Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)
- 1a.
Posted by: "facebook_27" facebook_27
Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:17 pm (PDT)
Hi all,
Salam kenal sebelumnya. Perkenalkan nama saya Fendy. Saat ini saya seorang guru privat untuk anak-anak SMP dan SMU. Dengan bergabung di group ini saya harap bisa memperkaya ilmu saya dan dapat membagikannya ke anak-anak saya karena ilmu yang baik adalah membagi ilmu, betul? :p Mohon bantuannya.
Jika ada teman2 yang punya account facebook, boleh add saya di supaya kita bisa lebih kenal.php?id=162538589 7
- 2a.
Re: Coca-cola + Mentos = Explosion ??
Posted by: "Rockefellaz Fellow"
Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:06 am (PDT)
Untuk yang resmi dari Coca-Cola Corp ===
Q: *Why do Diet Coke and Mentos react this way when combined?
*A: *We haven't conducted any research on the reaction between Diet Coke and
Mentos. However, some scientists have said that it has something to do with
the interaction of carbon dioxide (what gives soft drinks their "fizz") and
the surface of the candy.
*Q: *What happens if you eat Mentos and drink Diet Coke at the same time?
*A: *Nothing out of the ordinary. Chewing the candy destroys the surface
needed for the carbon dioxide bubbles to form.
http://www.thecoca-colacompany. com/contactus/ myths_rumors/ packaging_ mentos.html
Uji oleh MythBuster team
"That's something I was actually concerned about," he says. "I took a big
swing and popped a couple of Mentos in my mouth, and the soda pretty much
came out my nose and sprayed all over the place. Everyone laughed. I've got
this big mustache -- it's kind of my trademark on the show -- and it was
dripping all over off this mustache and made a big mess. zap-mythbustersm entos,0,4325641. story?coll= zap-tv-mainheadl ine
Status hoax
The reaction is real - Reports of resulting deaths are unsubstantiated and
probably untrue. coke-mentos. shtml
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