Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

[daarut-tauhiid] Help Roof A Classroom Block and Give Hope to Muslim Children

Abu Mas'ud 'Uqba ibn 'Amr al-Ansari al-Badri reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "Anyone who shows the way to something good has the same reward as the person who does it." [Muslim]  
E.g. if you encourage someone to go for Salah, or pay Zakat and the person actually goes ahead and prays or pays Zakat, Allah will reward him for the good deeds and at the same time give you (the one that encouraged them to do good) an equal reward as he has given them- without decreasing what he gave them.   So Encourage Others To Do Good And Refrain From Bad

Help Roof a Classroom Block
and Give Hope to Muslim Children


Alaikum Warhmatullahi Wabarakatu


Brother or Sister in Islam


everything is fine. 


We are Bwikya Islamic Institute seeking your contribution
towards giving hope to the underprivileged Muslim children. We
are currently building a classroom block but are stuck at the wall-plate level
and urgently need iron-sheets to roof the building and cement to do the
finishing touches so the students can start to use it. Pictures of the unfinished
building are attached.


Project Overview:


Hoima District– situated in Mid-western Uganda –
has one of the highest absolute number of out-of-school children. At least one
out of every five school-age children in Hoima does not attend school. These
kids are in danger of dropping out of school just because their family cannot not
afford the mandatory school fees to attend formal education. Some of them lost
parent(s) due to accident or disease, and others have a disabled parent. A
little support can go a long way to help these kids establish a basic
educational background for their future.

Bwikya Islamic Institute (offering Islamic and Secular Ordinary level Secondary
Education) emerged out of the desire to bring hope to the lives of
underprivileged Muslim children. It also represents the collective hope of
volunteers working together to bring about change in the lives of
underprivileged Muslim children in Uganda .

Deprived of access to education, thousands of Muslim
children grow up unprepared to face the Economic, Social and Religious
challenges of the twenty-first century. We believe that addressing the problem
of education is critical in breaking the "vicious cycle" of poverty-
especially among Muslims.

Through this project, we are making a difference –
making our contribution to the socio-economic transformation of Muslim families
and children in particular.

Here's Your Opportunity
To Help!


You can send out a ripple of hope by donating to the
prosperity of Bwikya Muslim
Institute. Every Shilling (or Dollar, Pound, whatever) you contribute will go
towards the cause of educating underprivileged Muslim children.

How to Help?


1.      You
can deposit you contribution on the School's Account number 0121 085 673 001 (Account Name: Bwikya Islamic Institute, Stanbic Bank,
Hoima Branch , Uganda ).


2.      Or,
you can bring along you contribution (Cash, Iron sheets, Cement, Textbooks, or
otherwise) when you pay us a visit (at Bwikya, Hoima District- 3 km on
Hoima-Kampala Road) and see the progress that's being made to make sure
underprivileged children attain an education.


3. For
those outside Uganda ,
you can make a direct transfer (TT) to the schools account. The Account details
are as follows

Account Name: Bwikya Islamic Institute, 

Account Number: 0121 085 673 001 

Bank: Stanbic Bank, Hoima Branch, P O Box 129, Hoima Tel:
+256 39 2222200

Swift Code: SBICUGKX

Beneficiary's Address: P.O Box 202 Hoima. ( Bwikya
Village , Hoima Town-
3 km on Hoima-Kampala Road )


Union: Beneficiary name is Ramadhan Kyalisima or Sheikh Badru


4.      You can also contacts us incase you have physical
contribution in form of Building Materials, Scholastic material,
etc and we will come over and pick those items.


5.      Sponsoring one or more needy students is very welcome and
greatly appreciated too if you prefer direct contact with students.  
Please feel free to contact the Principal.


Allah reward you abundantly for
your donation and contribution to the education of muslim children!


and Regards


Kyalisima                                         Sheikh Badru Balikagira

Principal                                                         Chairman- Building

Islamic Institute                                    B.O.D- Bwikya Islamic Institute


/+256-702-827962  Mob. +256-772 827723

Email:                            Email:



 Please forward this email to all those that may be kind
enough to donate towards this cause. Thanx


Al-Quran, Chapter 73 Al-Muzzammil, Verse 20


In the Name of Allah, The
Benevolent, The Merciful

".... and establish regular prayers and give regular
charity; and loan to Allah a beautiful loan. And whatever good ye send forth
for your souls, ye shall find it in Allah's presence, Yea, better and greater
in reward and seek ye the grace of Allah: for Allah is oft-forgiving, Most


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Pesantren Daarut Tauhiid - Bandung - Jakarta - Batam
Menuju Ahli Dzikir, Ahli Fikir, dan Ahli Ikhtiar
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