadness. When Shaytan blows in you with that dirty smell then your ego will start to harm everyone. Because Shaytans children have long nails because when they scratch Bani Adam in this situation, they scratch them and put their poison in humans.
Sayidina Musa (as) is from the Five best Prohets, but he is learning. When he puts a hole and doesn't let the ego grow, then there is a wall with a treasure waiting for you. Means make a hole in your ego, then kill the child of shaytan growing within you, then you will get the treasure. So there are treasures in the Holy Qran. SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, la ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar. You can say in any order you like. Whatever it will be safety from hellfire.
It is not worth it to divide, or to be sad or depressed or this or that. Prophet (saw) Allah sent him a rahma. And there is no Prophet after Sayyidina Muhammad (Saw), but Allah kept Sahaba to teach the ummah. And sahaba taught the ummah, either through spiritual means or physical. Meaning external knowledge or internal knowledge leading to reality
and sahaba taught the followers, Tabiieen. So this relationship goes from one Wali to another Wali, that Allah describes in Holy Qur'an," Verily Awliya Allah there is no fear on them and must not be sad. So don't be sad. Sadness is dangerous, be happy. Awliyaullah Allah gave them to make their followers to be happy, not to be sitting in corners, or locking themselves in rooms or in bathrooms.
Come out! Who is in bathroom? Shaytan. They lock themselves in bathrooms. They smoke a cigarette. You are not allowed to eat, how can you eat a cigareete. Dirty food. Dirty with dirty both same. So that connection with Awliyaullah when you are sad, immediately think that I'm not going to listen to what shaytan saying, and I am not going to let the child of satan to build. Get out of your sadness, make wudu, make 2 rakats read surat al-Sharh, Allah expand your chest from expansion of Prophet (Saw) chest, Allah will expand your chest.
And we were given relics of Prophet (saw), he is seeing and present is a relic. And the biggest relic is going to his house in Madina Munawwara, and going to Mecca takes away that sadness. There are relics also from his clothes, turban, holy hair, teeth, his sword, his jubba, the flag.
Imam Mahdi will bring all these amanat from Topkapi Palace. There are so many relics to give happiness to people. Previous ulama, in special nights, (Mawlid, Ashura, Nisf Shaban, 15 Shaaban), these days are important with Salawat you try to visit all the relics around the world. Some people go to Mecca and Medina, if you cannot, Allah provided relics around the world. That relic cannot be opened whenever we like. Must be on right days. I never saw Mawlana Shaykh open any day, must be on precious days.
Alhamdulillah Allah provided with relics here, visit on precious days. Not as a toy open and close. Must be on real perfect day. So for that reason, we go back to sadness. Don't be sad. Remember Allah swt and His prophet and awliyaullah your heart become back and that seed of faith you water it with dhikrullah. Keep your tongue running in Allah swt. May Allah keep us always remembering Him, Prophet and awliyaullah. And to be more and more organized and together.
Today I was visiting Mufti, very nice man, he is trying to do his best. May the ummah be happy with him, he is always laughing, always smiling. And inshaAllah we see you next time, and inshaAllah we see you double this number. As Mawlana said, I know first time he came. First step was in Singapore 1986. I don't think anyone was present. We used to go to one lady's house. She was relative of Minister of Brunei. We use to say in a small apartment in 1986 there.
Alhamdulillah with baraka of Mawlana and work of all of you, and those representing here, numbers are doubling. Not like Indonesia, there in hundreds of thousands. But according to population. Really I never saw like Indonesia in Qasidas. Every masjid has Mawlid it's strange! Perfect. May Allah forgive us, bless us, and ziyara maqboola may Allah forgive us. Bi hurmat il habeeb bi hurmat Fatiha.
Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq
Pesantren Daarut Tauhiid - Bandung - Jakarta - Batam
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