Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

[FISIKA] Digest Number 3253

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)



France-Asia Particle Physics School at Les Houches

Posted by: "Haryo Sumowidagdo"   haryo_hep

Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:22 am (PDT)

CNRS IN2P3 and CEA IRFU together with the participating Asian research
organization and universities are organizing a series of schools
alternatively in France and Asia focusing on Physics, data analysis,
detector and accelerator development for LHC and ILC.

The classes will be given in English by international experts from
Asia and France.

This two-week pre-doctoral school aims at providing future PhD
students and young physicists with theoretical and practical tools
necessary to address the challenges of this experimental field in the
next decade. This School, mainly oriented to Asian and French
students, will allow the building of fruitful relationships, crucial
to the future of particle physics. It will take place in the
prestigious Ecole de physique des Houches in the French Alps.

The limited number of students (about 50) will favour informal
discussions with lecturers in a friendly atmosphere. In the same
spirit, discussion sessions will be organised, following academic

Info lebih lengkap bisa dilihat di

Batas akhir pendaftaran adalah 30 Juni. Ideal untuk lulusan S1 yang
ingin meneruskan ke PhD fisika partikel teori atau eksperimen.


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