Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1a.
- ## Boobs bouncing College girls ## From: shalinis408
- 2.
- 3.
- Feel the thrill of great sex From: Hipps
- 4a.
- Upahnya RM30 untuk 1 email yang anda poskan From: Janda Muda
- 4b.
- Upahnya RM30 untuk 1 email yang anda poskan From: Janda Muda
- 5.
- Girl removing her dresses with her Boyfriend >> Downld Video full pa From: i.rai19
- 6.1.
- Web Traffic Has Never Been Easier! From: xxxxx
- 7.1.
- Drive a Brand New Car For FREE! From: xxxxx
- 8.1.
- Search & Download over 80 Million Movies Online! From: xxxxx
- 9.1.
- Earn Over A Million Dollars Without Even Owning A Website! From: xxxxx
- 10.1.
- Google Top Listing Miracle! From: xxxxx
- 11.
- Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!, 5/20/2008, 10:00 pm From:
- 12.
- Top Ten Tactics to be exceptionally Successful in Small Business!! From: business_guide2
- 13.1.
- Click to Get Paid For What You Think! From: xxxxx
- 14a.
- Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Advertising... From: Roland
- 15.1.
- Achieve #1 In All Search Engines! From: xxxxx
- 16a.
- Is Alcohol or Drug Use Badly Affecting Your Life? From: xxxxx
- 17a.
- Increase Traffic With 1 Click From: Oria
- 18.1.
- Locate Billions in FREE Grants! From: xxxxx
- 19.1.
- Send Ads to 600,000 Hourly From: Rao
- 20.
- "USE OUR MONEY TO GROW YOUR ( SFI ) BUSINESS", 5/21/2008, 12:00 am From:
- 21.
- 22.
- Tips Hidup sehat dengan konsumsi makanan bebas pencemaran!!!, 5/21/2 From:
- 23.
- "Get paid to Drive your Car", 5/21/2008, 12:00 am From:
- 24.
- Tahukah Anda setiap hari tubuh Anda di masuki zat-zat berbahaya mela From:
- 1a.
## Boobs bouncing College girls ##
Posted by: "shalinis408" shalinis408
Mon May 19, 2008 11:40 pm (PDT)
- 2.
Posted by: "FAJAR YANUARSYAH" joeskizer
Tue May 20, 2008 1:10 am (PDT)
Dengan Hormat, < >
Kami dari Victim Entertainment sebuah agency yang berada di
Bandung dengan bergerak di bidang entertainment. Victim
Entertainment pun memberikan kemudahan bagi yang membutuhkan jasa
agency yang berhubungan dengan bidang entertainment dari kami
sendiri. < >
Adapun Victim Entertainment berdiri pada tahun 2007 yang
mempunyai visi dan misi ingin membuat agency ini lebih meluas ke
seluruh Indonesia dengan konsep ingin mempermudah menyediakan
kebutuhan jasa kepada seluruh perorangan, usahawan/perusahaan
maupun organizer-organizer di seluruh Indonesia.
< >
Untuk kebutuhan yang bisa dibantu oleh Victim Entertainment
sebagai agency adalah sebagai berikut : < >
- Talent(group band ,solo) < >
- MC (nasional ) < >
- Sulap (magician) < >
- Dance(sexydancer,wet dancer,exotic dancer) <http://yahoo. com/ >
- Dj (female / male) < >
- Produksi Event < >
- Event Organizer < >
- Design Grafis/Interior < >
- Produksi Sound System & lightning < >
Regards < >
FAJAR victim entertainment(AGENCY ARTIST) -
newsfromvictimentertainment. blogspot. com
victimentertainment.multiply. com
+628122182454 - +62817620887
< >evt=51733/ *http://mobile. ;_ylt=\
Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ% 20
- 3.
Feel the thrill of great sex
Posted by: "Hipps"
Tue May 20, 2008 2:06 am (PDT)
- 4a.
Upahnya RM30 untuk 1 email yang anda poskan
Posted by: "Janda Muda" forex4we_all
Tue May 20, 2008 2:49 am (PDT)
Upahnya RM30 untuk 1 email yang anda poskan
Pihak pengurusan WangMatrix menjanjikan :-
1. Pendapatan secara mingguan/bulanan
2. Gandaan pendapatan melalui tumpuan dan kesungguhan
3. Memperolehi pendapatan seperti yang dimahukan
4. Jaminan pendapatan yang diiktiraf bagi memenuhi setiap impian.
Oleh maka itu , kunjungilah link dibawah untuk keterangan selanjutnya
- 4b.
Upahnya RM30 untuk 1 email yang anda poskan
Posted by: "Janda Muda" forex4we_all
Tue May 20, 2008 2:51 am (PDT)
Upahnya RM30 untuk 1 email yang anda poskan
Pihak pengurusan WangMatrix menjanjikan :-
1. Pendapatan secara mingguan/bulanan
2. Gandaan pendapatan melalui tumpuan dan kesungguhan
3. Memperolehi pendapatan seperti yang dimahukan
4. Jaminan pendapatan yang diiktiraf bagi memenuhi setiap impian.
Oleh maka itu , kunjungilah link dibawah untuk keterangan selanjutnya
- 5.
Girl removing her dresses with her Boyfriend >> Downld Video full pa
Posted by: "i.rai19" i.rai19
Tue May 20, 2008 2:52 am (PDT)
Girl removing her dresses with her Boyfriend >> Downld Video full part
< >video1.php
< >video1.php
Hey Do'nt Touch my Breast ... Ok. you can watch only.....
(saying to her boyfriend)
< >video1.php
Watch full video Clips///////>>>
Click here>>>> < >video1.php
Join us
[Click here to join collectionyash]
Click to join collectionyash
< >com/group/ collectionyash/ join
Subscribe to collectionyash Powered by
< >com/
- 6.1.
Web Traffic Has Never Been Easier!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Tue May 20, 2008 3:21 am (PDT)
Tired of only gettting a few hundred hits to your website every month
And most of those are from you?
If so read on
http://clickst.THEADBLAST. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 7.1.
Drive a Brand New Car For FREE!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Tue May 20, 2008 3:43 am (PDT)
All over the world people are getting FREE Cars!
Learn how to get a brand new car at NO COST org et paid Money to drive if you already own a car!
http://clickst.THEFREECAR. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 8.1.
Search & Download over 80 Million Movies Online!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Tue May 20, 2008 4:11 am (PDT)
Play any downloaded movie on your computer, Home theatre or Television. Plus we provide software to easily burn your DVD Videos to CD or DVD!. Join now and find everything you need to share with millions of users all over the world!
http://clickst.THEMOVDWN. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 9.1.
Earn Over A Million Dollars Without Even Owning A Website!
Posted by: "xxxxx" berra_tuzcu61
Tue May 20, 2008 4:16 am (PDT)
Earn Over A Million Dollars Without Even Owning A Website!
Make Your First Easy Million!
How To Create Multiple set-and-forget Passive Income Streams!
Start Earning Cash 15 Minutes From Now!
Let Me Virtually Take You By The Hand and Teach You From Scratch How To Create Multiple set-and-forget Passive Income Streams That Will Have You Automatically Earning Over A Million Dollars A Year Without Even Owning A Website!
http://clickst.ECMILLIONS. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 10.1.
Google Top Listing Miracle!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Tue May 20, 2008 4:41 am (PDT)
Secrets of Getting Your Website Listed in The Top 10 of Google!
If You are Sick and Tired of Spending Countless Money on PPC or Other Advertising That Doesn't Give You The Results You Want Then
Grab Yourself A Top 10 Listing In GOOGLE For Your Website FREE in Just 3 Days or Less!
http://clickst.TOPLISTING. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 11.
Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!, 5/20/2008, 10:00 pm
Posted by: ""
Tue May 20, 2008 4:42 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!
Tuesday May 20, 2008
10:00 pm - 11:00 pm
(This event repeats every day.)
Location: putri04
Selamat Datang Ke Perigi Duit Dot Com.
Apakah Program Perigi Duit Ini??
Kami menawarkan kepada anda satu perniagaan online. Hanya bermodalkan RM50, anda akan layak untuk menjadi reseller perigi duit. Anda berhak utk menjual semula ebook kami. Ebook ini amat berfaedah sebagai bahan rujukan dalam pelbagai bidang seperti tips-tips perniagaan, membina website, online marketing, forex, keusahawanan dan pelbagai lagi. Kami akan mencuba menambah lagi ebook kami dari semasa ke semasa. Cuma tugas anda sebagai reseller untuk cuba mengembangkan lagi perniagaan anda.
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari website ini :
>>> <<<putri04
>>> <<<putri04
>>> <<<putri04
Keunikan program ini adalah apabila anda berada di top position, pelanggan baru yang akan membuat bayaran secara bank-in terus ke dalam akaun anda.
Tiada risiko syarikat tidak membayar komisyen. Anda bebas untuk mengembangkan perniagaan anda.
"Orang kaya terus bertindak, sebaik sahaja melihat peluang sedangkan orang miskin masih berfikir dan terus berfikir tanpa sebarang tindakan. Sikap seperti ini perlu diubah untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam hidupnya. Kebanyakan mereka tidak percaya pada diri sendiri dan sering meletakan diri mereka berada di zon selesa"
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- 12.
Top Ten Tactics to be exceptionally Successful in Small Business!!
Posted by: "business_guide2" business_guide2
Tue May 20, 2008 4:57 am (PDT)
Title: Top Ten Tactics to be exceptionally Successful in Small Business!!
Publication Code: 90055X
Publisher: Ideas-Pal Inc.
Top ten tactics that are really effective in helping you shorten your
learning curve and be a catalyst for your small business success. For
details please visit: ul-small- business- tips.php
Ideas-Pal Inc.
UNSUBSCRIBE: If you do not want to receive Business Tips from
Ideas-Pal Inc. then please send a mail to unsubscribe@ideas-pal. com
with subject "Unsubscribe".
- 13.1.
Click to Get Paid For What You Think!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Tue May 20, 2008 5:22 am (PDT)
IT'S THE PERFECT JOB! Work from home and set your own hours. You're in control.
You can work whenever you'd like, morning, noon, night .. midnight if you'd like .. it doesn't matter. Simply log in and select surveys to fill out, get paid for your time. Work for 30 minutes or three hours, it doesn't matter
http://clickst.TOPSURVEY. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 14a.
Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Advertising...
Posted by: "Roland" fionayohanwana
Tue May 20, 2008 5:26 am (PDT)
Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Advertising...
The system that earns me $4000/week
Discover How You Can Easily Make $4000/Week Without Selling Or Advertising...
Imagine a money making system that requires absolutely no selling, advertising,
recruiting or websites!
So how much does Ca$h1234 cost?
$100?, $47?... try $9.00
Nine dollars, that's all I ask. There are no hidden or monthly costs. You pay
the small fee just once and you receive instant access to the system that earns
me $4000/week - it's that simple.
--------------------- -------
Blast your ads to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers only $5.95 or less! or
===================== ========
New Groups to post your ads FREE! group/4_affiliat es group/Advertisin gBiz group/Ads- For-Business group/HomeBiz_ Marketing group/All_ Business_ Ads group/home_ biz_opps_ ads group/home- based-business- opportunity- ads group/Advertizin group/Advertise_ biz_opportunitie s group/Advertisin gWorld group/safelist_ 4u group/free_ ads-group
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- 15.1.
Achieve #1 In All Search Engines!
Posted by: "xxxxx" berra_tuzcu61
Tue May 20, 2008 5:28 am (PDT)
Achieve #1 In All Search Engines!
Earn $214,898.06 in Only 2 Weeks!
How to Average Over 15.000 Visitors To Your Website Per Day!
It's Your Turn To Dominate The Search Engines Now!
Get YOUR #1 Search Engine Ranking!
Uncover The Brutally Effective SEO Software That "Average Joes and Janes" Are Using To - Quickly and Easily Blow Up Their Bank Accounts, Explode Their Traffic, and Triple Their Sales - With Little Or No Extra Work...
Version 4.0 Just Released!
http://clickst.BRYXEN1.hop. clickbank. net/
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- 16a.
Is Alcohol or Drug Use Badly Affecting Your Life?
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Tue May 20, 2008 5:50 am (PDT)
Is alcohol or drug use badly affecting your life
or someone's life who you care about?
The Addiction Free Forever Program is
guaranteed to show how to permanently end
an alcohol or drug problem and have a deeply fulfilling life naturally...
http://clickst.ULTIMATEPS. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 17a.
Increase Traffic With 1 Click
Posted by: "Oria" fionayohanwana
Tue May 20, 2008 6:03 am (PDT)
Increase Traffic With 1 Click
Simple To Use - Increase Traffic With 1 Click
100% Compliance With US & International Laws
Send 2.7 million emails everyday forever! 100% SPAM Free
Email 81 Million Targeted Prospects Every Month
2.7 Million Targeted Prospects a Day (100% Opt-in)
Worlds Newest 'Set And Forget' Technology - 100% SPAM Free
Get more hits on your website!
Increase sales by 1500%!
Feel secure with a money back guarantee!
===================== =====
Post your ads to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers for only $5.95 or less!! or
--------------------- --------
New Groups to post your ads FREE group/4_affiliat es group/Advertisin gBiz group/Ads- For-Business group/downline_ builders group/Paydotcom- Advertising group/Clickbank- Advertising group/Paypal- advertising group/home- biz-opps group/home_ based_business_ opportunity_ group group/newbies- advertising group/Mailing_ lists group/BUSINESS_ ZONE
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- 18.1.
Locate Billions in FREE Grants!
Posted by: "xxxxx" bizim_marketing_001
Tue May 20, 2008 6:28 am (PDT)
The Federal Government and Private Grant Foundations issue billions of dollars in grant money to a variety of groups each year. Grants are awarded to individuals each and every day from all walks of life, with large and very small bank accounts, for an ever-increasing array of purposes.
Grant programs are not Loans. You decide how much you need. As long as the amount is lawful and you meet the Foundations and Government Agencies Requirements, the money is yours to keep and never needs to be repaid. This grant money is non-taxable and interest-free!
Grant programs don't require a credit checks, collateral, security deposits or co-signers, you can apply even if you have a declared bankruptcy or have bad credit. You as a tax payer and U.S. citizen are entitled to apply for this money.
Click here to apply now!
http://clickst.UNCSAM.hop. clickbank. net/
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- 19.1.
Send Ads to 600,000 Hourly
Posted by: "Rao" fionayohanwana
Tue May 20, 2008 6:41 am (PDT)
Send Ads to 600,000 Hourly
Also Send Ads to 60 million from the member center
1-Click Send -- No Validation Spam-Free
100% Opt-in Database. Database contains a large number of opt-in members & lists
Highly Targeted
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 2,300,000 opportunity seekers only $5.95 or less! or
--------------------- ---------
New Groups to post your ads FREE group/4_affiliat es group/Advertisin gBiz group/Ads- For-Business group/downline_ builders group/e_Ads group/advertize_ anything group/biz- for-all group/Ad_ Exchange_ 4_All group/1st_ New_Biz_Opps group/Paydotcom- Advertising group/Clickbank- Advertising
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- 20.
"USE OUR MONEY TO GROW YOUR ( SFI ) BUSINESS", 5/21/2008, 12:00 am
Posted by: ""
Tue May 20, 2008 6:45 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Wednesday May 21, 2008
All Day
(This event repeats every day.)
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Yahoo! Inc.
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- 21.
Posted by: ""
Tue May 20, 2008 6:45 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Wednesday May 21, 2008
All Day
(This event repeats every day.)
FOR DETAILS GO TO: https://www.moreinfo247. com/9535677/ IAHBE
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Yahoo! Inc.
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- 22.
Tips Hidup sehat dengan konsumsi makanan bebas pencemaran!!!, 5/21/2
Posted by: ""
Tue May 20, 2008 6:45 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Tips Hidup sehat dengan konsumsi makanan bebas pencemaran!!!
Wednesday May 21, 2008
All Day
(This event repeats every day until Wednesday December 31, 2008.)
Tahukah Anda???
Panjang system pencernaan manusia 6 kali tinggi badannya atau 10 meter, sangat panjang dan berliku-liku penempatannya, sehingga tidak mudah merawatnya.
Survei menunjukkan, 90% penyakit yang diderita manusia saat ini bermula dari usus besar (kolon), karena efek timbunan racun (toksin). Ditambah dengan pola makanan jaman sekarang yang sudah tercemar dengan berbagai zat-zat yang membahayakan tubuh manusia.
Umumnya kita makan 3x sehari, terkadang masih ditambah makan makanan ringan/snacks. Buang air besar (BAB) 1 x sehari, bahkan banyak orang BAB 2 hari atau 3 hari sekali, sehingga banyak sisa makanan yang tersisa dalam usus, menumpuk hari ke hari, bulan ke bulan bahkan puluhan tahun tidak terbuang. Sisa makanan tersebut mengeras dan menempel pada dinding usus yang telah berubah menjadi toksin/racun. Keadaan ini akan menjadi pemicu seseorang menderita kolesterol, rematik, wasir, gondok, asam urat, sakit jantung, lumpuh/stroke, alergi, berjerawat, lupus, kanker, tumor dll.
Racun tsb dari hari ke hari menebal di usus kita yang membuat perut menjadi buncit/besar dan kotoran yang dikeluarkan semakin hari semakin kecil diameternya, karena toksin sudah menempel dan mengeras pada dinding usus. Sangat berbeda dengan bayi/anak2 di mana kotoran mereka masih besar karena usus mereka masih bersih.
Kini ada solusi lihat http://www.sehatalamiah.blogspot. com
Ada Peluang Usaha dan Passive Income Luar biasa !!!!
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- 23.
"Get paid to Drive your Car", 5/21/2008, 12:00 am
Posted by: ""
Tue May 20, 2008 6:45 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
"Get paid to Drive your Car"
Wednesday May 21, 2008
All Day
(This event repeats every day.)
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- 24.
Tahukah Anda setiap hari tubuh Anda di masuki zat-zat berbahaya mela
Posted by: ""
Tue May 20, 2008 6:45 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Tahukah Anda setiap hari tubuh Anda di masuki zat-zat berbahaya melalui makanan?
Wednesday May 21, 2008
All Day
(This event repeats every day until Wednesday December 31, 2008.)
Setiap hari tubuh Anda di masuki zat-zat berbahaya melalui makanan.
Apakah itu pengawet, pewarna, pemanis, perasa, pestisida/ racun yang
tertinggal dalam lalapan yang Anda konsumsi, suntikan hormon yang
berasal dari hasil ternak seperti daging ayam, sapi, telur, susu
sapi dll.
Tidak heran zaman sekarang begitu banyak sakit penyakit yang rentan
di derita mulai dari kolesterol, stroke, gagal ginjal, diabetes, asam
urat, darah tinggi, kanker, tumor, alergi, lupus, rematik, jerawat
Organ tubuh punya fungsi yang sempurna untuk mengatasi sakit penyakit
dan juga mengeluarkan racun. Tetapi gagal berfungsi karena pencemaran
makanan. Obat hanya membantu menekan sakit penyakit yang sudah timbul
tapi tidak menyelesaikan sumber permasalahan.
Gaya hidup sehat alamiah atau organik mengatakan tubuh kita sakit
karena kegagalan mengeluarkan racun atau toksin.Cara sehat alamiah
adalah kembali kepada makanan yang bebas pencemaran.
Jangan terlambat!! Sehat itu murah, sakit itu mahal! Bagi yang ingin hidup sehat segera kunjungi
site: http://www.sehatalamiah.blogspot. com/
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