Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)
- 1.
- Website Seminar Nasional Hamburan Neutron & Sinar-X 2011 From:
- 2a.
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn From: renold darmasyah
- 2b.
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn From: renold darmasyah
- 3a.
- The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Science, Engineering an From: Abrar Ismardi
- 4.
- The 9th Hokkaido Indonesian Student Association Scientific - Meeting From: yudha hadibowo
- 1.
Website Seminar Nasional Hamburan Neutron & Sinar-X 2011
Posted by: ""
Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:02 pm (PDT)
Serpong, 13 Juni 2011
Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu
di Tempat
Selamat siang.
Menyambung pemberitahuan sebelumnya, bersama ini kami informasikan bahwa
Website Seminar Nasional Hamburan Neutron & Sinar-X ke-8 (SNHNX 2011)
telah dapat diakses.
Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan secara online melalui website kami tersebut.
Silakan klik link di bawah ini. snhnx2011/
Panitia SNHNX 2011
- 2a.
Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Posted by: "renold darmasyah" renold78
Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:11 am (PDT)
I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
- renold
renold darmasyah
Owner at PT. Mitra Selaras Development
Confirm that you know renold darmasyah
https://www.linkedin. com/e/-95ymg5- gowvf6no- 5r/isd/320913224 6/DBDYovUf/
(c) 2011, LinkedIn Corporation - 2b.
Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Posted by: "renold darmasyah" renold78
Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:27 am (PDT)
I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
- renold
renold darmasyah
Owner at PT. Mitra Selaras Development
Confirm that you know renold darmasyah
https://www.linkedin. com/e/-95ymg5- gowvzygk- 6e/isd/320913224 6/DBDYovUf/
(c) 2011, LinkedIn Corporation
- 3a.
The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Science, Engineering an
Posted by: "Abrar Ismardi" abrar_selah
Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:25 am (PDT)
To view online version, please click here
The 2nd International Conference on Advance Science, Engineering and Information Technology
We apologise if you receive multiple copies of this message.
Dear Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs,
The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (2nd ICASEIT) organized by the Indonesian Students Association of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human
Development (INSIGHT) provides a mean for academicians, researchers and
professionals to present and exchange their research findings in a
scientific environment. It is also useful to build a basis for
establishing networks among them. The conference is going to be held on
12 – 13 December 2011 at Impiana KLCC Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
The conference theme " Facing the Future through Science : Unity within
Diversity" will highlight on research topics that cover every
discipline in all fields of sciences, engineering and information
technology. All accepted papers of the 2nd ICASEIT will be
published in the International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering
and Information Technology (IJASEIT) and indexed by CiteSeerX, DBLP,
DOAJ and Google Scholar.
We welcome academicians, scientists, professionals and graduate
students to submit qualified and state-of-art research papers in all
aspects of science, engineering and information technology. The paper
may contain theory and review, experiments, simulation and modeling, as
well as applications.
The conference scopes include (but not limited to) the followings:
Bioscience & Biotechnology
Chemistry and Food Technology
Environmental Science
Mathematics and Statistics
Applied Physics Engineering :
Chemical and Process Engineering
Civil and Structural Engineering
Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering
Geological and Mining Engineering
Mechanical and Materials Engineering Information Technology :
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science
E-Learning and Multimedia
Information System
Internet and Mobile Computing
Deadline of full paper submission : 24 June 2011
Notification of acceptance : 25 July 2011
Early Bird Registration : 24 August 2011
Registration and Camera Ready submission : 23 September 2011
Conference dates : 12 - 13 December 2011
Prospective authors must submit their original and unpublished full papers through the 2nd ICASEIT Online Conference System. The full paper is strictly in PDF format and limited to 4-8 pages of A4 paper in single space. Authors may convert the document file using PDF converter software or online Doc-to-PDF converter such as BullZip PDF Printer. No paper will be processed unless it fully complies with the full
paper template and given instructions. The paper template can be
downloaded from this link (2nd ICASEIT Paper Template). You will receive a confirmation e-mail that your submission was successful. Please do not send us your full paper by email. All papers shall be reviewed by a panel of technical reviewers. Accepted papers with registered authors will be published in the International
Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology
Any updated information may be referred to the conference website at Do kindly circulate this Call for Papers to your colleagues who may interested to participate..
Yours sincerely,
Adhi Harmoko Saputro
Chairman of 2nd ICASEIT
Organized By
Supported By
- 4.
The 9th Hokkaido Indonesian Student Association Scientific - Meeting
Posted by: "yudha hadibowo" yhadibowo
Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:00 am (PDT)
We apologise if you receive multiple copies of this message.
Dear Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs,
The 9th Hokkaido Indonesian Student Association Scientific - Meeting (HISAS 9).
Call for Papers
Send your manuscript and the Submission Information to
hisas9@hisas.ppi-hokkaido. org
Deadline: Manuscript reaching the committee after 17 June 2011 midnight (24.00
JST) will not be accepted. If you want to make any revision from previous
submitted manuscript, the deadline will be extended to 30 June 2011 midnight
(24.00 JST).
Exploring the Earth in Harmony: From Investment to Prosperity
Meeting Venue:
Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
Date: July 9th, 2011
Time: 8:30 - 15:30 JST
Keynote Speakers:
1. Darwin Z. Saleh (confirmation pending)
(Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources - Republic of Indonesia)
2. Bandri Kaieda (confirmation pending)
(Minister of Economic Trade and Industry - Japan)
3) R. Priyono (confirmed)
(Head of Government Agency for Upstream Business of Oil and Gas - Indonesia)
Scientific sessions:
Room 1, Session 1: Petroleum Exploration, Regulation and Investment
Room 1, Session 2: Petroleum Exploration, Regulation and Investment
Room 2, Session 1: Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture
Room 2, Session 2: Environmental and Engineering
Field Trip:
Lake Toya and Usu Volcano
Date: July 10th, 2011
Time: 8:30 - 17:00 JST
All members of Indonesian Student Association in Japan are eligible to actively
participate in this program. Furthermore, Government of Indonesia and Japan, Oil
and Gas Industries, students and researchers who are not a member are encouraged
to join this scientific meeting either as participants or observers.
For more details visit our web site http://hisas9.ppi-hokkaido. org/
Indonesian Student Association in Hokkaido (PPI-H) which is part of Indonesian
people has an obligation to actively participate in research in earth science,
engineering, environmental, forestry, agriculture, fishery and social science.
One of the contributions by PPI-H is this 9th Hokkaido Indonesi
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