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- 1.
Einstein's 23 Biggest Mistakes
Posted by: "miko"
Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:29 pm (PDT)
Flatscreen TVs turn up the heat on climate
24 October 2008
Our new-found love for flat-screen TVs could come back
to haunt us.
Earlier this year, researchers warned that the growing
popularity of this technology was releasing increasing
amounts of a powerful greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.
Now, researchers say levels of the gas are four times
as high as previously estimated, and warn they are rising
http://environment. newscientist.
com/article/dn15032-flatscre en-tvs-turn- up-the-heat- on-climate. html
Mathematicians May Win $100,000 Prize for Prime Number Discovery
September 29th, 2008
Thousands of people around the world have been participating
in the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, or GIMPS, in which
underused computing power is harnessed to perform the complex
and tedious calculations needed to find and verify Mersenne
primes [Los Angeles Times]. Edson Smith of UCLA got involved
last fall by downloading the GIMPS software for the 75 machines
in the university's math computer lab; when the computers weren't
busy with other work, they searched for Mersenne primes and sent
their results back to GIMPS.
http://blogs. discovermagazine.
com/80beats/2008/09/29/ mathematicians- may-win-100000- prize-for- prime-number- discovery/ #more-859
Is the Universe Actually Made of Math?
June 16, 2008
According to Tegmark, "there is only mathematics; that is
all that exists." In his theory, the mathematical universe
hypothesis, he updates quantum physics and cosmology with
the concept of many parallel universes inhabiting multiple
levels of space and time. By posing his hypothesis at the
crossroads of philosophy and physics, Tegmark is harking
back to the ancient Greeks with the oldest of the old
questions: What is real?
com/2008/jul/16-is-the- universe- actually- made-of-math
Gravity Is So Last Year
October 24, 2008
For years scientists have searched for "dark matter" to make
Einstein's theory of gravity match the actual motions of distant
galaxies. It's wasted effort, physicist John Moffat says.
His idea: Change the theory instead.
http://discovermagazine. com/2008/nov/24-gravity- is-so-last- year
Smacking Down Stephen Hawking
July 17, 2008
Say that the universe is a hologram. Say that reality is an
illusion projected from lower dimensions. Say that you're even
smarter than Stephen Hawking (at least when it comes to black
holes and what dribbles out of them). If you're Leonard Susskind,
father of string theory, then who knows? You might be right.
Clear writing and a sprinkling of black-and-white doodles make
this upward trudge through Theoretical Physics 101 (and 201)
a satisfying haul. But if it's proof you want, come back next
http://discovermagazine. com/2008/jul/17-smacking- down-stephen- hawking
Nothingness of Space Could Illuminate the Theory of Everything
July 18, 2008
When the next revolution rocks physics, chances are it will be
about nothingthe vacuum, that endless infinite void. In a
discipline where the stretching of time and the warping of space
are routine working assumptions, the vacuum remains a sort of
cosmic koan. And as in the rest of physics, its nature has turned
out to be mind-bendingly weird: Empty space is not really empty
because nothing contains something, seething with energy and
particles that flit into and out of existence.
com/2008/aug/18-nothingness- of-space- theory-of- everything
Einstein's 23 Biggest Mistakes
September 1, 2008
The man with the big ideas wasn't so good with the details.
In Einstein's Mistakes: The Human Failings of Genius
(W.W. Norton, excerpted below), Hans Ohanian writes that
Albert often let his intuition overrule flawed proofs and
shaky math. Maybe you'll feel a little better about your
own flubs.
http://discovermagazine. com/2008/sep/01-einstein. s-23-biggest- mistakes
- 2.
Tanya tentang kasus Sinyal HP
Posted by: "Eric Johnson" go_learn
Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:20 am (PDT)
saya mendapat forward email dari seorang teman yang isinya sbb :
Kunci mobil anda ketinggalan di dalam mobil?
Solusi :
Anda memakai kunci remote? Kalau kunci anda ketinggalan dalam mobil dan
remote cadangannya di rumah, tinggal telpon orang rumah dengan HP, lalu
dekatkan HP anda kurang lebih 30cm dari mobil, dan minta orang rumah untuk
menekan tombol pembuka pada remote cadangan yang ada dirumah (waktu
menekan tombol pembuka remote, minta orang rumah mendekatkan remotenya ke
telepon yang dipakainya)
Nah apa benar hal ini bisa dilakukan ya?
bagaimana penjelasannya secara ilmiah?
Mohon pencerahannya
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