Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)
- 1.
- Ada Yg Tau 1 in lbf/rad = ...? From: sirFatah
- 2a.
- Re: Tanya Drop Voltage From: tri setiyanto
- 3a.
- Re: Bls: [FISIKA] Tanya Drop Voltage From: fikri achdan
- 4.
- Persamaan Diferensial Pergerakan 2 Roda tersambung Batang Fleksibel? From: sirFatah
- 5.
- Ada yg bisa mmbuat Diagram Benda Bebas? From: febi_ef
- 1.
Ada Yg Tau 1 in lbf/rad = ...?
Posted by: "sirFatah" febi_ef
Wed Oct 5, 2011 10:41 am (PDT)
1 in lbf/rad = ... ft lbf/deg?
- 2a.
Re: Tanya Drop Voltage
Posted by: "tri setiyanto" setyatri
Wed Oct 5, 2011 10:41 am (PDT)
kalauudah naik pesawat pada lupa kalo ada yang naik angkot..
mungkin ini bisa bantu dik.. drop tegangan tergantung besar R,
sedang untuk Arus AC R impedansi simbul z berubah tergantung frekuensi dan sudut phase..
artikel ini moga ngebantu
[edit] Device examples
The phase angles in the equations for the impedance of inductors and capacitors indicate that the voltage across a capacitor lags the current through it by a phase of π / 2, while the voltage across an inductor leads the current through it by π / 2. The identical voltage and current amplitudes tell us that the magnitude of the impedance is equal to one.
The impedance of an ideal resistor is purely real and is referred to as a resistive impedance:
In this case the voltage and current waveforms are similar and in phase.
Ideal inductors and capacitors have a purely imaginary reactive impedance:
the impedance of inductors increases with frequency;
the impedance of capacitors decreases with frequency.
In both cases, for an applied sinusoidal voltage, the resulting
current is also sinusoidal, but in quadrature, 90 degrees out of phase
with the voltage. However the phases have opposite signs: in an
inductor, the current is lagging; in a capacitor the current is leading.
Note the following identities for the imaginary unit and its reciprocal:
Thus we can rewrite the inductor and capacitor impedance equations in polar form:
The magnitude tells us the change in voltage amplitude for a given
current amplitude through the impedance, while the exponential factors
give the phase relationship.
jadi simpulkan sendiri..
--- On Tue, 10/4/11, fikri achdan < > wrote:sg
From: fikri achdan < >sg
Subject: [FISIKA] Tanya Drop Voltage
To: "fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups. " <fisika_indonesia@com yahoogroups. >com
Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2011, 8:54 PM
Dear Teman2 Fisika,
Saya mau tanya, apabila tegangan AC dan DC dengan nilai yang sama dialirkan pada kabel yang panjangnya sama pula.Lebih drop tegangan mana, AC atau DC?
Alasan dan dasar teorinya bagaimana?
Terima Kasih seblmnya....
Best Regards
Fikri A
- 3a.
Re: Bls: [FISIKA] Tanya Drop Voltage
Posted by: "fikri achdan" achdan_kp33
Wed Oct 5, 2011 10:41 am (PDT)
Terima Kasih Pak Rudy
maaf, untuk rumus2 yang berhubungan dgn hal tsb apakah punya link untuk download ?
Fikri A
_____________________ _________ __
From: rudy irianto < >
To: fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wednesday, 5 October 2011 5:07 PM
Subject: Bls: [FISIKA] Tanya Drop Voltage
Dasar teorinya adalah 4 persamaan maxwell yang membentuk RLC (Resistansi Induktansi, Kapasitansi), terus dikembangkan menjadi teori Transmission Line.
Kalo AC, Induktansi dan Kapasitansi berpengaruh, sebab frekuensi tidak sama dengan nol
Kalo DC, hanya resistansi yang berpengaruh (DC frekuensi = nol), dihitung dalam ohm/meter, tentunya dihitung dari luas permukaan konduktor dan panjangnya.
Pada Sel, 04 Okt 2011 20:54 ICT fikri achdan menulis:
>Dear Teman2 Fisika,
>Saya mau tanya, apabila tegangan AC dan DC dengan nilai yang sama dialirkan pada kabel yang panjangnya sama pula.Lebih drop tegangan mana, AC atau DC?
>Alasan dan dasar teorinya bagaimana?
>Terima Kasih seblmnya....
>Best Regards
>Fikri A
- 4.
Persamaan Diferensial Pergerakan 2 Roda tersambung Batang Fleksibel?
Posted by: "sirFatah" febi_ef
Wed Oct 5, 2011 10:42 am (PDT)
Bagaimana Persamaan Diferensial pergerakan 2 roda (J1 & J2) yg
tersambung Batang Fleksibel spt pd gmbr berikut? gambar/FigP3. 20.JPG
Gambar P3.20 < >gambar/FigP3. 20.JPG
- 5.
Ada yg bisa mmbuat Diagram Benda Bebas?
Posted by: "febi_ef" febi_ef
Wed Oct 5, 2011 6:41 pm (PDT)
Bagaimana diagram benda bebas & persamaan gerak utk sistem di bawah ini: gambar/FigP3. 30.JPG
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