Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

[FISIKA] Digest Number 2409

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)



Weekly Reminder: Workshop on Theoretical Physics 2008 (WTP2K8) Updat

Posted by: "Husin Alatas"   husinalatas

Mon May 5, 2008 11:31 pm (PDT)

Integrability in the Universe and Beyond

This meeting is the fifth one of the annual meeting on theoretical physics
in Indonesia. We invite both local and international
participants to attend and present their current researches in the parallel


All topics related to theoretical physics are welcome. The workshop consist
of invited lectures, invited plenary talks, and parallel session on the
following fields:

- Astrophysics
- Biophysics
- Cosmology
- Condensed Matter
- High Energy Physics
- Lattice Gauge
- Mathematical Physics
- Non-linear Physics
- Nuclear Physics

Wednesday, 14th May (08:30 - 16:45)

Physics Department
Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus IPB Darmaga
Bogor, Indonesia

List of speakers:

1. Invited:
Prof. Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Univ. Hiroshima
Title: Evolution of the universe and dark matter

2. Lectures:
- Freddy P. Zen, D.Sc, ITB (Superstring theory and extra dimension)
- Premana Premadi, Ph. D, ITB (Observational cosmology)
- Dr. L. T. Handoko, LIPI (Magnetofluid dynamics in quark-gluon plasma and
- Agus Purwanto, D.Sc, ITS (tba)

3. Plenaries
- Dr. rer. nat. Anto Sulaksono, UI
- Dr. rer. nat. Agus Salam, UI
- Dr. rer. nat. Bobby E. Gunara, ITB
- Mirza Satriawan, Ph. D, UGM
- Dr. Husin Alatas, IPB

All contributed speakers and participants SHOULD FOLLOW online registration
through: /wtp2k8 <>

Participation fee (For Indonesian citizen) :
- registration for speaker : Rp. 40.000,- (student, with meal)
Rp. 80.000,- (non-student,
with meal)
- registration for non-speaker : Rp. 30.000,- (with meal)
Rp. 0,- (without meal)

Participation fee (For foreign citizen) :
- registration for speaker : US$ 20,- (speaker, with meal)
- registration for non-speaker : US$ 10,- (with meal)
*) meal : lunch, snack and drink

life is just a game in a waiting, famous, rich are just the
resonant states, eventually we will go back to the ground state...

life is just a game in a waiting, famous, rich are just the
resonant states, eventually we will go back to the ground state...

life is just a game in a waiting, famous, rich are just the
resonant states, eventually we will go back to the ground state...
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