Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)
- 1.
- Fwd: (Abstract Submission Deadline Extended January 15,2011) Call fo From: Sidik Permana
- 2.
- Kompetisi Soal WoPhO From: zxabidin
- 1.
Fwd: (Abstract Submission Deadline Extended January 15,2011) Call fo
Posted by: "Sidik Permana" sidik_96
Mon Jan 3, 2011 6:04 pm (PST)
Dear All,
(Sorry for receiving multiple messages)
We would like to inform you that the abstract submission deadline of Annual
Meeting of Science and Technology Studies 2011 is extended to January 15th,
2011 (JST).
Kindly distribute this info to your friends and colleagues.
Thank you and Regards,
Secretariat of AMSTECS 2011
E-mail :
Tel/Fax : +81-(0)29-287-7280
===================== ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ======
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: AMSTECS 2011 Organizing Committee < >
Third Circular (Abstract Submission Deadline Extended)
Call for Papers
Abstract: December 31, 2010 (JST) is extended to January 15, 2011 (JST)
Annual Meeting of Science and Technology Studies (AMSTECS) 2011
Venue: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo - Japan, March 19th-20th, 2011
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 15th, 2011 (JST)
Abstract acceptance notification: January 20th, 2011
Proceeding manuscript submission deadline: February 28th, 2011
Conference: March 19th-20th, 2011
The conference will mainly focus on followings topics, but not only limited
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Life Science, Health and Medicine Technology
- New and Renewable Energy and Energy Saving Technology
- Technology and Management of Transportation
- Information and Communication of Technology
- Advanced Material Science
There will be also a special session on Indonesia human resources
development and the revitalization of national industrial strategy in order
to strengthen a national innovation system toward a knowledge-based
developed country with key note speakers as follows.
1. Prof. Boediono,Vice President of Republic of Indonesia (in confirmation),
2. Mr. Suharna Surapranata, Minister of Research and Technology of Republic
of Indonesia,
3. Mr. Muhammad Lutfi, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Japan (in
4. Prof. Djoko Santoso, Director General Higher Education, Ministry of
National Education, Indonesia,
5. Prof. B.J Habibie, Former President of Republic of Indonesia, National
Technology Leader (in confirmation),
6. Prof. Hiroshi Sekimoto, Director of Center for Research into Innovative
Nuclear Energy Systems (CRINES), Tokyo Institute of Technology,
7. Prof. Sadaoki Furui, Director of Library Institute, Department of
Computer Science Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
8. Prof. Akhmaloka, Rector of Bandung Institute of Technology,
9. Industries and others Tokyo Tech Representative (to be invited).
Authors are requested to submit per email a one page abstract in English.
The submitted abstract should be prepared in a camera ready format (max. 400
words). Please use the Microsoft word (1997-2003 versions) documents format
with A4 paper size, single line spacing and Arial font type of size 11. The
abstract should include a list of 5 keywords. An optional figure could also
be inserted.
Please submit the paper to the following address:
The abstract should contain as follows:
- An outline of the problem,
- the innovation of solution, and
- the obtained results.
Within your abstract please indicate as follows:
- The title of Paper on the top of Abstract,
- the Author's name (underline the name of the speaker),
- mailing address incl. telephone,
- facsimile number and e-mail address, and
Submission of abstract implies author's willingness to register at
conference and present the papers. An accepted paper will be published in
the proceedings only if the final version will be accompanied by the
registration form and payment for one of the authors. One author
registration will guarantee publication of at most two accepted papers.
Registration is required for all participants. Participant who submits
abstract will be automatically registered, subject to the conference fee.
Conference registration should be done online at: -2/
Conference Fee
Student participant: JPY 2000
Regular participant: JPY 5000
Please refer to the registration page on payment information.
AMSTECS 2011 activities comprise of :
1. Scientific Meeting (SM),
2. Policy Meeting (PM),
3. Executive Meeting (EM),
4. Workshop on Publication, Carrier and Entrepreneur (WPCE),
5. Awards and Achievements Show (AAS),
6. Social and Culture Event (SCE).
We are inviting scientists, engineers, industrial and business practitioners
to convene and discuss about the global progress of science and technology
developments and their vision about the sustainable future of Indonesia and
the World.
- Indonesian Student Association fo Tokyo Tech. (ISA Tokyo Tech)
- Institute for Science and Technology Studies (ISTECS) Chapter Japan
- Indonesian Student Association/Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Chapter Japan
- Indonesian Scientists and Engineers Society/Masyarakat Ilmuwan dan
Teknolog Indonesia (MITI)
- Indonesian Agricultural Sciences Association (IASA) Japan
- Indonesian Embassy for Japan and Micronesia
- Ministry of Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia
- HE Mr. Muhammad Lutfi (Indonesia Ambassador for Japan and Micronesia)
- Dr. Ade Komara Mulyana (Ministry of Research and Technology Office on
Science and Technology Policy)
- Fithra Faisal Hastiadi, SE, MSE, MA (Chairman of Indonesian Student
Association (ISA) Japan)
- Haryandi, S.T (President of MITI - Student Section)
- Muhammad Najib, S.TP, MM (President of IASA)
Prof. Djoko Santoso (Director General Higher Education, Ministry of National
Education, Indonesia)
Prof. Sadaoki Furui (Tokyo Tech, Japan)
Prof. Yuriko Sato (Tokyo Tech, Japan)
Prof. Ken Kawan Sutanto (Waseda, Japan) (In confirmation)
Prof. Hiroshi Sekimoto (Tokyo Tech, Japan)
Prof. Edison Munaf (Unand Univ, Indonesia, Indonesian Embassy for Japan)
Prof. Mikrajuddin Abdullah (ITB, Indonesia)
Prof. Khairurrijal (ITB, Indonesia)
Prof. Naoyuki Takaki (Tokai Univ, Japan) (In confirmation)
Prof. Zaki Suud (ITB, Indonesia) (In confirmation)
Prof. Taufik (Cal Poly State University, USA)
Prof. Ismunandar (ITB, Indonesia)
Assc. Prof. Koichi SHINODA (Tokyo Tech, Japan)
Assc. Prof. Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo (Chiba Univ, Japan) (In
- Dr. Achmad Husni Thamrin (KEIO, ISTECS, Japan) (Chair)
- Dr. Danardono Dwi Antono (Sony, ISTECS, Japan) (Co-chair)
- Dr. Khairul Anwar (JAIST, ISTECS, Japan)
- Dr. Yanyan Agustian (Muranaka, ISTECS, Japan)
- Dr. Dinar Catur I (PWRI-ICHARM, ISTECS,BPPT, Japan)
- Dr. Luhur Bayuaji (Chiba Univ, ISTECS, Japan)
- Dr. Yose Fahmi Buys (ISTECS, Malaysia)
- Dr. Purwadi (ISTECS, Japan)
- Dr. Sidik Permana (JAEA,ITB,ISTECS, Japan)
- Dr. Umar Khayam (Kyushu Univ, ITB,ISTECS, Japan)
- Dr. Sunardi (BRASTEL, ISTECS, Japan)
- Dr. Rahmadi Kurnia (ISTECS, UNAND Indonesia)
- Dr. Khoirul Anwar (JAIST, Jepang) (Chair)
- Dr. Dinar Catur I (PWRI-ICHARM, ISTECS,BPPT, Japan) (Co-chair)
- Dr. Tran Hoai Nam (Chalmers Univ and Tech, Sweden)
- Dr. Sidik Permana (JAEA,ITB,ISTECS, Japan)
- Dr. Sulfikar Amir (NTU singapore)
- Dr. Luhur Bayuaji (Chiba Univ, ISTECS, Japan)
- Alan Bolind, Ph.D (Ibaraki University, Japan)
- Dr. Muhammad Hadid Subki (IAEA, Austria)
- Dr. Yose Fahmi Buys (ISTECS, Malaysia)
- Dr. Sigit P. W. Jarot (International Islamic University Malaysia)
- Dr. Ing Suhendra (BAM, Germany) (In confirmation)
- Dr. Ratno Nuryadi (BPPT, Indonesia)
- Dr. Rahmadi Kurnia (UNAND Indonesia)
- Dr. Prihardi Kahar (Meisei univ, Japan) (In confirmation)
- Dr. Ferry Iskandar (ITB, Indonesia) (In confirmation)
- Dr. Wuled Lenggoro (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,
Jepang) (To be invited)
- Dr. Brian Yuliarto (ITB, INDENI, Indonesia)
- Dr. Sandro (ITB, Indonesia) (To be confirmed)
- Dr. Abdul Waris (ITB, Indonesia)
- Dr. Hadi Susanto (Nottingham University, UK)
- Dr. Rifki Muhida(International Islamic University Malaysia) (To be
- Dr. Hadi Susanto(Nottingham University, UK)
- Dr. Johny Setiawan(Max Planck Institute of Astronomie, Heidelberg,
Germany) (In confirmation)
- Dr. Rohadi Awaludin (BATAN, Indonesia)
- Dr. Syarif Junaidi (UKM, Malaysia)
- Dr. Sri Harjanto (UI, Indonesia)
- Dr. Mukhtasor (ITS, Member Dewan Energi Nasional, Indonesia)
- Dr. Haznan Abimanyu, (LIPI, Indonesia)
- Dr. Abdul Kholiq, (BPPT, Indonesia)
- Dr. Edi Hilmawan (BPPT, Indonesia)
- Dr.rer. nat. Makky Sandra Jaya (GFZ, Germany)
- Dr. Edy Hartulistiyoso (Belgia)
- Dr. Ghufron Zaid, M.Eng. (KRISS, South Korea)
- Pranoto Efendi, M.Sc (Australia)
- M. Arief Budiman, PhD. (Orion Genomics, St. Louis, USA)
- Mohammad Yusuf Efendi, M.Eng (USA)
- Agus Fanar Syukri, Ph.D (LIPI,MITI,Bintek,MNI, Indonesia)
- Dr. Krissandi Wijaya (Unsoed, Indonesia, Ibaraki Univ. Japan)
- Dr. Rino R Mukti (ITB, University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Muhammda Najib, S.TP, MM (IASA, IPB, University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Dr. Alexander Agung (UGM, Chalmers Univ and Tech, Sweden)
- Dr. Umar Khayam (Kyushu Univ, ITB,ISTECS, Japan)
Interested authors, presenters should contact the Organizer at:
Secretariat of AMSTECS 2011
E-mail :
Tel/Fax : +81-(0)29-287-7280
Interested participants, sponsors and for general information of the
conference may also contact the above address.
Institute for Science and Technology Studies Chapter Japan or ISTECS-Japan
is one of the professional organization of Indonesian society who lives in
Japan among students, professionals in industries, universities and others
who has a concern for research and development of science and technology,
particular in Indonesia and Japan, and in the world.
1. Making and managing a media for publication and documentation of ISTECS's
activities and scientific meeting activities such as scientific discussions,
scientific writing of journal, and popular scientific news in berita-iptek's
portal, books and proceedings through online, radio and off-print media.
2. Managing ISTECS's website and mailing list
3. Arranging an annual meeting of ISTECS's scholar to be used for
communication media among Indonesia Scholar in particular who live in Japan.
4. Establishing and managing a medium for sharing science and technology
issues among ISTECS's member in some working groups (WGs).
5. Conducting a development strategy for human resource of ISTECS
6. Conducting strategic discussions for science, technology and policy
Office :
Fujinokoshi 102, 3-5-1 Ooaza, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki, 319-1195,
Tel/Fax : +81-(0)29-287-7280, E-mail : psidik@gmail. com , HP : 080-3387-1215
Website ISTECS :;
Radio ISTECS : pls
===================== ======
Annual Meeting for Science and Technology Studies 2011 (AMSTECS-2011)
March 19-20, 2011
Any inquiry and questions:
Paper :
Tel/Fax : +81-(0)29-287-7280 @
- 2.
Kompetisi Soal WoPhO
Posted by: "zxabidin" zxabidin
Mon Jan 3, 2011 8:18 pm (PST)
Kompetisi Soal
Kompetisi pembuatan soal untuk tahap final WoPho (World Physics Olympiad). Peraturan dasar:
1. Terbuka untuk umum: Dosen dan guru fisika, pemimpin tim APhO/IPhO, semua orang yang tertarik
2. Kualitas soal: Sama atau lebih baik daripada APhO/IPhO. Soal harus mengikuti standar silabus APhO/IPhO
3. Soal belum pernah dipakai/diterbitkan sebelumnya.
4. Dua tipe soal: Detail lebih lanjut di php
a. Teori: Deadline 30 Juni 2011, 3 pemenang
b. Eksperimen: Deadline 30 Maret 2011, 2 pemenang
a. Teori: Medali, sertifikat dan $20.000,00
b. Eksperimen: Medali, sertifikat dan $25.000,00
c. Fasilitas lain: Tiket perjalanan ke Bali dan akomodasi di Bali untuk tahap final WoPho. Informasi detail di php
d. 10 soal teori yang tidak menang tetapi dianggap baik: Medali, sertifikat dan $1000,00
e. Semua soal yang dikirim ke panitia menjadi milik panitia.
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