Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1a.
- Forex Autopilot - Robots Trading The Forex Market From: __zeynep__
- 2.
- A car that uses ordinary water as fuel? From: __zeynep__
- 3a.
- Saya bisa langsung menarik uang Rp.50,000,000,- Lebih Per Bulan dari From: Joko Supirianto
- 4.
- You are about to learn how I earn!! From: __zeynep__
- 5.
- Only $97 for the Basic Water4Gas Membership! From: __zeynep__
- 6a.
- Are you ready to experience some of the mostpowerful training inform From: _eLiF_
- 7.
- Make $300/Day Without Owning A Business Or Selling Anything! From: __zeynep__
- 8.
- Sexy Stomach That Had Eluded Them For Years... From: __zeynep__
- 9.
- 3 Things you MUST know if you EVER want to get rid of sagging arms! From: __zeynep__
- 10a.
- 11.
- Lose Ugly Lumps Fast & Naturally, No Exercise Required. From: __zeynep__
- 12.
- STOP Black Mold, Mildew, Algae and Bacteria! From: _eLiF_
- 13.
- Panduan GRATIS - Rahasia Bebas Finansial Dari Internet From: Bisnis Heboh
- 14.
- hotest and nice photos for you From: kanumallaashok
- 15.
- 16.1.
- 17.
- Rahasia Cerdas Di Bulan Ramadhan - Profit Jutaan Dollar From: Rahasia Cerdas
- 18.
- Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!, 9/23/2008, 10:00 pm From:
- 19a.
- Make money on other peoples auctions. From: Kates
- 20a.
- How She Made $435,758 Online Last Year!!! From: Carter
- 22.
- "USE OUR MONEY TO GROW YOUR ( SFI ) BUSINESS", 9/24/2008, 12:00 am From:
- 23.
- Tahukah Anda setiap hari tubuh Anda di masuki zat-zat berbahaya mela From:
- 24.
- Tips Hidup sehat dengan konsumsi makanan bebas pencemaran!!!, 9/24/2 From:
- 25.
- "Get paid to Drive your Car", 9/24/2008, 12:00 am From:
- 1a.
Forex Autopilot - Robots Trading The Forex Market
Posted by: "__zeynep__" bizim_marketing_000
Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:24 pm (PDT)
Follow Up To The Smash Hit Forex Killer The Best Selling Forex Software Online With The Highest Gravity
"Since Then I've Generated A $1,000,000 Cash Windfall In
12 Months Working From Home And I'm About To
Reveal EXACTLY How You Too Can Replicate
My Success With Step-By-Step Blueprints And
A System So Powerful You're Guaranteed To Make Money Or I'll Refund Every Cent."
Now before we start getting into this, how about a screenshot to prove my bold claims?
http://creamwalls.FOREXROBOT. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 2.
A car that uses ordinary water as fuel?
Posted by: "__zeynep__" bizim_marketing_000
Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:45 pm (PDT)
NO it's not science fiction, it is NOT waiting to be rolled off the assembly line and it does NOT cost thousands of dollars. You already own the car of the future! In fact, the car of Al Gore's dreams is already sitting in your driveway waiting to burn off some steam!
http://creamwalls.CKGAS4FREE. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 3a.
Saya bisa langsung menarik uang Rp.50,000,000,- Lebih Per Bulan dari
Posted by: "Joko Supirianto" jokosupirianto
Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:46 pm (PDT)
Pelajari Rahasia Untuk Menghasilkan Rp.50,000,000,- Lebih Per Bulan Secara Terus Menerus Hanya Dalam 5 Menit Agar Anda Bisa Berhenti dari Pekerjaan Anda Dan Mulai Bekerja Dari Rumah Sesuai Waktu Yang ANDA Inginkan!
Kalau anda bijaksana, anda akan meneruskan membaca surat khusus ini yang saya tulis dan tujukan khusus untuk anda.
- 4.
You are about to learn how I earn!!
Posted by: "__zeynep__" bizim_marketing_000
Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:04 pm (PDT)
"I'm going to show you how I put $1000 - $3,500 a day in my account
and access it through any ATM anywhere in the world.
This simple, but secret system is consistent, safe,
legal and secure. I was earning
$1000 to $3,500 a day in just days!"*
http://creamwalls.SiXFiGPROG. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 5.
Only $97 for the Basic Water4Gas Membership!
Posted by: "__zeynep__" bizim_marketing_006
Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:25 pm (PDT)
Do you want to know right now how you can drive your car or truck using water as fuel and laugh at rising fuel costs, while reducing emissions and helping to prevent global warming?
Convert Your Car/Truck to burn water as well as gasoline and BOOST YOUR GAS MILEAGE!
http://creamwalls.WATER4GAS. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 6a.
Are you ready to experience some of the mostpowerful training inform
Posted by: "_eLiF_" bizim_marketing_003
Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:26 pm (PDT)
Are you ready to experience some of the mostpowerful training information on the planet?
Learn how to SHATTER your genetic muscle-building limitations by changing your body's physiology. Targeted training and nutrition will set stage for EXPLOSIVE muscle growth! http://creamwalls.BETTERU.hop. clickbank. net/
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 7.
Make $300/Day Without Owning A Business Or Selling Anything!
Posted by: "__zeynep__" bizim_marketing_000
Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:33 pm (PDT)
Make $300/Day Without Owning A Business Or Selling Anything!
Learn The Money-Making Secrets That Allow Even The
Average Joe To Make $500 Per Day Online For The
First Time. Discover Easy & Proven Ways To
Create Multiple Streams Of Income The Easy Way!
http://creamwalls.NOMONKEYBZ. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 8.
Sexy Stomach That Had Eluded Them For Years...
Posted by: "__zeynep__" bizim_marketing_000
Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:56 pm (PDT)
"You Are About To Discover 3 Little Known Secrets That Both A 56-Year Old Interior Designer and 27-Year Old Single Mom Used
To Burn Stubborn Belly Fat, Tighten Their Tummy And Get A Flat, Sexy Stomach That Had Eluded Them For Years..."
...And Now With Their New Tight, Toned Bodies, They Finally Feel Sexy
And Confident Enough To Show Off Their Sexy Abs In A Bikini, Their Favorite
Pair Of Skinny Jeans And That Little Black Evening Dress That Had Been
Buried In The Back Of Their Closet.
http://creamwalls.SCOTTCOLBY. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 9.
3 Things you MUST know if you EVER want to get rid of sagging arms!
Posted by: "__zeynep__" bizim_marketing_000
Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:19 pm (PDT)
There are 3 little known fitness myths that are wreaking havoc on your body right now. Left unchecked, these 3 problems could mean that you may never reach your fitness goals.
In my free report I expose these myths and reveal how you can start seeing results today! Just pop your name and email address into the form below to get instant access to this valuable information.
You will also get a free subscription to my exclusive Go Sleeveless newsletter which is crammed full of my trade secrets on how to lose body fat, tone your arms, and sculpt your entire body.
This is all absolutely free, and you will NEVER be charged for any of it.
http://creamwalls.ADONiSBHK. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 10a.
Posted by: "Imam Eri" f0e_rieq
Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:28 pm (PDT)
Apakah anda ingin BEBAS FINANCIAL.....apakah anda ingin kebebasan WAKTU DALAM KESEHARIAN anda...... tanpa harus bekerja dari pagi hingga malam
Ya pencarian anda berakhir juga...bersiaplah untuk mendapatlan penghasilan penuh hanya dengan kerja paruh waktu dari rumah.
Jika anda menginginkan untuk mulai Bikin duit beberapa puluh ribu atau beberapa ratus ribu setiap harinya hanya dengan bekerja beberapa jam saja setiap minggunya, anda perlu benar-benar menyimak apa yang saya tuliskan dibawah ini.
Jangan membuang waktu anda
anda bisa mendapatkan ini SEKARANG dengan membayar kurang dari apa yang biasanya anda dapatkan melalui internet....
Join Disini ImamM
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru.
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail.
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ id/
- 11.
Lose Ugly Lumps Fast & Naturally, No Exercise Required.
Posted by: "__zeynep__" bizim_marketing_000
Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:36 pm (PDT)
Eat Your Way To A Sexy New Body. Results Guaranteed!
"How I Ate My Way to a Cellulite-Free Body Fast... And Dropped 2 Pants Sizes Without Strenuous Exercise"
"This Super-Fun Cellulite Treatment Program Is Like Liposuction Without Surgery... Find Out Exactly How To Transform Your Lumpy Flab Into "Stop-and-Stare" Gorgeous In Record Time
http://creamwalls.68VKiRK39. hop.clickbank. net/
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- 12.
STOP Black Mold, Mildew, Algae and Bacteria!
Posted by: "_eLiF_" bizim_marketing_003
Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:55 pm (PDT)
"Who Else Wants To STOP Black Mold, Mildew Algae and Bacteria From Destroying Their House... Growing under Carpets... Creeping Up Basement Walls... Shedding Potentially Toxic Spores and Debris into the Air You Breathe... Without Spending a Fortune or Turning Their House Into a Chemical Waste Dump?"
http://creamwalls.101H2O2.hop. clickbank. net/
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Note: If you are a group moderator, and do not wish to receive our post, please email to addres with the group name indicated in the subject line.
- 13.
Panduan GRATIS - Rahasia Bebas Finansial Dari Internet
Posted by: "Bisnis Heboh" cimenxonline
Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:29 pm (PDT)
Selamat siang rekan-rekan pengguna internet! Mari bergabung
bersama kami di bisnis online paling cerdas di tanah air, kami
menjamin sepenuhnya bahwa Anda benar-benar dapat menghasilkan
income melimpah secara mudah dari internet. Silakan pelajari tiga
keunggulan yang kami tawarkan untuk Anda dan tidak semua system
penghasil uang mampu memberikannya untuk Anda. 1. Mampu
bekerja otomatis menghasilkan uang selama 24 jam non-stop. 2.
System bisnis yang paling mudah dijalankan, sekalipun oleh
pemula. 3. Peluang income tanpa batas mencapai Rp.
70.000.000/bulan Bukan hanya itu! Kami bahkan mampu
memberikan Anda sebuah garansi unik yang hanya akan Anda dapatkan
bersama kami. Apa garansi unik itu? Garansi kami adalah bahwa
cara kami PASTI MENGHASILKAN UANG dan ini benar-benar fakta,
silakan baca sendiri pembuktian yang benar-benar telah dirasakan
oleh member kami. Silakan baca kesaksian orang-orang yang
telah sukses membuktikan cara mendapatkan income melimpah paling
mudah dari internet ini,
===================== ========= ========= = -----> KLIK DISINI
< > <----- SEKARANG JUGA!
===================== ========= ========= =
- 14.
hotest and nice photos for you
Posted by: "kanumallaashok" kanumallaashok
Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:03 am (PDT)
hot images for your enjoyfull life
see more images for.................. ......... ..lot of actress sexy
photos and chat for them..........simrankhan, namitha,maatv& zeetv
masala,meghana naidu, ankitha,kingfisher
calender,mallikaserawath.... ......etc. www.hotpic- point.blogspot. com
<http://www.hotpic-point.blogspot. >com/
- 15.
Posted by: "FAJAR YANUARSYAH" joeskizer
Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:17 am (PDT)
Mohon dukungan untuk penyelamatan hutan babakan siliwangi dari
pembangunan rumah makan, besok selasa 23 September jam 9 pagi di
babakan siliwangi bandung, seluruh komunitas bandung kumpul untuk
persiapan penanaman pohon.. ditunggu kehadirannya terimakasih.
(original message from : Greeners)
- 16.1.
Posted by: "Fran Galton" thehair59
Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:35 am (PDT)
I am a psychic and writer who has helped thousands of people through my
readings. I am here to tell you the truth about your life. My words are
always truthful with a lot of humor. You will laugh and
experience many emotions from hearing what I see.
Always remember to ASK FRAN if you want to hear the truth.
Your first 3 minutes are FREE talking live with me.
Call me right now at: 1-800-ASK-KEEN x0160
- 17.
Rahasia Cerdas Di Bulan Ramadhan - Profit Jutaan Dollar
Posted by: "Rahasia Cerdas" cimenxonline
Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:35 am (PDT)
Segera tinggalkan metode sederhana menghasilkan uang lewat
internet sekarang juga. Sudah saatnya uang yang bekerja untuk
Anda. Dengan hanya menerapkan sebuah konsep sederhana yang dapat
dijalankan oleh siapa saja, Anda berpeluang besar menciptakan
kebebasan finansial tanpa batas. Lihat kelebihan konsep
sederhana yang Saya bicarakan, 1. Konsep mudah yang dapat
dijalankan siapa saja 2. Target pasar yang terukur dan luas 3.
Tidak perlu website atau produk 4. Tidak perlu online setiap
hari 5. System otomatis yang bekerja 24 Jam Non Stop
Buktikan sendiri dan dengar apa yang mereka katakan tentang
system bisnis. Kunjungi dan pelajar informasi emas yang terdapat
di alamat url dibawah ini.
===================== ========= ======= KLIK DISINI
< > <- Buktikan Sekarang Juga
===================== ========= =======
- 18.
Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!, 9/23/2008, 10:00 pm
Posted by: ""
Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:42 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Untung Di Jamin Terus Ke Akaun Anda!!
Tuesday September 23, 2008
10:00 pm - 11:00 pm
(This event repeats every day.)
Location: putri04
Selamat Datang Ke Perigi Duit Dot Com.
Apakah Program Perigi Duit Ini??
Kami menawarkan kepada anda satu perniagaan online. Hanya bermodalkan RM50, anda akan layak untuk menjadi reseller perigi duit. Anda berhak utk menjual semula ebook kami. Ebook ini amat berfaedah sebagai bahan rujukan dalam pelbagai bidang seperti tips-tips perniagaan, membina website, online marketing, forex, keusahawanan dan pelbagai lagi. Kami akan mencuba menambah lagi ebook kami dari semasa ke semasa. Cuma tugas anda sebagai reseller untuk cuba mengembangkan lagi perniagaan anda.
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari website ini :
>>> <<<putri04
>>> <<<putri04
>>> <<<putri04
Keunikan program ini adalah apabila anda berada di top position, pelanggan baru yang akan membuat bayaran secara bank-in terus ke dalam akaun anda.
Tiada risiko syarikat tidak membayar komisyen. Anda bebas untuk mengembangkan perniagaan anda.
"Orang kaya terus bertindak, sebaik sahaja melihat peluang sedangkan orang miskin masih berfikir dan terus berfikir tanpa sebarang tindakan. Sikap seperti ini perlu diubah untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam hidupnya. Kebanyakan mereka tidak percaya pada diri sendiri dan sering meletakan diri mereka berada di zon selesa"
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- 19a.
Make money on other peoples auctions.
Posted by: "Kates" fionayohanwana
Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:47 am (PDT)
Make money on other peoples auctions.
No products to sell, no inventory to keep on hand, and no items to ship in the mail.
Just profit while someone else works!
For a limited time only, get your copy for only $7.77
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 5,000 groups only $5.95 or less! or
--------------------- ----
Post your ads to thousands of members for FREE and make some cash at the same time group/Advertiser s_Heaven group/get- money-online group/4_Internet _Marketing
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- 20a.
How She Made $435,758 Online Last Year!!!
Posted by: "Carter" fionayohanwana
Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:13 am (PDT)
How She Made $435,758 Online Last Year!!!
This is the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earns $500,000+ per year ... selling other people's stuff online!
http://robert520.webvista2. hop.clickbank. net
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 5,000 groups only $5.95 or less! or
--------------------- -------
Post your ads to thousands of members for FREE and make some cash at the same time group/Advertiser s_Heaven group/Thetopfree advertiseforALL group/biz_ opp_ads
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- 21.
How Ordinary People Are Making Extraordinary Money Working At Home O
Posted by: "Bene" fionayohanwana
Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:51 am (PDT)
How Ordinary People Are Making Extraordinary Money Working At Home On The Internet!
Discover The Stunningly Simple Secret Behind Nine "Mom & Pop" Websites That Are Making $50,000 To $2,000,000 Each Year
Ordinary People Extraordinary Income does just what it promises¡K teaches you exactly how anyone can create financial freedom and independence no matter their current income, education or experience.
===================== =====
Blast your ads to 5,000 groups only $5.95 or less! or
--------------------- -------
Post your ads to thousands of members for FREE and make some cash at the same time group/supremerin ggit group/iklan_ neka2003 group/freeadsher e
This is not a spam. You receive this e-mail because we are in the same group. Please change your group message delivery setting to "Web Only" or choose "Leave Group" if you wish to be removed from future mailings. Or forward the whole e-mail to with the subject "remove" if you don't know how to do it, and then wait for our instructions. If you are a group ADMIN and no longer wish to receive our post, please remove us from your group. We don't own or even know your e-mail address, so please let us know which group you are in when you write to us and, most importantly, DO read our reply. Thanks for your understanding.
- 22.
"USE OUR MONEY TO GROW YOUR ( SFI ) BUSINESS", 9/24/2008, 12:00 am
Posted by: ""
Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:44 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Wednesday September 24, 2008
All Day
(This event repeats every day.)
All Rights Reserved
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Yahoo! Inc.
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- 23.
Tahukah Anda setiap hari tubuh Anda di masuki zat-zat berbahaya mela
Posted by: ""
Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:44 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Tahukah Anda setiap hari tubuh Anda di masuki zat-zat berbahaya melalui makanan?
Wednesday September 24, 2008
All Day
(This event repeats every day until Wednesday December 31, 2008.)
Setiap hari tubuh Anda di masuki zat-zat berbahaya melalui makanan.
Apakah itu pengawet, pewarna, pemanis, perasa, pestisida/ racun yang
tertinggal dalam lalapan yang Anda konsumsi, suntikan hormon yang
berasal dari hasil ternak seperti daging ayam, sapi, telur, susu
sapi dll.
Tidak heran zaman sekarang begitu banyak sakit penyakit yang rentan
di derita mulai dari kolesterol, stroke, gagal ginjal, diabetes, asam
urat, darah tinggi, kanker, tumor, alergi, lupus, rematik, jerawat
Organ tubuh punya fungsi yang sempurna untuk mengatasi sakit penyakit
dan juga mengeluarkan racun. Tetapi gagal berfungsi karena pencemaran
makanan. Obat hanya membantu menekan sakit penyakit yang sudah timbul
tapi tidak menyelesaikan sumber permasalahan.
Gaya hidup sehat alamiah atau organik mengatakan tubuh kita sakit
karena kegagalan mengeluarkan racun atau toksin.Cara sehat alamiah
adalah kembali kepada makanan yang bebas pencemaran.
Jangan terlambat!! Sehat itu murah, sakit itu mahal! Bagi yang ingin hidup sehat segera kunjungi
site: http://www.sehatalamiah.blogspot. com/
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- 24.
Tips Hidup sehat dengan konsumsi makanan bebas pencemaran!!!, 9/24/2
Posted by: ""
Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:44 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
Tips Hidup sehat dengan konsumsi makanan bebas pencemaran!!!
Wednesday September 24, 2008
All Day
(This event repeats every day until Wednesday December 31, 2008.)
Tahukah Anda???
Panjang system pencernaan manusia 6 kali tinggi badannya atau 10 meter, sangat panjang dan berliku-liku penempatannya, sehingga tidak mudah merawatnya.
Survei menunjukkan, 90% penyakit yang diderita manusia saat ini bermula dari usus besar (kolon), karena efek timbunan racun (toksin). Ditambah dengan pola makanan jaman sekarang yang sudah tercemar dengan berbagai zat-zat yang membahayakan tubuh manusia.
Umumnya kita makan 3x sehari, terkadang masih ditambah makan makanan ringan/snacks. Buang air besar (BAB) 1 x sehari, bahkan banyak orang BAB 2 hari atau 3 hari sekali, sehingga banyak sisa makanan yang tersisa dalam usus, menumpuk hari ke hari, bulan ke bulan bahkan puluhan tahun tidak terbuang. Sisa makanan tersebut mengeras dan menempel pada dinding usus yang telah berubah menjadi toksin/racun. Keadaan ini akan menjadi pemicu seseorang menderita kolesterol, rematik, wasir, gondok, asam urat, sakit jantung, lumpuh/stroke, alergi, berjerawat, lupus, kanker, tumor dll.
Racun tsb dari hari ke hari menebal di usus kita yang membuat perut menjadi buncit/besar dan kotoran yang dikeluarkan semakin hari semakin kecil diameternya, karena toksin sudah menempel dan mengeras pada dinding usus. Sangat berbeda dengan bayi/anak2 di mana kotoran mereka masih besar karena usus mereka masih bersih.
Kini ada solusi lihat http://www.sehatalamiah.blogspot. com
Ada Peluang Usaha dan Passive Income Luar biasa !!!!
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- 25.
"Get paid to Drive your Car", 9/24/2008, 12:00 am
Posted by: ""
Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:44 am (PDT)
Reminder from: super_bisnis Yahoo! Group group/super_ bisnis/cal
"Get paid to Drive your Car"
Wednesday September 24, 2008
All Day
(This event repeats every day.)
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