Messages In This Digest (18 Messages)
- 1.
- Kaos Bulutangkis Yonex Thomas Cup Team Indonesia (Original) From: Untari Tanoto
- 2.
- Kaos Bola Euro 2008 National Team Perancis, Italia, Belanda dll From: Untari Tanoto
- 3a.
- Recieve 50,000 New & Fresh Opt-In Email Leads EVERY Week From: Rita
- 4a.
- *** Bisnis Internet Yang Terpercaya Dan Terbaik,Terbukti Saat ini ** From: BNI PRIMADANA 33.6 Milyar
- 4b.
- *** Bisnis Internet Yang Terpercaya Dan Terbaik,Terbukti Saat ini ** From: BNI PRIMADANA 33.6 Milyar
- 5.
- 100 Home Business Opportunities for 100% FREE From: Mart
- 6.1.
- The Perfect Job! From: xxxxx
- 7.1.
- This CAN'T Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To! From: xxxxx
- 8a.
- Do You Need Funds,Captial,Cash,Money? From: Lotia
- 9.1.
- Get Paid For The Things You Used To Do For FREE! From: xxxxx
- 10.
- Are You About Ready To Give Up On Your Dreams Of Making Money Online From: uxsdifqfmvgk
- 11.1.
- Make $3.500+ Per Month From Your Opinion! From: xxxxx
- 12a.
- HOW TO TURN $100 INTO $25,000 USD From: Jino
- 13.1.
- Home Bound Dining Guide! From: xxxxx
- 14.
- A legitimate, proven method to earn from home! From: Rose
- 15a.
- Get As Many As 1.571 MILLION Unique Visitors From: Debora
- 16.1.
- Make $1500 Per Day Doing Nothing! From: xxxxx
- 17a.
- I make $30000 every month from Google From: Ferra
- 1.
Kaos Bulutangkis Yonex Thomas Cup Team Indonesia (Original)
Posted by: "Untari Tanoto" untaritanoto
Mon May 26, 2008 8:09 am (PDT)
Dapatkan segera persediaan terbatas
Seperti yang dipakai team Indonesia pada pertandingan Thomas Cup 2008.
Dapat di peroleh di;
ITC Cempaka Mas Lantai 1 blok H no 515
--------------------- --------- ---
Bergabunglah dengan orang-orang yang berwawasan, di bidang Anda di Yahoo! Answers
- 2.
Kaos Bola Euro 2008 National Team Perancis, Italia, Belanda dll
Posted by: "Untari Tanoto" untaritanoto
Mon May 26, 2008 8:14 am (PDT)
Anda pecinta sepak bola?
Dapatkan segera kaos kesayangan team anda seperti Italia, Jerman, Perancis. Spanyol, Portugal , Belanda Dll.
Dapat di beli di :
ITC Cempaka Mas Lantai 1 blok H no 515
--------------------- --------- ---
Yahoo! Toolbar kini dilengkapi dengan Search Assist. Download sekarang juga.
- 3a.
Recieve 50,000 New & Fresh Opt-In Email Leads EVERY Week
Posted by: "Rita" fionayohanwana
Mon May 26, 2008 8:18 am (PDT)
Recieve 50,000 New & Fresh Opt-In Email Leads EVERY Week
Send Your Ad As Many Times As You Want!!
We Will Provide You With 50,000 New & Fresh Opt-In Emails Every Week.
You Can Blast Your AD From Your Own Computer daily, weekly or even monthly - Whenever Suits you!
Or Let Us Send Your E-Mail Campaign From Our Own Servers, Saving You Time & Money!
Our E-mails Are 100% SPAM FREE & OPT-IN. Not Only Do We Send You Opt-in Emails, We Also Provide You With Their Full Name, Full Address, Telephone Number, & Even Their IP Address.
Instantly BLAST Your Web Site Visitors, Your Product Sales, Your Affiliate Sales & EVEN Your Google Adsense Earnings, GUARANTEED!
Visit Our Web Site To See The PROOF!!
===================== ======
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===================== =====
Blast your ads to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers only $5.95 or less! or
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- 4a.
*** Bisnis Internet Yang Terpercaya Dan Terbaik,Terbukti Saat ini **
Posted by: "BNI PRIMADANA 33.6 Milyar" promo_pulsa_murah
Mon May 26, 2008 9:12 am (PDT)
Sekarang ini Banyak bisnis Online yang beredar luas.
Bisa anda bayangkan prospek bisnis online saat ini.
Di indonesia pengguna internet saat ini mencapai 100 juta orang.
Dan jika anda bisa mengembangkan potensi tersebut tentunya akan menjadi orang yang sukses.
Dengan peluang yang besar tersebut.
Kami menawarkan kepada anda bisnis Terpercaya dan Terbaik saat ini.
Membongkar rahasia-rahasia besar bagaimana menjalankan bisnis online.
Dan bagaimana bisa mendapatkan penghasilan ribuan dollar / hari
Silahkan klik dan join : ?reff=succes
- :
Dengan System Random yang canggih.
Anda tidak perlu promosi system kami yang bekerja.
Gampang bukan.
silahkan join dan klik : mada2
- Jutawan
Di sini Kami menawarkan Ratusan Script Dan Ebook serta software.
Anda hanya tinggal download.
Dan tentunya akan bisa menjual ke semua orang karena anda sudah mendapat lisence dari
Mungkin klo di Website lain anda akan membeli hingga puluhan juta.
Tapi kami memberikan kepada anda Gratis / cuma2.
Dengan tujuan kita bisa maju bersama.
Silahkan klik dan join : ?id=mada1
- Program 33.6 milyar
System cangggih dan mudah di jalankan.
hanya dengan modal awal Rp 50.000 anda bisa meraih milyaran rupiah.
Tentu anda tidak percaya.
Segera mulai bergabung dengan kami.
Silahkan join ; ?id=UUT
Bisnis internet memiliki banyak kelebihan
waktu yang saat flexsibel,di manapun kapanpun anda dapat melakukan dan menjalankan bisnis ini asal anda terhubung dengan internet.
Pangsa pasar yang sangat luas.
Dan tentunya semua transaksi dengan modal bisa anda lihat di monitor.
Jadi anda tidak perlu ragu untuk menjalankan bisnis ini.
Segera join dan aktifasi.
Kesuksesan adalah Jalan terakhir untuk anda.
Best regard
Bisnis terpercaya dan terbaik
--------------------- --------- ---
Yahoo! Toolbar kini dilengkapi dengan Search Assist. Download sekarang juga. - 4b.
*** Bisnis Internet Yang Terpercaya Dan Terbaik,Terbukti Saat ini **
Posted by: "BNI PRIMADANA 33.6 Milyar" promo_pulsa_murah
Mon May 26, 2008 9:12 am (PDT)
Sekarang ini Banyak bisnis Online yang beredar luas.
Bisa anda bayangkan prospek bisnis online saat ini.
Di indonesia pengguna internet saat ini mencapai 100 juta orang.
Dan jika anda bisa mengembangkan potensi tersebut tentunya akan menjadi orang yang sukses.
Dengan peluang yang besar tersebut.
Kami menawarkan kepada anda bisnis Terpercaya dan Terbaik saat ini.
Membongkar rahasia-rahasia besar bagaimana menjalankan bisnis online.
Dan bagaimana bisa mendapatkan penghasilan ribuan dollar / hari
Silahkan klik dan join : ?reff=succes
- :
Dengan System Random yang canggih.
Anda tidak perlu promosi system kami yang bekerja.
Gampang bukan.
silahkan join dan klik : mada2
- Jutawan
Di sini Kami menawarkan Ratusan Script Dan Ebook serta software.
Anda hanya tinggal download.
Dan tentunya akan bisa menjual ke semua orang karena anda sudah mendapat lisence dari
Mungkin klo di Website lain anda akan membeli hingga puluhan juta.
Tapi kami memberikan kepada anda Gratis / cuma2.
Dengan tujuan kita bisa maju bersama.
Silahkan klik dan join : ?id=mada1
- Program 33.6 milyar
System cangggih dan mudah di jalankan.
hanya dengan modal awal Rp 50.000 anda bisa meraih milyaran rupiah.
Tentu anda tidak percaya.
Segera mulai bergabung dengan kami.
Silahkan join ; ?id=UUT
Bisnis internet memiliki banyak kelebihan
waktu yang saat flexsibel,di manapun kapanpun anda dapat melakukan dan menjalankan bisnis ini asal anda terhubung dengan internet.
Pangsa pasar yang sangat luas.
Dan tentunya semua transaksi dengan modal bisa anda lihat di monitor.
Jadi anda tidak perlu ragu untuk menjalankan bisnis ini.
Segera join dan aktifasi.
Kesuksesan adalah Jalan terakhir untuk anda.
Best regard
Bisnis terpercaya dan terbaik
--------------------- --------- ---
Bergabunglah dengan orang-orang yang berwawasan, di bidang Anda di Yahoo! Answers
- 5.
100 Home Business Opportunities for 100% FREE
Posted by: "Mart" fionayohanwana
Mon May 26, 2008 9:19 am (PDT)
100 Home Business Opportunities for 100% FREE
Try Top 100 Home Business Opportunities For 8 Weeks Risk Free
Since all programs listed in the following link provide 8-weeks 100% money-back guarantee, you may ask money back after you download the information they sell.
You will 100% get money back if you request refund in 8 weeks.
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers only $5.95 or less! or
===================== =====
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- 6.1.
The Perfect Job!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Mon May 26, 2008 9:34 am (PDT)
Companies need your input in order to be successful.
They need to know what everyday people want in their products, what they prefer, and what will prompt them to buy the products and services the company offers.
This is called market research.
By providing companies with this information, you are providing them with a valuable service.
It gives them an edge on the competition and aids them in the success of their products and services.
And You Get Paid for helping Them to Succeed!
http://clickst.EXPRESSPAY. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 7.1.
This CAN'T Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To!
Posted by: "xxxxx" berra_tuzcu61
Mon May 26, 2008 9:52 am (PDT)
This CAN'T Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To!
Fastest, Easiest And Laziest Money
Who Else Wants to Earn US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Money System!
Your Plug-And-Play Turnkey Money Machine!
Get Your Financial Freedom For Pennies...
The Internet's Fastest, Easiest And Laziest 'Plug-And-Play' System For Making Immediate Money Online...Introducing...
"The Turnkey Money Machine That Prints Non-Stop Profits For You Automatically, The Lazy Way!"
Once You Turn On This Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Money System, It Can't Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To!
PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!
http://clickst.BIRDSWOOD. hop.clickbank. net/
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 8a.
Do You Need Funds,Captial,Cash,Money?
Posted by: "Lotia" fionayohanwana
Mon May 26, 2008 10:11 am (PDT)
Do You Need Funds,Captial,Cash,Money?
Do you need funding for business, home repair, paying
off bills or just to take a long vacation? Raise up to
$11 million dollars in 90 days. No Banks, No Loans,
No Grant applications. NO Joke.
===================== ========
********************* *********
New groups to post your ads FREE!!! group/Ebay_ Advertising group/Skype_ Advertising group/Buy_ and_Sell_ Advertising group/Advertisin gBiz group/GetMoreTra ffic group/promote- ur-biz-here group/Posting- Zone group/bizopps group/Ads- For-Business group/BUSINESS_ ZONE group/Paydotcom- Advertising group/Clickbank- Advertising
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers only $5.95 or less! or
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- 9.1.
Get Paid For The Things You Used To Do For FREE!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Mon May 26, 2008 10:20 am (PDT)
You can now get paid for the things you used to do for FREE!
You can Get Paid To Give Your Opinion
You can Get Paid To Be Online
You can Get Paid To Be Online
You can Get Paid To Drive
You can Get Paid To Shop and Eat!
http://clickst.PAID4FREE. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 10.
Are You About Ready To Give Up On Your Dreams Of Making Money Online
Posted by: "uxsdifqfmvgk" uxsdifqfmvgk
Mon May 26, 2008 10:22 am (PDT)
know I was until I learned my secret technique that I stumbled upon
that brought me thousands of dollars within the first month of using it
that doesn't require selling, lots of traffic, or even a fancy website.
Virtually any consumer desperately wants what you'll be giving away for
free. Each and every time they take your free offer, you'll get
anywhere from several dollars to several hundred dollars per person
without them ever knowing that they're making you rich!
There are so many possibilities with this technique, that there's no
longer a need to even compete with anyone! But even if you have to
compete, I'll show you how you can blow out any competition hands down
using this technique.
That's precisely why I can sell this guide and give out the exact same
technique that I use to make money, because with thousands and
thousands of possibilities, there's no need to ever even compete.
http://mnyonline.blogspot. com/#
- 11.1.
Make $3.500+ Per Month From Your Opinion!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Mon May 26, 2008 10:41 am (PDT)
Start Making Money Today
Just For Sharing Your Opinion!
Plus HUGE Bonuses Never Before Seen!
http://clickst.PAIDETC.hop. clickbank. net/
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- 12a.
HOW TO TURN $100 INTO $25,000 USD
Posted by: "Jino" fionayohanwana
Mon May 26, 2008 11:02 am (PDT)
HOW TO TURN $100 INTO $25,000 USD
Join this Incredible best business .
Buy One (1) Unit for $100 usd To earn $25,000 usd.
Two (2) Units with $200 usd will payout $50,000 usd.
And there is No maximum on Units you may Purchase.
The program will pay also for referral fee Commisssion of 10% for each member referred under you.
For complete info , SEND Blank e-mail to: (ippa
********************* *********
New groups to post your ads FREE!!! group/Ebay_ Advertising group/Skype_ Advertising group/Buy_ and_Sell_ Advertising group/Paydotcom- Advertising group/Clickbank- Advertising group/4_affiliat es group/Advertisin gBiz group/Ads- For-Business group/downline_ builders
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers only $5.95 or less! or
--------------------- --------- -
Email 81 Million Targeted Prospects Every Month
2.7 Million Targeted Prospects a Day (100% Opt-in)
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- 13.1.
Home Bound Dining Guide!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Mon May 26, 2008 11:11 am (PDT)
Have you ever asked yourself how your favorite restaurant makes the dish you love?
What is it that makes it so mouth watering wonderful?
"How do they do it?"
With the help of the Home Bound Dining Guide you could have the secrets that answer these questions and make that dish right in your own kitchen tonight?
Over 580 Recipes From 39 Different Restaurants
http://clickst.PFLEM.hop. clickbank. net/
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 14.
A legitimate, proven method to earn from home!
Posted by: "Rose" fionayohanwana
Mon May 26, 2008 11:35 am (PDT)
A legitimate, proven method to earn from home!
Meet the guy who earns $30k/month harnessing the power of the Google search engine, and sit back while he shows you how to clone his methods ...
The Google Cash system is a proven business model, based on
three years and 7 months of hard, intensive research ...
I offer you a 100% Guaranteed Work From Home opportunity,
with a proven track record (Google Cash is now in its 3rd edition,
and continues to improve with our constant customer feedback).
===================== =====
Get your ad posted to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers for only $5.95 or less!! or
--------------------- --------- ---
New Groups to post your ads FREE!!! group/HomeBiz_ Postings group/unlimited_ postings group/Post_ Home_Biz_ Ads_Here group/Submit_ ads_here group/Advertiser s-Heaven group/Zone- 4-Ads group/about- advertising group/Place- Your-Ads- Here group/Opp- Heaven group/ADADADADA group/Advertisin g-Now group/Free- for-all-ads group/Opp- Seekers group/I-Love_ Money
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- 15a.
Get As Many As 1.571 MILLION Unique Visitors
Posted by: "Debora" fionayohanwana
Mon May 26, 2008 12:09 pm (PDT)
Get As Many As 1.571 MILLION Unique Visitors
"Top Secret" system for 1,000s of automatic FREE Hits!
"Amazing Secret System Reveals How You Can Easily Generate TONS Of FREE Traffic, Signups And Sales On Complete Autopilot!"
Get As Many As 1.571 MILLION Unique Visitors
To Your Website For FREE With This System!
===================== ========= ===
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Blast your ads to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers only $5.95 or less! or
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- 16.1.
Make $1500 Per Day Doing Nothing!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Mon May 26, 2008 12:30 pm (PDT)
What if I could show you the quickest way to make from $200 to $1500 per day doing nothing but working at home with your computer - and get you started in less than fifteen minutes from now?
http://clickst.PROFITLAN. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 17a.
I make $30000 every month from Google
Posted by: "Ferra" fionayohanwana
Mon May 26, 2008 1:19 pm (PDT)
I make $30000 every month from Google
Learn Today How 100's of people are Earning $500 - $1000 Every single day using the Same Search Engine Google We've been Using for many Years!
GOOGLE Make me Rich. I Make $30,000 every month from Google.Let me show you the same exact way to become Rich like me from GOOGLE !
Start Generating Multiple Income Streams From Google. Risk-Free! Get your Copy today with Full Master Resale rights.
Sell at your own price and keep 100% profit.
No need to sell any products over internet
You don't have to deal with customers, EVER!
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers only $5.95 or less! or
===================== =======
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