Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)
- 1a.
- Postgraduate Opportunity From: Setyawan Widyarto
- 2.
- Desperately needed was Re: RA positions in UM From: Setyawan Widyarto
- 3.
- Informasi Workshop Nanoteknologi (22–23 Nov 2011) From: MNI Indonesia
- 1a.
Postgraduate Opportunity
Posted by: "Setyawan Widyarto" setyawan_widyarto
Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:35 pm (PDT)
Posisi yang pernah saya post masih belum terisi. Untuk lebih detail silahkan baca fwd email di bawah.
Dr.Setyawan Widyarto (Marwan)
Dean, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology - Universiti Selangor
Minat: Modelling and Simulation, Manufacturing System Engineering and Management, Robotics and Automation, Samawaat Economics and Finance
From: Abdullah Gani < >
Date: 6 October 2011 10:06
Subject: Potential Candidates
To: Setyawan Widyarto < >
Salam Dr
Referring to our conversation, I am still waiting for any move from your side about getting good students from Indonesia.
Kindly take note that I have allocated THREE slots for Indonesian students. Pls visit the url below for further info.
Best Regards
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Gani, PhD (Sheffield)
Director, High Impact Research Group on Mobile Cloud Computing
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel/Fax: +603-7967-6307
skype: abdullahanakgani
Web - index.php/ Research_ Opportunities
Dr.Setyawan Widyarto (Marwan)
Minat: Modelling and Simulation, Manufacturing System Engineering and Management, Robotics and Automation, Samawaat Economics and Finance
--- On Wed, 14/9/11, Setyawan Widyarto < > wrote:uk
From: Setyawan Widyarto < >uk
Subject: RA positions in UM
To: "PPIUTM" <informasi_ppi_utm@yahoogroups. >, "PPI Malaysia" <ppidimalaysia@com yahoogroups. >, "Karir Amanah" <kariramanah@com yahoogroups. >, "fisika_indonesia@com yahoo.groups. " <fisika_indonesia@com yahoo.groups. >com
Cc: " " < >
Date: Wednesday, 14 September, 2011, 18:13
One of my colleagues in UM, Malaysia contacted me. He needs postgraduate students in Mobile Cloud Computing. He has allocated 3-4 RA positions.
He is looking for very good students. Interested? Please send me your CV and contact me immediately but no later than September 22, 2011.The process would be faster if you could also attach publication sample. I might be as second supervisor for Indonesian applicants.
Dr.Setyawan Widyarto (Marwan)
Dean, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Universiti Selangor (UNISEL), Malaysia
Minat: Modelling and Simulation, Manufacturing System Engineering and Management, Robotics and Automation, Samawaat Economics and Finance
- 2.
Desperately needed was Re: RA positions in UM
Posted by: "Setyawan Widyarto" setyawan_widyarto
Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:35 pm (PDT)
Posisi yang pernah saya post masih belum terisi. Untuk lebih detail silahkan baca fwd email di bawah.
Dr.Setyawan Widyarto (Marwan)
Dean, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology - Universiti Selangor
Minat: Modelling and Simulation, Manufacturing System Engineering and
Management, Robotics and Automation, Samawaat Economics and Finance
From: Abdullah Gani < >
Date: 6 October 2011 10:06
Subject: Potential Candidates
To: Setyawan Widyarto < >
Salam Dr
Referring to our conversation, I am still waiting for any move from your side about getting good students from Indonesia.
Kindly take note that I have allocated THREE slots for Indonesian students. Pls visit the url below for further info.
Best Regards
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Gani, PhD (Sheffield)
Director, High Impact Research Group on Mobile Cloud Computing
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel/Fax: +603-7967-6307
skype: abdullahanakgani
Web - index.php/ Research_ Opportunities
Dr.Setyawan Widyarto (Marwan)
Minat: Modelling and Simulation, Manufacturing System Engineering and Management, Robotics and Automation, Samawaat Economics and Finance
--- On Wed, 14/9/11, Setyawan Widyarto < > wrote:uk
From: Setyawan Widyarto < >uk
Subject: RA positions in UM
To: "PPIUTM" <informasi_ppi_utm@yahoogroups. >, "PPI Malaysia" <ppidimalaysia@com yahoogroups. >, "Karir Amanah" <kariramanah@com yahoogroups. >, "fisika_indonesia@com yahoo.groups. " <fisika_indonesia@com yahoo.groups. >com
Cc: " " < >
Date: Wednesday, 14 September, 2011, 18:13
One of my colleagues in UM, Malaysia contacted me. He needs postgraduate students in Mobile Cloud Computing. He has allocated 3-4 RA positions.
He is looking for very good students. Interested? Please send me your CV and contact me immediately but no later than September 22, 2011.The process would be faster if you could also attach publication sample. I might be as second supervisor for Indonesian applicants.
Dr.Setyawan Widyarto (Marwan)
Dean, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Universiti Selangor (UNISEL), Malaysia
Minat: Modelling and Simulation, Manufacturing System Engineering and
Management, Robotics and Automation, Samawaat Economics and Finance
- 3.
Informasi Workshop Nanoteknologi (22–23 Nov 2011)
Posted by: "MNI Indonesia" nano_indonesia
Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:35 pm (PDT)
[Attachment(s) from MNI Indonesia included below]
Kepada Ykh
Bapak / Ibu Anggota Masyarakat Nano Indonesia
Di tempat
Dengan Hormat,
salam hangat dan hormat dari kami semoga Bapak/Ibu senantiasa berada dalam
keadaan sehat wal afiat sehingga dapat melaksanakan aktifitas dengan
telah menjadi harapan dalam menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan
teknologi yang dihadapi saat ini. Aplikasi nanoteknologi akan membuat
revolusi baru dalam dunia industri dan diyakini bahwa pemenang
persaingan global adalah negara-negara yang menguasai teknologi nano.
Untuk menguasai teknologi nano, bangsa Indonesia memerlukan kerjasama
berbagai pihak dan mensinergikan berbagai potensi bangsa.
Untuk tujuan tersebut, kami bermaksud menginformasikan kepada Bapak/Ibu beserta institusi mengenai kegiatan WORKSHOP NANOTEKNOLOGI dengan tema "Sintesis Nanopartikel Kitosan dengan metoda bottom up dan karakterisasinya"
pada tanggal 22–23 November 2011 bertempat di LAPTIAB-PTFM BPPT,
PUSPIPTEK. Bersama surat ini, kami lampirkan brosur kegiatan dan
formulir pendaftaran. Kegiatan yang diharapkan bermanfaat bagi
penelitian dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di Indonesia
merupakan kerja sama Nanotech Indonesia dengan himpunan profesi
Masyarakat Nano Indonesia (MNI). Untuk informasi lebih lanjut ataupun
jika Bapak/Ibuberminat untuk mengikuti pelatihan tersebut dapat melakukan
pendaftaran yang dapat dilihat pada website Nanotech Indonesia
( atau menghubungi kami di no. telp. (021) 7587 0479
Demikian kiranya informasi ini kami sampaikan. Atas perhatian dan partisipasinya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Hormat kami,
Firdus L.D, S.Si
Training Manager
===================== ========= ========= ========
Masyarakat Nano Indonesia
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong Gd. 410, Balai Inkubator Teknologi BPPT R.129
Tangerang Banten 15310, INDONESIA
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Telp/Fax : 021- 7587 0479
email : Attachment(s) from MNI Indonesia
1 of 1 Photo(s)
1 of 1 File(s)
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