Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Hot News From: Indra Sutriadi ÇáÔÇÝÚÆ
- 2.
- ".. One of the best theorems of the year" From: miko
- 3.
- Halo... From: nuzulul sjahrudin
- 1a.
Re: Hot News
Posted by: "Indra Sutriadi ÇáÔÇÝÚÆ"
Sat Nov 1, 2008 8:18 pm (PDT)
Pada 1 November 2008 20:56, Mujahidin Salam < > menulis:
> Aslkm. kabar gembira untuk pecinta fisika dan yang menginginkan cinta itu
> berlanjut ke generasi selanjutnya. InsyaAllah pada 25-27 november 2008 ini,
> Himpunan Mahasiswa Fisika (HIMAFI) Universitas Andalas akan mengadakan Lomba
> Cerdas Tangkas Fisika (LCTF) yang ke 11 di auditorium UNAND. Acara ini
> diperuntukan untuk generasi penerus dari tingkat SMP dan SMA di wilayah
> Sumatera sebagai suatu bentuk apresiasi kita mahasiswa fisika terhadap para
> siswa berprestasi dalam bidang ini.
> Bagi anggota milis ini sangat dimohonkan bantuannya menyebarkan informasi
> ini ke sekolah2 terdekatnya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan surat undangan
> resmi (bagi yang belum mendapatkan) silahkan balas email ini atau hubungi CP
> atas nama Imu(085274211123). Sekian terima kasih,wasslkm.
Informasinya kurang jelas, seperti apa saja persyaratannya dll
sbgainya. Kalo udah ada brosur yang dibuat bagusnya diattach aja. Tapi
mungkin hanya yang dekat Unand saja yang bisa datang ya? LCTF ini
tingkat nasional atau apa?
- 2.
".. One of the best theorems of the year"
Posted by: "miko"
Sun Nov 2, 2008 2:40 pm (PST)
Science Advice for the Next President
October 31, 2008
How should the next U.S President ensure the highest quality science
advice to help guide White House decisions related to such critical
issues as energy and the environment, national security, and
"American science policy is at a critical crossroads," Leshner noted.
Nearly 180 organizations representing the interdependent arenas of
science, academia and business are urging the next president to appoint
a White House science adviser by Inauguration Day and give the position
cabinet-level rank. In letters sent Thursday to Senator John McCain and
Senator Barack Obama, the organizations said scientific and technical
advice was needed now more than ever given the importance of the entwined
issues of energy security and climate change, mounting issues and
opportunities in medicine, and problems in science education and American
innovation and competitiveness. The letters reflect broadening concern
that the White House has not been sufficiently stressing science.
http://dotearth. blogs. nytimes. com/2008/10/31/science- advice-for- the-next- president/ ?ref=science
http://www. aaas. org/news/releases/2008/0619science _advice.shtml
Connection Between Classical And Quantum Physics
"This is one of the best theorems of the year,"
ScienceDaily (Oct. 17, 2008) In a seminar co-organized by Stanford
University and the American Institute of Mathematics, Soundararajan
announced that he and Roman Holowinsky have proven a significant version
of the quantum unique ergodicity (QUE) conjecture.
"This is one of the best theorems of the year," said Peter Sarnak, a
mathematician from Princeton who along with Zeev Rudnick from the
University of Tel Aviv formulated the conjecture fifteen years ago
in an effort to understand the connections between classical and
quantum physics.
The motivation behind the problem is to understand how waves are
influenced by the geometry
Soundararajan and Holowinsky showed that for certain shapes that come
from number theory,
http://www. sciencedaily. com/releases/2008/10/08101008 1650.htm
http://www. aimath. org/news/que/
http://mathdl. maa. org/mathDL?pa=mathNews& sa=view&newsId= 446
- 3.
Posted by: "nuzulul sjahrudin" mnuzuls
Sun Nov 2, 2008 2:40 pm (PST)
Halo, sy new member....
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