Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)
- 1a.
- Bls: [FISIKA] Invitation and Call for Paper ISIC 2012 From: Wasril Tanjung
- 2a.
- Re[2]: Bls: [FISIKA] Re: Bantu problem elektronika From: brechoman
- 1a.
Bls: [FISIKA] Invitation and Call for Paper ISIC 2012
Posted by: "Wasril Tanjung" wasriel
Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:44 am (PDT)
apakah ini boleh per tim (3 0rang)??
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Dari: bambang achdiat < >id
Kepada: "fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups. " <fisika_indonesia@com yahoogroups. >com
Dikirim: Selasa, 20 Maret 2012 11:47
Judul: Bls: [FISIKA] Invitation and Call for Paper ISIC 2012
terimakasih atas infonya. bagaimana apakah undangan ini bersifat terbuka untuk yang baru lulus? dan bolehkan lintas jurusan untuk papernya selain ekonomi?
_____________________ _________ __
Dari: Dias < >
Kepada: fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups. com
Dikirim: Selasa, 13 Maret 2012 23:37
Judul: [FISIKA] Invitation and Call for Paper ISIC 2012
Kepada rekan-rekan sekalian,
Berikut kami informasikan invitation and call for paper ISIC 2012. Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di United Kingdom (PPIUK) yang tahun ini adalah penyelanggaraan yang ke12 dengan tema Green Economy. Kami tunggu keikutsertaan rekan2 sekalian dengan mengirimkan abstrak penelitian sesuai tema tersebut.
Terima kasih.
Dias Widya Ramadhan
Vice President of ISIC 2012
Strathclyde Business School
Department of Accounting and Finance
Invitation and Call for Paper
"The Largest and the Longest-running Conference for Indonesian Scholars across the world and The most sophisticated conference with abundant revolutionary enhancement for our distinguished delegates"
The Indonesian Student Association in the United Kingdom (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di United Kingdom-PPI UK) is hosting the Indonesian Scholars International Convention from the 9th -11th of November 2012 in London. ISIC 2012 is also a part of the Embassy of Republic of Indonesia's celebration of National Heroes day on 10th of November. In the globalisation era, the most ultimate heroes are the young generation of educated Indonesians who contribute towards Indonesia's sustainable development. Thus, within the convention will be held the 12th Indonesian Scientific Meeting known as Temu Ilmiah Internasional Mahasiswa Indonesia (TIIMI).
The theme for TIIMI 2012 is "Green Economy for Sustainable Development in Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities from Multidisciplinary Approach".This conference is open to all Indonesian scholars, academics and professionals, residing and working both in Indonesia and abroad. The 12th TIIMI will be different from previous years as the closing award ceremony on the 10th November 2012 will be collaborated with a Gala Cultural Night; Discover Indonesia ! on a charity cause. Therefore, this year the experience of joining TIIMI will be rewarding and vivid.
"Green Economy for Sustainable Development in Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities from Multidisciplinary Approach"
A. Energy
- Efficiency and Renewable Energy Usage
- Green Infrastructure Management
- Alternative energy sources
B. Technology and Environment
- Sustainable Forestry and Agricultural Management
- Sustainable Waste Management
- Green Technology Innovation
- Low Carbon Transportation Management
- Clean Technology Support System
C. Education, Social and Culture
- Environmental curriculum in the national education system
- Relevance of current school curriculum with contemporary issue of Green Economy
- Green Economy and Local Genius
- Tradition as a support system of Green Economy
D. Economy and Politics
- Environmental Challenges and Economic Growth
- Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility
- Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Green Economy
- Green Economy as a National Policy
- Political intervention, Indonesia's political climate and the feasibility of Green Economy
Abstract Submission: 15th May 2012
Notification of Accepted Abstracts: 15th June 2012
First Draft Paper and Video Submission: 15th July 2012
Feedback of Draft on Paper and Video: 10th August 2012
Final Draft of Paper and Video Submission: 30th August 2012
Conference Day: 9th-11th November 2012
Official Website: uk
Likes our page and join our group on Facebook :
follow us on Twitter :
*)This event is hosted by PPI UK and supported by The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in London, United Kingdom.
- 2a.
Re[2]: Bls: [FISIKA] Re: Bantu problem elektronika
Posted by: "brechoman" brecho2003
Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:44 am (PDT)
Pak Zaenal,
Sepertinya informasi saya kurang. Saya menjelaskan tentang dua link
yang saya sebut sebelumnya: 80_series/ bat_weld/ battery_welding. html id/Golfcart- -Welder/
Beda potensial aki mobil biasanya sekitar 12 volt, sedangkan
spesifikasi alat las DC sekitar 40 volt. Oleh karenanya, pada link
tersebut tiga buah aki mobil disambung seri untuk menghasilkan
tegangan sekitar 36 volt.
Perbedaan satu aki dan tiga aki seri adalah kemampuan penetrasi
dis-charge arus. Katakanlah karena permukaan metal yang dilas itu
tidak rata, tidak homogen, atau kotor, maka yang serial lebih mampu
menembus dibanding yang tunggal.
Jadi istilah besar (36 VDC) dalam konteks ini, karena dibandingkan
dengan aki tunggal (12 VDC).
Saya kira masalahnya jelas, Pak.
Terima kasih untuk koreksinya.
Zaenal> Koreksi dikit pak Brecho,
Zaenal> Tegangan output di mesin las gak tinggi pak yg tinggi arusnya
Zaenal> Zaenal
Zaenal> From: fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups. com
Zaenal> [mailto:fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups. ] On Behalf Of brechomancom
Zaenal> Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2012 6:12 PM
Zaenal> To: fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups. com
Zaenal> Subject: Re: Bls: [FISIKA] Re: Bantu problem elektronika
Zaenal> Menggunakan aki mobil langsung bisa sampai 100 Ampere lebih.
Zaenal> Alat las DC biasanya sekitar 40 V/ 120 Amp. Dengan prinsip
Zaenal> alat las itu, dapat diperoleh arus sangat besar. Lengkapnya dapat dilihat di-link berikut:
Zaenal> 80_series/ bat_weld/ battery_welding. html
Zaenal> id/Golfcart- -Welder/
Zaenal> Tegangan besar dimaksudkan untuk penetrasi material las,
Zaenal> sedangkan besar energi yang dihasilkan tergantung arus
Zaenal> listrik. Las DC tidak dapat menyengat tubuh manusia karena
Zaenal> resistansi dalam tubuh manusia lebih besar, sehingga tidak ada
Zaenal> arus mengalir melewati tubuh. Tetapi ketika melewati metal
Zaenal> yang resistansinya rendah, arus listrik akan membanjir "burst
Zaenal> out" dimana arus maksimum keluar ditentukan tahanan dalam baterai/aki.
Zaenal> Model alat las DC dapat dijadikan contoh awal yang dapat dikebangkan sesuai keperluan.
Zaenal> Salam,
Zaenal> Brechoman
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