Messages In This Digest (6 Messages)
- 1a.
- negara kaya minyak kok kekurangan duit Re: SESAME: From: Rasahgelo
- 1b.
- negara kaya minyak kok kekurangan duit Re: SESAME: From: Suharyo Sumowidagdo
- 1c.
- negara kaya minyak kok kekurangan duit Re: SESAME: From: Rasahgelo
- 2a.
- Mohon Penjelasan From: Basri Amin
- 3.
- Ribut-ribut lalu sunyi senyap... From: 102 FisikaMania ITB
- 4.
- [artikel] Pengobatan bebas suntikan untuk pasien dia From: mr.soetrisno
- 1a.
negara kaya minyak kok kekurangan duit Re: SESAME:
Posted by: "Rasahgelo" rasahgelo
Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:03 am (PST)
Middle East synchrotron on the lookout for funds
Jordan facility needs final donations to construct machine.
Declan Butler
< >author/Declan+ Butler/index. html
The Middle East's first synchrotron facility, a collaborative effort
intended to promote peace through international scientific cooperation,
formally opened its doors on 3 November in Allan, Jordan. But unless the
project can plug a 15-million (US$19-million) shortfall, the
machine's completion risks being stalled.
Following a flurry of behind-the-scenes discussions, officials are
confident that they will find the money. The facility's inauguration at
Al-Balqa Applied University may have helped: when ministers and other
representatives finally saw the buildings, and the beamlines and other
machinery being installed, it had "a big psychological impact," says
Herwig Schopper, who retired as head of the project council on 4
[Open SESAME? The facility in Jordan awaits further funding.] Open
SESAME? The facility in Jordan awaits further funding.
The idea of a synchrotron as a bridge for peace in the Middle East was
first proposed in 1997; two years later, SESAME (Synchrotron-light for
Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) launched as an
autonomous international research organization, under the auspices of
the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO). It is modelled on CERN, Europe's particle-accelerator centre
near Geneva, Switzerland. Jordan won the bid to host it.
Most of SESAME's technical equipment comes from donations from
facilities being replaced or upgraded elsewhere. Its 0.8
gigaelectronvolt (GeV) injector system comes from BESSY I in Berlin,
Germany, and entire beamlines from the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation
Source in the UK, the Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation du Rayonnement
Électromagnétique (LURE) in Orsay, France, and the Swiss Light
Source in Villigen. In addition, powerful magnets and other equipment
are being loaned by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, both in California. SESAME is
supposed to be completed by 2011, with a price tag of roughly $100
million, which includes labour and the value of donated parts, says
Chris Llewellyn-Smith, the new head of the SESAME council.
But instead of the 1 GeV machine initially proposed for the site, SESAME
members decided several years ago to opt for an ambitious 2.5 GeV
machine, comparable to new third-generation sources elsewhere. The
project members Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Iran, Jordan,
Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey agreed to pay for
the increase in operational costs, which will rise progressively from
$1.3 million to $5 million annually over the next four years. The
problem is funding the capital costs of the 2.5 GeV storage ring.
Several possible solutions seem to be emerging. Jordan is said to be
offering a loan to prevent delays. As the host country, it has already
contributed more than $25 million in land, buildings and overheads, and
cannot donate more directly without effectively making SESAME a national
Sources close to the discussions say that Iran is contemplating offering
to build those parts of the ring for which it has the technical
capacity. This would represent a big reduction in the 15-million
gap. Qatar, a small but wealthy country, seems likely to join the
project, as does Iraq, and possibly other countries in the region. But
the wealthiest country in the area, Saudi Arabia, has so far declined to
join, because it does not collaborate with countries with which it does
not have diplomatic relations and that includes SESAME member
Llewellyn-Smith says he will also approach philanthropies and wealthy
individuals. "It's obvious to anyone who goes to SESAME now that this is
going to happen," he says. "We need to ensure it's finished quickly, and
that the scientific project is first-rate."
--- In fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups. , "Haryo Sumowidagdo" <haryo@...>com
> Kabar segar dari Timur Tengah.
> Dari edisi online Symmetry Magazine. SESAME (Synchroton Light for
> Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East), fasilitas
> penelitian untuk radiasi sinkroton, baru saja diresmikan. Proyek ini
> merupakan kolaborasi dari negara-negara Timur Tengah berikut ini:
> Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestinian
> Authority, and Turkey. SESAME terletak di Amman, Jordania.
> Angkat topi untuk fakta bahwa negara-negara tersebut bisa duduk dan
> bekerja sama untuk keberhasilan SESAME. Terutama mereka bisa
> melepaskan diri dari segala sengketa politik antar mereka. Saya jadi
> teringat kerja sama fisikawan dari negara-negara Blok Timur di
> Fermilab pada tahun-tahun 1970-an and 1980-an, di zaman Perang Dingin.
> http://www.symmetrymagazine. org/breaking/ 2008/11/04/ open-sesame/
> Mengingat Indonesia biasanya memiliki hubungan baik dengan
> negara-negara Timur Tengah (kecuali Israel), ada baiknya fisikawan
> Indonesia yang tertarik dengan riset sinkroton radiation merintis
> upaya kerja sama dan riset dengan SESAME.
> Kita tunggu hasil-hasil penelitian fisikawan Indonesia dari SESAME !
> Haryo
- 1b.
negara kaya minyak kok kekurangan duit Re: SESAME:
Posted by: "Suharyo Sumowidagdo" haryo_hep
Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:35 am (PST)
Thanks buat updatenya. Saya baru tahu sekarang !
Kita-kita sebenarnya bisa menarik pelajaran dari ini: Dana yang
berlimpah bukan syarat bahwa sebuah proyek iptek akan sukses. Jadi
dana merupakan syarat perlu tapi bukan syarat cukup (necessary but
insufficient). Dari berita ini tampak bahwa lobi politik dari SESAME
belum berhasil membujuk Arab Saudi untuk turut serta dalam proyek SESAME.
Ada liputan juga dari BBC yang menunjukkan bahwa sebenarnya masyarakat
di Timur Tengah memiliki dana untuk membangun fasilitas ini, namun
hanya masalah prioritas dan kesadaran masyarakatnya yang belum ada. 2/hi/science/ nature/7723168. stm
Jordania sendiri dalam kasus ini tidak bisa memberikan tambahan dana,
karena halangan politik: Jika Jordania memberikan tambahan dana,
proyeknya akan menjadi proyek nasional Jordania dan bukan lagi proyek
internasional negara-negara Timur Tengah.
--- In fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups. , "Rasahgelo" < ..>
> Middle East synchrotron on the lookout for funds
> Jordan facility needs final donations to construct machine.
> Declan Butler
> < >author/Declan+ Butler/index. html
> The Middle East's first synchrotron facility, a collaborative effort
> intended to promote peace through international scientific cooperation,
> formally opened its doors on 3 November in Allan, Jordan. But unless the
> project can plug a 15-million (US$19-million) shortfall, the
> machine's completion risks being stalled.
> Following a flurry of behind-the-scenes discussions, officials are
> confident that they will find the money. The facility's inauguration at
> Al-Balqa Applied University may have helped: when ministers and other
> representatives finally saw the buildings, and the beamlines and other
> machinery being installed, it had "a big psychological impact," says
> Herwig Schopper, who retired as head of the project council on 4
> November.
> [Open SESAME? The facility in Jordan awaits further funding.] Open
> SESAME? The facility in Jordan awaits further funding.
> The idea of a synchrotron as a bridge for peace in the Middle East was
> first proposed in 1997; two years later, SESAME (Synchrotron-light for
> Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) launched as an
> autonomous international research organization, under the auspices of
> the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
> (UNESCO). It is modelled on CERN, Europe's particle-accelerator centre
> near Geneva, Switzerland. Jordan won the bid to host it.
> Most of SESAME's technical equipment comes from donations from
> facilities being replaced or upgraded elsewhere. Its 0.8
> gigaelectronvolt (GeV) injector system comes from BESSY I in Berlin,
> Germany, and entire beamlines from the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation
> Source in the UK, the Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation du Rayonnement
> Électromagnétique (LURE) in Orsay, France, and the Swiss Light
> Source in Villigen. In addition, powerful magnets and other equipment
> are being loaned by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the
> SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, both in California. SESAME is
> supposed to be completed by 2011, with a price tag of roughly $100
> million, which includes labour and the value of donated parts, says
> Chris Llewellyn-Smith, the new head of the SESAME council.
> But instead of the 1 GeV machine initially proposed for the site, SESAME
> members decided several years ago to opt for an ambitious 2.5 GeV
> machine, comparable to new third-generation sources elsewhere. The
> project members Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Iran, Jordan,
> Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey agreed to pay for
> the increase in operational costs, which will rise progressively from
> $1.3 million to $5 million annually over the next four years. The
> problem is funding the capital costs of the 2.5 GeV storage ring.
> Several possible solutions seem to be emerging. Jordan is said to be
> offering a loan to prevent delays. As the host country, it has already
> contributed more than $25 million in land, buildings and overheads, and
> cannot donate more directly without effectively making SESAME a national
> project.
> Sources close to the discussions say that Iran is contemplating offering
> to build those parts of the ring for which it has the technical
> capacity. This would represent a big reduction in the 15-million
> gap. Qatar, a small but wealthy country, seems likely to join the
> project, as does Iraq, and possibly other countries in the region. But
> the wealthiest country in the area, Saudi Arabia, has so far declined to
> join, because it does not collaborate with countries with which it does
> not have diplomatic relations and that includes SESAME member
> Israel.
> Llewellyn-Smith says he will also approach philanthropies and wealthy
> individuals. "It's obvious to anyone who goes to SESAME now that this is
> going to happen," he says. "We need to ensure it's finished quickly, and
> that the scientific project is first-rate."
- 1c.
negara kaya minyak kok kekurangan duit Re: SESAME:
Posted by: "Rasahgelo" rasahgelo
Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:23 pm (PST)
sampai saat ini saya masih suka pesimis dengan proyek-proyek saintifik
negara-negara arab. kalo proyek bikin mal-mal, shopping centers, dan
tower tertinggi di dunia boleh lah mereka kita percaya :)
dalam hal ini --selain SESAME-- termasuk mega proyek KAUST (King
Abdullah University of Science and Technology) yang **sedang**
dibangun di jeddah, saudi arabia.
proyek yang untuk perekrutan staf akademiknya saja dipercayakan ke
universitas-universitas besar dunia dengan 'uang keringat' jutaan
dolar ini bagi saya terlalu menginginkan hasil yang bagus dalam waktu
yang singkat. karbitan.
ratusan juta dolar juga dibagi-bagikan ke sekian periset kelas dunia
dengan 'imbalan' kerelaan untuk mengacknowledge KAUST di publikasi
mereka dan kesediaan untuk mengunjungi KAUST selama sekian bulan
setiap tahun.
sudah pasti yang saya tulis sangat menyederhanakan kenyataan. tapi
tetap saja pada intinya saya pesimis. mudah-mudahan (calon) rektor
pertama KAUST yang saat ini masih menjadi rektor NUS bisa membawa
salah satu mega proyek saintifik negara arab ini menjadi besar sungguhan.
--- In fisika_indonesia@yahoogroups. , "Suharyo Sumowidagdo"com
<sss5946@...> wrote:
> Thanks buat updatenya. Saya baru tahu sekarang !
> Kita-kita sebenarnya bisa menarik pelajaran dari ini: Dana yang
> berlimpah bukan syarat bahwa sebuah proyek iptek akan sukses. Jadi
> dana merupakan syarat perlu tapi bukan syarat cukup (necessary but
> insufficient). Dari berita ini tampak bahwa lobi politik dari SESAME
> belum berhasil membujuk Arab Saudi untuk turut serta dalam proyek
> Ada liputan juga dari BBC yang menunjukkan bahwa sebenarnya masyarakat
> di Timur Tengah memiliki dana untuk membangun fasilitas ini, namun
> hanya masalah prioritas dan kesadaran masyarakatnya yang belum ada.
> 2/hi/science/ nature/7723168. stm
> Jordania sendiri dalam kasus ini tidak bisa memberikan tambahan dana,
> karena halangan politik: Jika Jordania memberikan tambahan dana,
> proyeknya akan menjadi proyek nasional Jordania dan bukan lagi proyek
> internasional negara-negara Timur Tengah.
- 2a.
Mohon Penjelasan
Posted by: "Basri Amin" basri.amin90
Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:58 am (PST)
Salam hangat untuk rekan2 d blog Fisika dimanapun berada,
mau nanya nih, kenapa sih d SPBU gak di bolehin nyalain hp? Bagi rekan2 yang tahu, mohon penjelasan ilmiahnya? Terima kasih.
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- 3.
Ribut-ribut lalu sunyi senyap...
Posted by: "102 FisikaMania ITB" fm102itb
Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:36 pm (PST)
Dear all...
baca ini ya: 11/ribut- ribut-lalu- sunyi-senyap/
jangan salah, ini artikel fisika seriusan lho...
-Komunitas 102FisikaMania ITB-
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Nama baru untuk Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail.
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ id/
- 4.
[artikel] Pengobatan bebas suntikan untuk pasien dia
Posted by: "mr.soetrisno" mr.soetrisno
Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:36 pm (PST)
Kategori Biokimia
Pengobatan bebas suntikan untuk pasien diabetes?
Oleh Soetrisno
Sebuah senyawa yang ditemukan dalam bawang putih merupakan dasar
untuk alternatif obat potensial yang dapat diberikan lewat mulut
untuk dibates tipe 1 dan 2.
Kejadian diabetes terus meningkat di seluruh dunia, dan semakin
diperlukan untuk menemukan perawatan yang efektif. Perawatan yang ada
sekarang ini melibatkan suntikan dengan insulin (utamanya untuk
penderita diabetes tipe 1), atau perawatan dengan obat (untuk
diabetes tipe 2). Akan tetapi, kata Hiromu Sakurai, dari Suzuka
University of Medical Science, Jepang, tidak ada dari metode-metode
ini yang ideal, karena metode-metode ini sering melibatkan suntikan,
dan obat-obat yang digunakan memiliki efek samping yang tidak
diinginkan. Dalam penelitian terdahulu, kelompok Sakurai telah
menunjukkan bahwa sebuah kompleks vanadium dan allixin, senyawa yang
ditemukan dalam bawang putih, menurunkan kadar glukosa darah untuk
model diabetes tipe 1 dan 2 pada hewan mencit dan juga ditemukan
bahwa efek ini tetap ada untuk mencit model diabetes tipe 2 yang
diberikan senyawa kompleks ini lewat mulut. Dalam studinya yang
terbaru, tim ini menemukan bahwa kompleks yang yang diberikan lewat
mulut juga menurunkan kadar glukosa pada mencit model diabetes tipe
1, sehingga memberikan harapan untuk pengobatan pasien diabetes tipe
1 tanpa suntikan.
[selengkapnya] ?sect=artikel& ext=218
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